Spell for a Passionate Love

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On a Friday night when the moon is waxing (and better, when the moon is in Taurus), cast a circle: Place small rocks or stones around the circle area and light the four directions – East, West, North and South – with white pillar candles.

Light a white candle and walk slowly round the circle to cleanse its energy.

Then walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with your besom or a branch (one that has fallen naturally and still has live shoots on it). Walk deosil (clockwise), waving burning sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water on it to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say: Welcome, Wind and Breeze.
Walk to the North of the circle and say: Welcome, Earth our Mother.
Walk to the South of the circle and say aloud: Welcome, Flame and Fire.
Walk to the West of the circle and say aloud: Welcome, flowing Waters.
Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light!

Call on the Greek goddesses of passion and love: Venus, Ishtar and Astarte.

Sit or stand in the center of the circle, holding in your hand a pink quartz (preferably in the shape of a crescent moon), a garnet stone, or lapis lazuli stone (Aphrodite’s gemstone).

Call to the Goddesses to aid you in your quest for true passion by saying:Spell for a Passionate Love

Venus, Ishtar and Astarte – I call Thee forth now
Bless my request and let the energies flow

Yes to my asking, yes to my desire!
Call forth for me real passion, real love from your fire.

So Mote it Be.

Sit in the center of the circle and concentrate on the feelings you wish to have once your request is granted. Know that your lover will come forth in the perfect time and way, and be at peace that this new passion is yours.

To make this spell more potent, anoint some mandrake root or Adam and Eve root anointed in musk or rose oil. Carry it on you in your purse, pocket or in a mojo bag – it will work as an amulet to increase the strength of this or any passion spell.

 Ramon Foster Womens Jersey

Spell to Control Wind

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Thank you again for sending in all your elemental magick spells. This spell was sent to me by Anonymous. Anonymous, thanks so much for sharing this spell with the website. I am sure many of you have dreams of being able to control wind.

What You’ll Need:

  • a white candle
  • Sunday night
  • a feather

Cast you circle as you normally would. Light the candle and concentrate on the feather. As you concentrate on the repeat the incantation “Move by Wind“.  You need completely focus as you try to move the object by when. Don’t concentrate on levitating the feather. That is not the correct type of energy manipulation. What you want do is focus on calling the wind to move the feather. This spell is best done in a closed off area free of any wind drafts.

Spell to Control WindPeople have been known to snuff out their own candles with their minds! Don’t! Focus on moving the feather if you affect the flame of the candle then you are misdirecting your energy.

You can also can also practice this method outside. Find a quiet place outside and focus on calling the wind to you. It is harder to distinguish from what you are doing and what is coming naturally. During this meditation the goal is o become one with the wind.

You can practice controlling the wind by lighting your candle and trying to snuff it out with your mind. Or practice with the feather. You don’t have to light the candle  every time you do this spell.

This spell takes a lot of concentrate and will power. If you are trying to build your mental abilities I would suggest you subscribe to my youtube channel for FREE mental ability exercises.

 Eric Kendricks Womens Jersey

Spell for Increasing Spiritual Medium Abilities

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When the moon is waxing or full, cast rune stones for indication of what lies ahead for you. Cast the stones only once. Holding the stone in your hand, consult a reliable source for the meaning of the rune if it is unknown to you. Then return the stones to their bag and place them on the altar.

Now go to your special place in nature, and on a still night, sit below a tree that you have chosen specially for magickal purposes. Sit where you can see the moon through the tree’s branches.Hide Psychic Type

Ask for the assistance and protection of your Benevolent Spirit Guardians and Guides during this and every divination.

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In a ceramic bowl, mix wood sorrel and wild thyme together. Burn this mixture as an offering to the strong and blessed spirits and elemental(s)watching over you. Thank them for their light and protection as you call upon their Insight.


Stare into the smoke from the incense – cup your hand round it if it dissipates into the air too quickly – and say:

I call upon Wisdom; I call upon Light
I call to my loved ones and ancestors long past
Speak to me here by word or by sign
Connect us clearly; let me hear your wisdom at last.

So Mote it Be.

On another night when the moon is waxing or full, ask at least one other to join you in contacting the spirits of departed loved ones. In a ceramic bowl, grind some dried chicory root and cinquefoil and mix in a few cloves. Burn this as an incense offering to the world of spirits when asking them to come to you to answer your questions. Hold hands to consolidate your energies and ask that the spirits come forth with wisdom and guidance. Use a Ouija board with care, asking for protection from all negatives energies first. Use only if you have a man and a woman present, as it should be used with both male and female energies.

Before going to bed that night, mix together the following herbs: mugwort, cinnamon, mandrake, thyme and anise seeds. Put these into a purple or blue flannel mojo bag with the sacred rune stone SIGHEL. Sew the bag shut and keep it under your pillow at night to draw in prophetic dreams from a spirit guardian or a departed loved one who may be trying to give you a message.  Womens Jersey

A Spell to Bless Someone

Blessing OilHave any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

This is simple and can be used for multiple reasons. You can change this spell however you like.  This spell is so mold-able that you can use it for almost any purpose, luck, protection, and wishes are just a few. I would start this spell during the waxing phase, synchronizing it to end on the night of the Full Moon. While starting this spell the week before the full moon works the best, doing this spell anytime during the month has been effective for me.

What You’ll Need:

  • 1) one white candle
  • Blessing Oil (How to Make Blessing Oil)
  • a Bolline (if you don’t have one, just use something you can carve with)
  • A chant written by you

Using your intent, charge your candle. If you aren’t sure how to charge a candle read my post:  How to Charge a Candle. Next, using your bolline, carve your name or the name of the person you want to protect, bless, or give luck to on the candle. Dress the candle with the blessing oil. If you are using this spell as a luck spell, blessing oil is still fine to use, but you may want to consider using a luck oil.

Put the candle in the center of your altar. Light the candle for the next seven days burning an equal amount of the candle each day.  Each time you light the candle say your chant. Spend a few minutes seeing the outcome of the spell as if it has already happened. Snuff out the candle. On the last day let the candle burn out. Thank the Goddess and expect the blessings immediately.

This spell is so simple and only requires two things! (Oil and Candle) Let me know what you think about this simple spell by leaving you suggestions, comments and questions below.

 Mario Addison Authentic Jersey

Spells for Wealth

Wealth and Prosperity

Wealth and Prosperity

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I have many spells for wealth and this is one of my favorites.

It lasts for one year and was found online. (I don’t have the exact credits, so please leave a comment if you know who wrote this spell. Although this spell is included onto this site, it may be considered old magick to some. It does seem a bit more traditional and it my be hard to locate Coltsfoot leaves. You can find some online :Medicinal And Botanical Herbs – Coltsfoot Leaves Cut & Sift. Although you may be unfamiliar with working with herbs, herbs are an effective method of magick and seem to make almost every spell more effective. It is also known as; Tussilago farfara, Horsehoof, Coughwort, Fieldhove, Bullsfoot, Cleats, Clayweed, Tusilago, and Ass’s Foot can be included in your spells for wealth.

Here is some interesting information about Coltsfoot from Mountain Rose Herbs:

Coltsfoot grows wild over much of Europe, and has been used traditionally to treat chest ailments for hundreds of years. The name is derived from the horseshoe shaped leaves. It was so popular in Europe at one time that French pharmacists painted its flowers on their doorposts. It was brought to the American colonies from Europe. American colonists were known to wrap persons afflicted with whooping cough in blankets that had been soaked with a coltsfoot infusion. The fleshy leaves, stems and buds are also used in traditional Asian folk medicine to treat asthma, dry cough and bronchitis. Before the plant flowers, it resembles butterbur enough that old herbals caution against confusing the two. At one time, smoking dried coltsfoot leaves was a recommended treatment for coughs, bronchitis and emphysema symptoms. Nowadays, the recommended preparation is a tea. In fact, many herbal practitioners recommend preparing a thermos of coltsfoot tea before bed so that it is ready to be taken first thing in the morning when the coughs due to chronic lung problems are at their worst.

So this spell is fairly simple, all you need is the coltsfoot, an ear of corn and a dollar bill. It is traditionally done during the time of the harvest, but I can’t find anything about the lunar phases, or dates recommended to do this magickal working, it may be best to use your own judgement.

Spells for Wealth

Here is one of the simple spells for wealth. For wealth for a year, take the husk from an ear of corn and put a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment,

“Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at————–(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen.”

Sign your name. Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with Coltsfoot leaves. Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon. Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord. That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel. This is one of my more simple spells for wealth.

*NOTE Some herbs are toxic to ingest, make sure you are being smart when working with them.

Have you tried any spells for wealth? Michael Johnson Jersey

Attract Your Love Spell

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I am in such a great mood! I did the purification spell, and really let go of all the internal obstacles preventing me from being happy and following our dreams. Sometimes we think a spell didn’t work or feel like the universe is conspiring against us. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The universe wants to see us all succeed and I believe our true purpose is to find happiness and give happiness.

This spell works. I think by now you all should know about love spells and the controversy surrounding love spells, but I am going to post this spell and not continue to harp about love spells. I personally wouldn’t do a spell on another person that inhibits their free will but I am a believer that the Universe always works for the good of people and will always work it out.attraction spell

This spell is simple! All you need are few things and it probably won’t total to $5.  As with most love spells this spell should be done on a Friday during the waxing moon. You can always opt to do this spell on the night of the Full Moon and if you can manage to do this spell on the night of the full moon on a Friday then that would be optimal!

What You’ll Need:

  • pink candle
  • a red paper heart (just cut red construction paper into a heart or use white paper and color it red)
  • love oil (or perfume)

Turn of the lights in your home and meditate in the darkness. Light your candle and place three drops of your love oil or perfume onto your paper heart. Move your candle to the center of your paper heart and say the following (only once):

The love of the universe is plentiful. The essence of love is kindness and as I give love to others love shall return to me

If you have someone in particular in mind, say the following 7 times after saying the verse above; “I love ________, honestly, purely and truly.” If you don’t really love the said person, or just WANT the said person you won’t get the results you want, it may bring the person closer to you but if you just want to date someone why put a love spell on them anyway??!

Leave your comments, questions, suggestions, tips, resources, and all of that below! I love you all and thank you so much for visiting this site and making it great. Without YOU (yes you reading this right now) I would never have been able to work from home doing what I love! Thank you all for visiting this website! Please continue to help it grow!

 Corey Coleman Jersey

Spell to Break a Spell

Spell to Break a Spell

I wrote this spell to break a spell after having spell after spell work but not knowing how to stop a spell after I got the result I wanted or no longer needed the spell. This is not a spell to reverse a spell or to break a spell done by someone else. You should do this spell at midnight or later and can be done during any moon phase but it is best to be done during the waning moon near the time of the new moon.Spell to Break a Spell

My Spell to Break a Spell

What You’ll Need:

  • Rosemary oil
  • • 4 white candles
  • • 1 black candle
  • • Rosemary incense
  • • Gray pouch
  • • Black yarn or string
  • • salt

I would suggest you do a cleansing ritual before you cast your circle. Anoint your candles with rosemary oil and charge them with your intention. Inscribe a breaking symbol or rune onto your black candle. If you aren’t familiar with runes, you can design your own symbol to represent breaking. Inscribe another rune or symbol that symbolizes the spell on the opposite side of the black candle. Light your incense. Light the candles to form a diamond with each candle as a point in the diamond. Place the black candle in the center.

“As I will it on this night, with my eyes on this sight, break this spell I ask of thee, as I will it so mote it be”

While you are saying the last line “so mote it be” light the black candle and clap three times.

Let the candles burn out and gather the remaining wax. Place the wax of all the candles in the gray pouch and pour salt into the bag. Seal/tie it with the black string. Let it sit until the night before the new moon. On the before night of the new moon build a bonfire. When the flame is burning its brightest toss the pouch into the fire chanting, “so mote it be” until the flame engulfs the pouch. If you can’t build a bonfire you can burn it in a fire proof receptacle or dish.

Give thanks! The spell is done.

You could find many uses for this spell to break a spell. Keep in mind you can modify all wiccan spells as you see fit or you can use this spell as a template to create your own spell.

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

 Reggie Miller Authentic Jersey

Lady Raven’s Love Perfume

This is a simple love perfume that you can make with your favorite scent. You can use any brand of perfume but I prefer romantic smells. A favorite of mine is ‘Love Spell’. A favorite of mine is ‘Love Spell’. You can get it from Victoria’s secret and its pretty awesome. Love perfumes are wonderful because you can essentially take the magick with you. Wearing the magick, having it attract someone suitable. This spell is so simple and fun I used it often in 9th grade and had plenty of great dates because of it. 🙂 This is more of an attraction spell.Love Perfume

Lady Raven’s Love Perfume

What You’ll Need:

  • a bottle of your favorite perfume or cologne.
  • cinnamon
  • ginseng
  • three rose petals
  • red clover
  • lavender
  • pink candle (optional)

Mix the the ingredients and place them into a bottle. (You can buy spray bottles for 99cent from Wal-mart!) Light a pink candle and bless the perfume. Place the bottle onto your altar in front of a picture of the person you want to attract. Leave the perfume on your altar for five days and five nights. If you do use the pink candle let the candle burn down. Use the perfume until you attract a suitable mate. This is a simple but effective love perfume and I hope you enjoy it!

Also I wanted to give a huge thanks to my good friend Serenity, (I am on Facebook make sure you add me:) ) who recently showed me how to make my own oils, and herbals oils. She also posted it in the Kitchen Witchery section in the forum so please check it out. We have monthly contest and prizes. What spells should I put up next? I have been focusing on love spells but now I want to know what types of spells are you guys looking for? Leave me a comment below please!

 Cameron Jordan Authentic Jersey

Simple Money Charm Spell

Simple Money Charm

This spell is best worked on the day of Jupiter, and money corresponding day; Thursday, and under the waxing moon.

You would need for this simple money charm spell:

1)    Item to charm with whether it could be a necklace/earring/ring/or

something you would keep with you at all times.

1)    Green or Gold Candles.

1)    White Candle

1)    Bowl

And herbs that draws money such as:  Allspice, Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon,

Ginger, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Patchouli, Pine, or sage.

Anointing Money Oil: Basil, Cinnamon, Patchouli, or Pine.

 Money Charm

How to create a simple money charm:

1)    Cast your circle

2)    Cleanse, and consecrate your items that you will use, also you can dash your candles as well with money attracting herbs.

3)    Light all candles, place the item in the bowl, and dash the herb or herbs of your choice on the selected item.

4)    Now meditate on white light protecting your charm/talisman, and then circle the white candle around the 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell “Object of mine, may the Universe bring protection divine. Banish negativity, and bring positivity. Bring harm to none, and myself.  I ask of thee perfect love, and trust. So it shall be. So mote it be!”

5)    Next meditate on a green light, and on how money is attracting to your money charm/talisman. Then Circle the green/gold candle around the bowl 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell:”Object of mine, may the Universe bring me prosperity, and wealth divine. May the come in the most correct way, harming none, and myself. I ask of thee. So mote it be!”

6)    Now place your hand on top of the bowl envision a mixture of green, and white light coming from your own energy releasing onto the charm, circle your hands around the bowl 3 times clockwise.  Say this small spell:”Great Universe divine, in perfect love, and trust I thank thee, bring me positivity, and happiness harming none, and myself. So mote it be!”

7)    Meditate for about 5 minutes or as long as you feel the need.  Then snuff the candles out, place the charm around your neck, finger, or wrist.

8)    Close your circle, and immediately dispose of the candles by burial or moving waters.

9)    Be patient and positive bringing good onto others, as good will be done onto you.  Blessed be!

 Alex Wood Authentic Jersey

Spell to Heal Someone

This spell to heal someone works to enhance the medicine, infusing it with energy and light in order to heal an illness. This spell can be done during any moon phase but I have seen great results on the night of the full moon. I already had my medicine, so it wasn’t a new bottle and I wouldn’t recommend waiting to take your medicine until you have a chance to do this spell. This spell is simple and effective and really works on your level of belief and energy. Spell to Heal Someone

Sunday is the traditional day to do healing spell work and rituals.

Spell to Heal Someone

What You’ll Need:

After a ritual bath spend sometime meditating (Why Meditate?)  Take the healing oil and anoint your candle and charging the candle with your intention. Light the healing incense and light the candle, placing it onto your altar. When the smoke has filled the room sit quietly in meditation.

Imagine vividly that you are completely well and in better health that you were before the illness. Take the medication into your power hand and get a feel of how it will help your body.

Imagine the medication as it enters your body and does its work to heal your body.  See yourself surround by light and see that light gathering into your power hand and eventually moving into the medication. While visualizing the energy infusing with the medication repeat the affirmation ‘I am healed’.

Place the medication into the white pouch and leave it there untouched until the white candle and incense burn out.

You can further accelerate your healing by meditating while the incense burns out and the candle burns down.

Every time you take your medication you should repeat the affirmation of ‘I am healed’ you can change the affirmation any way you see fit. When I did this spell my affirmation was ‘I am healed and in better health than before’. That affirmation really worked well for me. I also did this spell to heal someone on my close relative. I would see them take their medicines and say in the affirmation that they were healed. I did not let them know that I was doing this as people who are sick are in a fragile state of mind and any little intrusion whether you personally deem them good or bad can send the fragile person into downward spiral.

I am a huge fan of affirmations… because they work! If you are ever in a bind and can’t think of a chant that will work then use an affirmation! Its just a statement but it holds a lot of power.

If you have done this spell to heal someone on yourself or for another then please leave me you experience in the comments section below. You can click to read more about wiccan affirmations.

 Alex Collins Womens Jersey