Quick Job Spell

spell for a job

Spell for a job

This is a great spell for a job. This is a solid spell and if you are looking for a job or even a new job then trying this spell is definitely recommended.

Spell For a Job

It’s simple, just write ‘[Name] needs a job in which he earns good money, which he enjoys, is challenged by and able to do, with good fellow workers and a nice boss, with good prospects, in an honest and reputable firm. I ask that the right job become available in this area, and that those interviewing candidates look beyond his low spirits and obvious demoralization and see his skills, education, mind, abilities. I ask that this come about in such a way that is correct, work for the good of all concerned, and harm none.’ on a piece of paper (not recycled).

After you say your chant, which you can use the one above of write your own. Preferably one that rhymes, call upon the four elements, burn the paper (air and fire) and wash the ashes into the earth (water and earth). After you do this spell for a job you need to be actively looking, searching and calling about your job believe me it is out there, but I am under the impression that some things are going to fall in your lap and some won’t. Show the universe how much this means to you. Actively pursue your goals and wishes.

You can of course do this spell for yourself, friends, family, or whomever. Sometimes I do world spells, or spells to send positive energies to the world as a whole. I incorporated some elements from this very spell to make a bigger scale spell.  On another note I wouldn’t do a spell or magickal working on or with someone who didn’t want to actually get a job, or has a problem with magick. A lot pf people feel it is intrusive to do workings on someone without their permissions.

This spell for a job is really something I would suggest. I have seen some really remarkable things in context to these spells. Try them and leave me a comment below. 🙂

 Dak Prescott Authentic Jersey

A Spell to Talk to a Cat

This is a spell to speak to your cat. This is definitely one of the cutest pet spells I have and although I personally haven’t tried it; it would be a pity not to include it onto the website!

UPDATE!: I did try this spell and had some wonderful results! My cat doesn’t speak with words. Its more of an understanding. I can hold on to a thought and my little kitty will respond  appropriately. Try this spell! I can say I have tried it and feel really closer with my kitty.

You can watch this video to learn more about communication with you pets (and a lot more!) It will give you even more insight on how to talk and communicate with your little one.

Spell to Talk to a Cat

Who knows you may be speaking to your cat in no time!

For some reason witches seem to be cat owners on the majority. Cats seem olden and wise so maybe that is the draw. I love cats, so maybe I will try this spell to talk to my cat! So here is the spell to talk to your cat!

*Note: This spell only works with cats! Please don’t try this spell with other animals, especially not horses, dogs, birds or reptiles! If you want to try to talk to your other pets you have read my other pet spells!

Join the Witchcraft Messageboard and receive a free charm bracelet after three posts! (one or two sentences don’t count! come join the conversation!).

Spell to Speak to You Cat

You will need to start this spell by first getting you cat to sit down in front of you as still as possible. Because we know cat-tys like to rub and wander this may be a daunting task already! This may take some some time but it absolutely crucial for the spell to work. Once your cat is completely still get down to eye level with you cat. After you are at eye level stare into your cats eyes. Focus on your cats pupils and clear your mind. Breathe in and out once very deeply. With your index and middle fingers from your writing hand tap your cat on the head three times. Chant this while staring deeply into your cats pupils:

“Tail of rat
Wing of bat
Allow this cat
To chit chat”.

This may seem like a familiar chant, but most of the spells that have these chants don’t have ALL the procedures listed. Only the chant. You will be able to talk with your cat depending on how emotionally and strongly you did the spell. Time varies on how the cat wants it. Usually no more than 7 minutes.

What a cool spell! Make sure you post your results into the comments. Some people are able to talk to their cat, but they can feel the cats emotions and feel the cats can feel theirs as well. I think I will try this spell on my catty, but he may talk my ear off! This is a cute spell none the less, and a great addition to your pet spells good luck!

Read:Spell to Heal a Pet

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.


Twist the bones
and bend the back.


Trim him of his baby fat.


Give him fur,
black as black.

– Just…
– Like…
– This.

– Open!
– Witches!

 Telvin Smith Jersey

Divination Runes

Divination runes are the classic runes used from ancient times for many reason. Some simple reason would be for answers to questions and guidance. In this article I am going to explain some basic ways to use the runes. You can learn how to make runes, about magick runes, and runes for spells work as in rune magick. You may also want to read about how to use runes, and rune tattoos. This is not the mostDivination Runes comprehensive collection about runes and how to use them, but at the very end of this article you at least know the basics about divination runes.

How to do a singles stone rune reading.

  1. Have you rune stones mixed and shuffled already. You have to have a clear mind. Focus on the question that you are seeking guidance on.
  2. Either mentally or aloud ask the question you want answered.
  3. Reach into the bag and pull out one rune. Look at the rune symbol and its meanings, to interpreret the answer. If the answer is still unclear reach in to the bag once more. If you are still unsure of the meaning, then replace all the rune stones back into the bag and try again.

*Note: Divination Runes are sometimes hard to understand and even harder to master. Don’t get discourage practice some meditation techniques and learn to clear your brain. It will become easier over time!

How to do a three stone rune reading.

  1. While focusing on the question, ask the question aloud or mentally. No other thoughts should float up as this might interfere with the reading focus on just the question.
  2. Pull three runes from the bag.
  3. The first rune stone represents the overview of your current situation. This will give you a general understanding of your current situation and the question.
  4. The second rune represents a course of action. This would be what you need to do in order to get your desired outcome. Runes cannot and will not make the decision for you, this is free will, the suggested course of action will ultimately be up for you to decide.
  5. The last of the divination runes you pull is representative of the outcome of the situation.

*Note: This is the outcome that the runes see if you decide to take the course of action. As stated earlier we all have free will, use your judgement and be wise, if your mental state was disrupted at anytime during the rune reading it can easily corrupt the divination runes for that particular reading.

How to do a Yes or No rune reading.

  1. Once again focus on the question you want to ask. Ask the question mentally or aloud and draw three runes.
  2. Check the runes to see how many are upright and how many are reversed. If the runes you have are not reversible then you need to know the general meaning of the rune to know if it is positive or negative.
  3. If all three runes are positive in nature then of course the answer to the question is yes.
  4. When all three runes are negative the answer if no.
  5. If the runes are two positives and one negative then the answer is yes but there will be something in the outcome that you will not be pleased with.
  6. If two runes are negative and one is positive this is considered to be a no answer.

*Note: If the answers are partly yes, partly no, or just no then look and analyze the runes and their meanings, they will generally give you the guidance you need to make the outcome more positive for you.

There are many other ways to use divination runes, but in this brief overview I hope that you will find enough information to help you get started. Divination runes are a great way to utilized the powers of runic symbols and I hope you will have great luck in mastering the use of divination runes.

Read: How to Make Your Own Magick Runes

Do you use runes for divination? Leave comments in the section below.

 Nick Foles Jersey

Spell for Psychic Powers

Free Psychic Spell: Spell for Psychic Powers – Witchcraft Spells

Free Psychic Spell

Free Psychic Spell

I haven’t tried this of my free psychic spells but I really believe it will work. You will have to try and find an American quarter made before 1964. Coins made before the year 1964 were made of real silver. The coins made after 1965 have just a small bit of silver, they can be used of course but it would be nice to have that particular mint. This free psychic spell for psychic powers uses water, and silver. It would be wonderful if you can do it out in the nature with the moon as your light source.

$10 Off Psychic Reading

Free Psychic Spells: Spell for Psychic Powers

What you’ll need:

  • A silver coin minted. If you don’t have one then use some form of silver.
  • A blue plastic bowl filled with water.
  • A purple candle
  • A purple satin pillow (you could also make your own)

Mediate and empty your head of thoughts. Use proper breathing techniques. This spell for psychic powers requires that you have strong visualization skills. After charging the coin with your intention, place the coin or charm on your forehead. Place the coin or charm right where you would perceive your third eye to be, and feel your brain opening up while becoming more aware of itself. If you have a good hypnosis mp3 then listen to it often.

Feel your brain open and your powers coming to you with swift energy. Really feel your awareness and experience its glory. Think of your brain like nature, growing more mature, wise and soulful as you travel toward enlightenment. Have you tried any free psychic spells?

Place your purple satin pillow in front of you and light a purple candle. Place the coin on the pillow and say the following chant:

“Third Eye Awakening now is one”

“Second, psychic sight has now begun”

“Three by Three by the light of the blessed moon”

“My psychic powers will come to be soon”

Gaze into your blue bowl and see the thing that you want to know. I think I might try this spell to enhance my psychic powers soon. Divination is an important part of witchcraft and really should be done with respect because it is a very important part of the path and religion.

Share this Free Psychic Spells for psychic powers and leave me a comment below telling me what you think. I look forward to reading your comments.

7-day-psychic-course *7 Day Psychic Development Course

Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 A.J. Green Jersey

How to Kiss – 7 Kissing Tips and Techniques

To learn how to kiss like a pro keep reading! And for even more instructions buy:

The kissing season is soon upon us, as we move through the holiday season and into the spring, so it may be necessary to brush up on your kissing techniques. The kiss can say a lot about the person you are kissing. Most women agree the first kiss can decide if there will be a second. Increase your chances of landing a second smooch with this step by step guide teaching you how to kiss. It is nice to fall in love and relieve some stress, so pucker up and give your lover a smooch to remember using these popular kissing techniques.How to Kiss

Seal It with a Kiss: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Delivering the Knockout Kiss

How to Kiss: Kissing Tips and Techniques

  1. Make sure you and your lover are comfortable. Be sitting or lying in a comfortable position. If you aren’t comfortable it will show through your body language and you’re kissing! Get as comfortable as possible and make sure she is comfortable as well. Trying to maintain an awkward position while kissing will make you look inexperienced.
  2. Hold your lover firmly but gently. Place your arms around your lover and squeeze them gently. Wrap your arms around their waist and gently pull them into you. If you are a woman you can place your hands gently on his arms or shoulders. Give your lover a good squeeze to show you are enjoying the kiss.
  3. Don’t just kiss the mouth. Kiss your lover on their forehead, cheeks and eyelids. Set the mood by kissing them softly on the mouth, breaking away and looking into their eyes, then kissing their mouth again. It’s important when learning how to kiss that you remember to relax and enjoy the kiss.
  4. Don’t go overboard with the tongue. Never try to force your tongue into someone’s mouth. Avoid wet, sloppy kisses. You are not a slobbering animal! Make sure you swallow any excess spit before you kiss your special someone.
  5. Don’t try new things on the first kiss. If this is your first kiss with your lover then don’t try new things. It is best to stick to the basics until you learn what your lover prefers when being kissed.
  6. Make eye contact after you break away. This makes your lover feel special and important.
  7. Smile and give them a compliment. Show you lover you enjoyed kissing them. Make sure your compliment makes sense. Say something simple like ‘That was great’ or ‘Wow, you are a great kisser’ this will give your lover confidence and make them feel secure. It also will help ease your lovers mind because they are probably just as nervous as you about kissing.

How To Kiss! Learn The 9 Most Crucial Kissing Tips That Will Make You A Pro Kisser. Want To Know How To Be A Good Kisser? Want To Know How To Kiss A Boy? … And Kissing Girls In This Great Short Guide!

Learning how to kiss is fun and can make a relationship spicy and interesting. Giving your lover a great first kiss will make them like you even more and increase your chances of getting more kisses in the future! You lover will appreciate the effort you put into providing them a good kiss. Use the techniques in this article and look like a kissing expert!

Lip Synced: 58 Slow Kissing Styles for Sensual partners

The best thing about learning how to kiss is kissing! Go out there and kiss someone special!

 Gary Roberts Authentic Jersey

Spell for a Safe Flight

Thank you so much for visiting my little website. It means a lot to me and I hope you will visit often! This is a spell to cast before you travel on a plane. I am very excited because this year I am going to pretty much, travel the world. I haven’t be on too many planes and so I wrote this spell to make me a more comfortable on the flights.

What You’ll Need:

  • a white candle
  • sandalwood oil

Annoit the candle with the oil and light it. Spend time meditating on the flame before chanting the following three times:

Safe and Sound throughout my travels

As I will it so mote it be

Walk though the whole process in your mind. See yourself getting up, getting dressed, Safe Travel Spelldriving to the airport, going through search, getting on the plane, having a great flight, and arriving safely. See the whole process in its entirety and try to be as detailed as possible. Feel the feelings of being safe and arriving safely at your destination.

You can modify this simple spell a lot of different ways. You can place your favorite necklace around the white candle (after you cleanse it) to make a spell charm. If you do this hold the charm while you are going through the process of seeing your flight. See yourself with the necklace as you safely travel. Then place the necklace around the white candle and let it burn out completely.

I have a really exciting traveling year ahead. I charmed my necklace and plan to wear it on every flight!

You can leave questions, comments, suggestions, tips, and everything else in the comment section below. Thanks for visiting Just Wicca and thanks for being apart of spreading the word and helping the website grow. Good luck to you all and have a safe flight!

 Garrett Richards Womens Jersey

Spell for Energy and Protection

This spell is designed to fill you with light energy. This spell is meant to raise your energy vibrations, leaving you feeling energized and closer connected with the Goddess. This is a spell I used often (as of recently) and it has helped me in many various ways. This spell doesn’t have a particular outcome in mind but does work towards raising your vibrations and magickal connection with the divine.

Spell for Energy and ProtectionWhat You’ll Need:

  • white candles (any odd number will do) and holders
  • Frankincense Oil

Anoint the candles from the middle to the the bottom of the candle and then from the middle to the top. This is symbolic and will help you achieve a equal balance of spiritual and physical energy.

Place the candles in a circle. Cast your circle as you normally would and light the candles in a clockwise motion.

Move into the center of the circle and raise energy. When you are ready begin to ‘draw’ the light energy towards you. You can stand, sit or lay as you do this. Visualize the energy and feel the energy as its moves in and through your entire body. See and feel each cell of your body as the light energy combines with the cells making them stronger and giving you energy and protection.

Now while concentrating on the center on your head, feel the energy building there. When ready let the energy go and see it manifest in space around you;

I accept and apprecitate this gift of light.

Allow the energy to expand fill the circle; spend sometime meditating in this state. When you are ready allow the energy to form a cocoon around you. See the energy seeping inside your body.

Ground yourself but don’t lose the sense of being infused with the energy. Snuff out the candles in the same clockwise direction.

You may reuse the candles only when doing the same energy ritual until the candles are no more.

This spell can be help to you in many different ways. It can help newcomers when learning to work with energy. As you spend more time working with the light energy you will find your magick ability increasing and a greater connection with the Universal energy.

Some witches don’t do energy work in this particular sense and when they do it is mainly self taught. I am recently beginning to work more with energy and as I try to understand the sensations I’ll be posting more on my own personal experiences.

Read: Spell to Send Someone Positive Energy

Do you do any energy work? Do you have any suggestions about working with energy? Leave your comments in the section below.

 Amir Johnson Womens Jersey

Spell to Change Eye Color

Thank you all for sending in and sharing your spells. This spell was sent in by Little Fairy. Thanks!

ii used dis spell to change my eye color. i cant mak it last longer than like 7 minutz since u r a witch u may kno dis 1 n halp me mak it all day.

No! I did not know about this spell and while I am a bit skeptically maybe you guys will have more success with this very interesting spell! Do this spell on the night on the full moon at 3 am. This spell is said to change your eye color for only 5 minutes.

What You’ll Need:

  • STRONG VISUALIZATION SKILLS (are you a psychic)
  • A mirror
  • full moon
  • 2 white candles
  • 1 colored candle (the color you want you eyes to be)
  • a camera (send in pictures!.. this isn’t completely necessary though lol)

spell to change eye color

You’ll need at least one candle in the color you want to change your eyes to. On the night of the full moon at three am place a mirror into the center of your altar. Place the colored candle in the center so when you light the candle you will see the flame and your two eyes. Place the white candles on each side of the candles. Light the white candle and say:

“This me I see is not who I want to be;

Change this eye color I beg of thee”

Now light the colored candle and meditate on the flame for as close to seven minutes as you can. See yourself with changed eyes look deeply into the flame and not into the mirror! Light the final white candle and say the following;

“Now I see change and I thank thee

As I will it so mote it be”

Close your eyes, when you open your eyes look in the mirror your eyes have now changed color!

Unfortunately I don’t have any tips to make this spell last longer. If you guys have any information leave all comments, tips, suggestions, and whatever else below! Thank you for visiting my website. I add new spells everyday so make sure to come back and check it all out.

 Scott Laughton Womens Jersey

Spell To Vanquish a Ghost and Return Him to His Rest

Ghosts and spirits are not just paranormal boogy men that only come out on Halloween. I get plenty of emails with people who have intense knowledge of the paranormal, and intense stories about spirits affecting the in there daily life. This story was given to me by a great friend and a powerful clairvoyant; Death Pixie:

About 6 years ago I was married, to an indian, I had converted to islam. but any way, it started that my son would become so aggressive towards his brother, and I would also just snap. It became so bad that we had a sangoma come to our house. He checked our house, found that my own x family in law had hexed my son and I. My son had a spiritual monkey in him, and I had a black mamaba in me, which I still do, I was never cleaned of it. My son was bathed with all sorts of herbs and mutis. Once he was bathed the monkey was still in our home, tormenting myself and my son, we had to get our house clensed, to get rid of the monkey. Now my son is fine, as for me, I know when I am going to loose my temper, my back gets this strange pain, but I have learnt to live with it.

Spell To Vanquish a Ghost and Return Him to His Rest

Death Pixie is a remarkable woman and here is what she has told me about ridding your home of a spirit:

The best way to rid your home of spirits, is to first ask them to leave. If that doesn’t work tell them to leave, light a white candle, you can put it anywhere. Take coarse salt, you must start at one point, going through all the rooms. You chase them out by shouting at them and throwing the salt down, until you get to your entrance of your home. To clear out the house you must scream at the spirit, even swear at it, tell it to leave you alone.

Thanks so much Death Pixie for this awesome and powerful information! If you guys have any questions or comments please leave them below.

 Al Woods Jersey

Spell to Send Someone Positive Energy

This spell is for someone who is wanting to send some positive energies to a friend or loved one. This spell is self less and good in nature so you can always expect good results. This is one of the times where doing good can bring happiness to not only your friend but into your life as well. Remembering the threefold law, whatever energies you send out you get back threefold. Come into this spell working with pure and honest intent to help your friend and watch the results.

What You’ll Need:Send Someone Positive Energy

  • a Amethyst crystal (Can be in the form of jewelry or cuff links if a crystal is too unconventional of a gift)
  • sage herbal incense
  • incense burner
  • a white candle
  • blessing oil

Spend sometime meditating and clearing your mind. Try not to think of your friend or anything else. Afterwards do a purification or aura cleansing ritual.

Cast your circle as your normally would. Charge your candle with the blessing oil and place it onto your altar. Place one drop of the blessing oil on each of your hand starting with your power hand. Rub your hands together and raise your power. Place the incense into your burner and meditate on the flame of the candle.

Take the crystal into your power hand and pass it over the smoke of the incense.  Do this three times.

Face towards your friends direction (map, assume, intuition). Hold the cystal out directly in front of you and say the following three times:

Oh Komodia I call upon thee

I ask of thee to grant [FRIEND] happiness

Oh Protogenia I call upon thee

I ask of thee to grant [FRIEND] success

Oh Aphrodite I call upon thee

I ask of thee to grant [FRIEND] love

Oh Abudantia I call upon thee

I ask of thee to grant [FRIEND] wealth

Oh Euphrosyne I call upon thee

I ask of thee to grant [FRIEND] joy

I thank you. So mote it be tonight.

This spell works for many reasons. You are giving your friend a gift of encouragement by simply being in their life and giving them the gift. The gift itself is wonderful and will return to you the same positive energies you sent out threefold. Spells like these are amazing. They really can bring a ton of happiness in your life because you are bringing joy into someone’s life. Like attracts like. I love this spell.

Read:Why isn’t my spell working?

 Sammy Baugh Womens Jersey