Spell to Bring Someone To You

This is a spell to bring someone to you. This spell is pretty simple and should make the person come, call, email, message, text or send a letter to you. Basically they should reach out and communicate with you in some way. I have tried this spell and variations of it many times with varying success.

Once, when I was  at 18ish the time, I was dating this older guy who actually slept with my best friend (long story, knew this girl since 5th grade!). This really wasn’t a guy I should have had anything to do with, but I missed him (very stupid of me), I thought I loved him (in reality I didn’t want to be alone) so I did this spell.

Unfortunately it worked and I had the person in my life for another 3 years. Doing those 3 years more of the same occurred, with me allowing this person to hurt me and treat me poorly. None of that really matters but suffice it to say the spell worked. The spell worked so well that when I wanted him gone he stayed in my life anyway!

And even crazier – I haven’t talked to this person in years, but he often mentions me to a mutual friend and is constantly trying to get in touch with me! EEEKKK! It seems as though if I even send a thought that persons way, he will pick up on the energies and want to communicate with me!

UPDATE!: I still had a lot of resentment towards the guy but he got my email from the mutual friend and emailed me. This was fine and so he called… He STILL — after 3 AND A HALF YEARS (almost exactly because I’ve been with my current beau for 3) wants to be with me. He was on the phone saying how I would always be his baby, etc.  He even claimed that he was going to drive to my house (and I live with my awesome BF) and steal me away! WEIRD, right? But back to the story…

I forgave the person a long time ago for everything he did and I forgave myself for being weak and letting it happen. BUT I still don’t won’t this person in my life because they are trouble! Anyhoo.. Here is the spell!

Spell to Bring Someone to You

Spell to Bring Someone To You

This spell should be done during the waxing moon on a Wednesday night

What You’ll Need:

  • 3 brown candles
  • A dish
  • 1 white altar candle
  • a picture of the person

Place your white candle in the center of your altar on the dish and light it. Place the 3 brown candles in front of the white ones. The center brown candle and the white candle should be aligned.

Place the picture of the person on or near the center brown candle. Light the candles and chant “Come to me” while meditating on the flames. Do this for 3 minutes.

Snuff the candles and repeat the ritual everyday at the same time for three days. You should try to do this ritual on the hours of 3, 7 or 9 (meaning am or pm) and On the third night let all the candles burn down on there own.

Within a week you should run into the person, hear from the person, or someone will mention the person to you.

This can be a fun spell, maybe I would have enjoyed my results if I were trying to bring a childhood friend back into my life. Don’t do this spell on an ex… its not worth it… IMHO!

 Brett Favre Authentic Jersey

Spell to Communicate with Animals

This spell to communicate with animals was sent in by Milo C. He writes;

While I found your spell to talk with a cat cute, I wanted to provide a spell that allows you to speak with anyone through your minds eye. This spell won’t make your  dog start speaking perfect English but you will have a deeper connection with the animal and will instinctively be able to communicate.

Sapphire Dolphin says:

Hold your forehead against theirs while at the same time invisioning a circle of white light around you, next close your eyes if you haven’t already done so and concentrate on replicating the breaths of your animal, once you are fairly in sync (a panting dog is hard to mimic lol) send a message via your mind to your animal friend and outloud say: “Goddess who has gifted me the grace of this presence in my life allow us to communicate to furture our bond and connection” next open your eyes and step back use your mind to give your friend a command and see what happens.

Milo suggests casting your circle first and surrounding yourself with the 5 white candles. Before doing the above. Spell to Communicate with Animals

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

 Cordarrelle Patterson Jersey

Spell to Become a Witch

There is no spell to make you a witch. Won’t you have to be a witch to cast the spells? They way to become a witch is by learning, practicing and living what you learn. True witches aren’t witches because of a spell, they are witches because they did the work to learn and become one. Start meditating, start focusing your energy, read as much as you can, there are thousands of free witchcraft resource online. In fact you are reading a resource right now! Start by learning and doing! Instead of posting a spell to become a witch I am posting a self naming ritual, self identifying ritual that will signifying your new bond with magick and giving you the confidence needed to become a practicing witch.

When you have learned enough about witchcraft to know that you are serious about the life long study of magick, you may want to do a self initiation or self dedication ritual.

Spell to Become a Witch

  1. Start with a cleansing or purification ritual of your choice. A ritual bath is fine or a more detailed ritual designed by you will be even better. This ritual should include a cleansing of yourself and home. Especially any area where your altar may be located or where you will do the majority of your magick.
  2. The point of the ritual is to introduce yourself to the Goddess and God. Commune and be one with. You may start your ritual with “Goddess and God of Wind, Sea, Land, Sun and Spirit be with your adjoined __________” You can say your magickal name or whatever name you self identify with. If you are changing magickal names everyday you might want to go with your given name.
  3. You want to go on and state the purpose of the ritual, your goals as a witch and the self dedication. You may want to say something like: “I __________ dedicate myself to the craft and the pursuit of knowledge therefore of; promising to follow and abide (the rede if your are wiccan) the laws of the universe, nature and magick. Promising to harm none be merry, please accept me as your own.”
  4. You can make an offering and there are various ways to do this. You can offer fruit, wine, nuts, berries. Anything. You consume a portion and offer a portion by burying it in the earth of finding a large oak tree to place the items under.

This is customizable but I wanted to give you guys some basic information and guidelines for your own ritual. If you have written your own self dedication ritual or have any questions, thoughts, suggestions or tips about this one, you can leave it in the comment section below! Thank you so much for help this website grow! Blessed Be!

 Chad Kelly Jersey

A Spell to Talk to a Cat

This is a spell to speak to your cat. This is definitely one of the cutest pet spells I have and although I personally haven’t tried it; it would be a pity not to include it onto the website!

UPDATE!: I did try this spell and had some wonderful results! My cat doesn’t speak with words. Its more of an understanding. I can hold on to a thought and my little kitty will respond  appropriately. Try this spell! I can say I have tried it and feel really closer with my kitty.

You can watch this video to learn more about communication with you pets (and a lot more!) It will give you even more insight on how to talk and communicate with your little one.

Spell to Talk to a Cat

Who knows you may be speaking to your cat in no time!

For some reason witches seem to be cat owners on the majority. Cats seem olden and wise so maybe that is the draw. I love cats, so maybe I will try this spell to talk to my cat! So here is the spell to talk to your cat!

*Note: This spell only works with cats! Please don’t try this spell with other animals, especially not horses, dogs, birds or reptiles! If you want to try to talk to your other pets you have read my other pet spells!

Join the Witchcraft Messageboard and receive a free charm bracelet after three posts! (one or two sentences don’t count! come join the conversation!).

Spell to Speak to You Cat

You will need to start this spell by first getting you cat to sit down in front of you as still as possible. Because we know cat-tys like to rub and wander this may be a daunting task already! This may take some some time but it absolutely crucial for the spell to work. Once your cat is completely still get down to eye level with you cat. After you are at eye level stare into your cats eyes. Focus on your cats pupils and clear your mind. Breathe in and out once very deeply. With your index and middle fingers from your writing hand tap your cat on the head three times. Chant this while staring deeply into your cats pupils:

“Tail of rat
Wing of bat
Allow this cat
To chit chat”.

This may seem like a familiar chant, but most of the spells that have these chants don’t have ALL the procedures listed. Only the chant. You will be able to talk with your cat depending on how emotionally and strongly you did the spell. Time varies on how the cat wants it. Usually no more than 7 minutes.

What a cool spell! Make sure you post your results into the comments. Some people are able to talk to their cat, but they can feel the cats emotions and feel the cats can feel theirs as well. I think I will try this spell on my catty, but he may talk my ear off! This is a cute spell none the less, and a great addition to your pet spells good luck!

Read:Spell to Heal a Pet

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.


Twist the bones
and bend the back.


Trim him of his baby fat.


Give him fur,
black as black.

– Just…
– Like…
– This.

– Open!
– Witches!

 Telvin Smith Jersey

Divination Runes

Divination runes are the classic runes used from ancient times for many reason. Some simple reason would be for answers to questions and guidance. In this article I am going to explain some basic ways to use the runes. You can learn how to make runes, about magick runes, and runes for spells work as in rune magick. You may also want to read about how to use runes, and rune tattoos. This is not the mostDivination Runes comprehensive collection about runes and how to use them, but at the very end of this article you at least know the basics about divination runes.

How to do a singles stone rune reading.

  1. Have you rune stones mixed and shuffled already. You have to have a clear mind. Focus on the question that you are seeking guidance on.
  2. Either mentally or aloud ask the question you want answered.
  3. Reach into the bag and pull out one rune. Look at the rune symbol and its meanings, to interpreret the answer. If the answer is still unclear reach in to the bag once more. If you are still unsure of the meaning, then replace all the rune stones back into the bag and try again.

*Note: Divination Runes are sometimes hard to understand and even harder to master. Don’t get discourage practice some meditation techniques and learn to clear your brain. It will become easier over time!

How to do a three stone rune reading.

  1. While focusing on the question, ask the question aloud or mentally. No other thoughts should float up as this might interfere with the reading focus on just the question.
  2. Pull three runes from the bag.
  3. The first rune stone represents the overview of your current situation. This will give you a general understanding of your current situation and the question.
  4. The second rune represents a course of action. This would be what you need to do in order to get your desired outcome. Runes cannot and will not make the decision for you, this is free will, the suggested course of action will ultimately be up for you to decide.
  5. The last of the divination runes you pull is representative of the outcome of the situation.

*Note: This is the outcome that the runes see if you decide to take the course of action. As stated earlier we all have free will, use your judgement and be wise, if your mental state was disrupted at anytime during the rune reading it can easily corrupt the divination runes for that particular reading.

How to do a Yes or No rune reading.

  1. Once again focus on the question you want to ask. Ask the question mentally or aloud and draw three runes.
  2. Check the runes to see how many are upright and how many are reversed. If the runes you have are not reversible then you need to know the general meaning of the rune to know if it is positive or negative.
  3. If all three runes are positive in nature then of course the answer to the question is yes.
  4. When all three runes are negative the answer if no.
  5. If the runes are two positives and one negative then the answer is yes but there will be something in the outcome that you will not be pleased with.
  6. If two runes are negative and one is positive this is considered to be a no answer.

*Note: If the answers are partly yes, partly no, or just no then look and analyze the runes and their meanings, they will generally give you the guidance you need to make the outcome more positive for you.

There are many other ways to use divination runes, but in this brief overview I hope that you will find enough information to help you get started. Divination runes are a great way to utilized the powers of runic symbols and I hope you will have great luck in mastering the use of divination runes.

Read: How to Make Your Own Magick Runes

Do you use runes for divination? Leave comments in the section below.

 Nick Foles Jersey

Spell for Psychic Powers

Free Psychic Spell: Spell for Psychic Powers – Witchcraft Spells

Free Psychic Spell

Free Psychic Spell

I haven’t tried this of my free psychic spells but I really believe it will work. You will have to try and find an American quarter made before 1964. Coins made before the year 1964 were made of real silver. The coins made after 1965 have just a small bit of silver, they can be used of course but it would be nice to have that particular mint. This free psychic spell for psychic powers uses water, and silver. It would be wonderful if you can do it out in the nature with the moon as your light source.

$10 Off Psychic Reading

Free Psychic Spells: Spell for Psychic Powers

What you’ll need:

  • A silver coin minted. If you don’t have one then use some form of silver.
  • A blue plastic bowl filled with water.
  • A purple candle
  • A purple satin pillow (you could also make your own)

Mediate and empty your head of thoughts. Use proper breathing techniques. This spell for psychic powers requires that you have strong visualization skills. After charging the coin with your intention, place the coin or charm on your forehead. Place the coin or charm right where you would perceive your third eye to be, and feel your brain opening up while becoming more aware of itself. If you have a good hypnosis mp3 then listen to it often.

Feel your brain open and your powers coming to you with swift energy. Really feel your awareness and experience its glory. Think of your brain like nature, growing more mature, wise and soulful as you travel toward enlightenment. Have you tried any free psychic spells?

Place your purple satin pillow in front of you and light a purple candle. Place the coin on the pillow and say the following chant:

“Third Eye Awakening now is one”

“Second, psychic sight has now begun”

“Three by Three by the light of the blessed moon”

“My psychic powers will come to be soon”

Gaze into your blue bowl and see the thing that you want to know. I think I might try this spell to enhance my psychic powers soon. Divination is an important part of witchcraft and really should be done with respect because it is a very important part of the path and religion.

Share this Free Psychic Spells for psychic powers and leave me a comment below telling me what you think. I look forward to reading your comments.

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 A.J. Green Jersey

Spell to Become a Fairy

This spell and the useful information there in was provided by Ashland Nyelock. Thanks Ashland! I love that name, very cute! Ashland writes:

“While there is not a spell to make you become a fairy you can summon and communicate with them if you are chosen. Fairies aren’t all the time pleasant and sometime can be a bit mean or harmful to a situation but most fairies you encounter are pleasant, kind, generous and give you good luck.

The best time to communicate with fairies, summon them, or asking them for guidance would be in midsummer. On June 29th if you can find a quiet place to call upon them there is a chance to see hundreds. Fairies are beautiful and but look like fireflies on camera. Sometimes fireflies are fairies so if you see plenty of the together make a wish!

In order to see fairies. Go outside during twilight with a white candle and an offering of berries. “Faries come to me, I offer you these berries, now let me see!” If they don’t appear right away then try again the following night. Make sure you aren’t wear anything that would repell the faries!

In order to ask a fairy for an answer. Once you have made contact with the fairies, (They may try to communicate with you via dreams so make sure you keep a journal!) you can ask them questions about anything you seek answers too. The easiest way is to gather an offering of grapes beneath a pine tree, write your question on a slip of paper and bury the offering and question into the ground. You should receive an answer within three days either through your dreams or the answer will pop into your head as if it was placed there. Make sure to give thanks once you receive you answer because fairies anger quickly, don’t like to be summoned often and love lots of praise!”

Pretty interesting stuff huh? Thanks to Ashland once again for sending in this wonderful information!

Spell to Become a Fairy

 Dallas Goedert Womens Jersey

Stygian Witches – The Stygian Witches

What are the Stygian Witches?

The Stygian Witches are called the Graeae, the grey witches, the grey sisters, the three crone sisters and more. They are said to have Stygian Witchesshared one eye and one tooth. The Stygian Witches were the daughters, born as triplets, to both Ceto and Phorcyus.

They are said to have been beautiful despite their deformities, although are often now depicted as hideous and ugly. The Stygian Witches belong to a group of gods called, Phorcydeus, this group consisted of only sea based and earth based realms. There isn’t a lot of information online about the Stygian witches, but you can find more information by using the search bar on this website. Some people include the Stygian witches into their modern rituals but I do not because there isn’t a precise and accurate definition of the sisters and the magick they casted.

Stygian Witches and Mythology

The Stygian Witches are one of several archaic Greek mythological gods. The Stygian Witches are said to have been half swan. They would share their one tooth and their one eye amongst their selves. They are said to have lived for so long, no one could even fathom them as human children. In the Clash of the Titans Movie the Graeae are called the Stygian Witches.

More on Stygian Witches

You can find more information on the Graeae by searching online. Wikipedia has an interesting article on the three crone sisters. The sisters are interesting and intriguing, Modern day witches even hold the Stygian Witches as their totem or goddess deity. Because Wicca is such an individualized path these neo-stygian witches are welcomed into the pagan community. It is not the type of witchcraft I am familiar with but I am interested none the less. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think about the  Witches.

 Zach Zenner Authentic Jersey

Spell for Increasing Spiritual Medium Abilities

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

When the moon is waxing or full, cast rune stones for indication of what lies ahead for you. Cast the stones only once. Holding the stone in your hand, consult a reliable source for the meaning of the rune if it is unknown to you. Then return the stones to their bag and place them on the altar.

Now go to your special place in nature, and on a still night, sit below a tree that you have chosen specially for magickal purposes. Sit where you can see the moon through the tree’s branches.Hide Psychic Type

Ask for the assistance and protection of your Benevolent Spirit Guardians and Guides during this and every divination.

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In a ceramic bowl, mix wood sorrel and wild thyme together. Burn this mixture as an offering to the strong and blessed spirits and elemental(s)watching over you. Thank them for their light and protection as you call upon their Insight.


Stare into the smoke from the incense – cup your hand round it if it dissipates into the air too quickly – and say:

I call upon Wisdom; I call upon Light
I call to my loved ones and ancestors long past
Speak to me here by word or by sign
Connect us clearly; let me hear your wisdom at last.

So Mote it Be.

On another night when the moon is waxing or full, ask at least one other to join you in contacting the spirits of departed loved ones. In a ceramic bowl, grind some dried chicory root and cinquefoil and mix in a few cloves. Burn this as an incense offering to the world of spirits when asking them to come to you to answer your questions. Hold hands to consolidate your energies and ask that the spirits come forth with wisdom and guidance. Use a Ouija board with care, asking for protection from all negatives energies first. Use only if you have a man and a woman present, as it should be used with both male and female energies.

Before going to bed that night, mix together the following herbs: mugwort, cinnamon, mandrake, thyme and anise seeds. Put these into a purple or blue flannel mojo bag with the sacred rune stone SIGHEL. Sew the bag shut and keep it under your pillow at night to draw in prophetic dreams from a spirit guardian or a departed loved one who may be trying to give you a message.  Womens Jersey