Thanks to Samantha Moon-shadow for submitting this spell to stop drinking alcohol! When you submit spells you have your choice of free gift so please send any spells you would like to post to [email protected]. This spell has been one that is highly requested and so I am glad we finally have one to share. I do recommend reading the spell through at least once before you try it or leave a question in the comments. This spell is not a spell to make someone stop drinking so you must need the spell to do the spell. You could modify for that purpose if you need to.
Spell to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Spell to Stop Drinking Alcohol
This spell should be done on the night of the new moon. This spell requires some banishing oil and three black candles. It may be a good idea to do a wiccan purification spell first. This spell to stop drinking alcohol works best if you already meditate on a daily basis. If you don’t then I suggest that you practice meditating for 21 days prior to doing the spell. You can alternate between complete silence, guided meditations and chanting an affirmation centered around stopping your drinking.
On the night of the new moon dispose of all your alcohol. Afterwards light the candles in a circle around you. Meditate on removing the need to drink out of your life. Tell who you need to sorry and ask for their forgiveness mentally. Write down all the ways drinking has destroyed your life. Release all negative energy and thoughts from your world. Do this for as long as you need too.
The next morning start calling and reaching out to find a therapist. Many do ‘sliding scale’ payments which mean that you decide how much you can afford for the hour. Try to find someone who can do bi-weekly or even weekly sessions in the beginning. If you feel the urge to drink after this then you may need to attend AA. Try to go cold turkey for at least one year to repair the damage to your brain if you cannot do this then you need AA… If you can go without drinking for a year then afterwards you should drink no more than 2x a month and no more than 3 drinks… This means 3 beers, 3 wine coolers, 3 mixed drinks, 3 of any drink that has alcohol.
Vita Vea Womens Jersey
This spell to fly can work with alone or with a group of people. Although the most powerful thing about this spell is the chanting… if you add all the items that are additionally suggested then you chances for making this spell work increase dramatically! If you can do this spell on the night of the full moon then try to do the spell at exactly 11:11 (starting chanting). This spell doesn’t require much and you can customize this spell anyway you want!
Do you know your magickal name?
Spell to Fly without Wings

Feel Lovely! Use this spell to fly!
What You Need to do this Spell to Fly Without Wings:
- Your Magickal Name
- White Candles
- A chant of your own
Place the candles around the person you want to leviatate if you have candles. Have 1 or 2 people repeat your magickal names over while your hands are placed lightly under the body (just your fingertips should be under the persons body). The rest of you guys – including the person in the middle should start chanting to fly. I always think it will be more powerful and give you a greater chance of it working super fast if you write your own chant to go with this spell to fly without wings but here is one to use if you can’t:
“We will fly on Salem’s great broom, Goddess seeks the light of the moon, Power shall float to thee, as we will it so mote it be.”
This spell to fly is fun and easy to do. I would recommend this spell to almost any one who is curious or a beginner in the craft. This spell is almost perfect to do at sleepovers and is probably one of those spells that are going to be really fun and give you guys a great secret to keep even if it doesn’t work as planned. Keep in mind the goal is to make the person levitate but it can manifest in many different ways for up to a year! You could have lucid dreams of flying more frequently, float or feel like you are floating while sleeping or meditating and finally find yourself more… floaty… this could manifest in looking more graceful while walking, being able to dance way better or being faster while walking or running!
Try this spell and let us know exactly how it worked out for you in the comments below! Bojan Bogdanovic Jersey
This spell to make it snow works best during winter and can take up to 2 weeks to happen. This spell can work even earlier and as soon as the next day with proper concentration! If you meditate daily and can manifest the things you want most in life already with ease then this is the perfect spell to try throughout the winter season to elevate your power. This spell is so magickal to use during the yule tide season and I think its because we associate the yule with snow that it can work in places like California or Florida. I love this spell and have been using this same spell to make it snow since November of 2002.
Spell to Make it Snow

What You Need:
Take the oil and use it to charge the candle. Light the candle and the incense and place them both onto you wiccan altar. You must then do the charge of the Goddess. After you do the charge of the goddess then sit in front of your altar with your eyes closed. Sit in silence for awhile with your eyes closed and meditating. Start to chant the following. ‘Make it white, make it snow, make it right, and beautiful as a doe. Make it snow, make it snow.’ Repeat this chant until you are sure it will happen soon. Let the candles and tea lights burn all the way down.
This spell has worked for me almost every single time I have done it. Sometimes I add things like a mirror placed onto the altar and some rose incense as well to enhance the mood for the spell. You can also try to do this spell on a new or full moon and on a Sunday for the best results. If you have tried this spell then leave a comment below and let me know if it has worked for you! Thanks for dropping by and Blessed Be!
Pat O’Donnell Womens Jersey
This is a spell to get a husband. SO I usually give you all the warnings off the top. I’m not going to do this because you are responsible for your life. You can buy wiccan binding oils from my wiccan esty shop. This spell to get a husband can be modified in many different ways but if you want to use the exact star oil that I created for spells like these then you can purchase it from my wiccan etsy shop. I cannot guarantee that this spell will bring love into your life but I can tell you that I now am planning my wedding after so many different ups and downs with my typical male fiance. I can tell you he picked out my 2 karat diamond solitaire engagement ring by himself… its not a princess cut but I’m fine with the round cut… it gives it a more classic appeal. I’m just glad he listened enough to remember that I think diamond arounds a diamond is kinda ugly.
Spell to Get a Husband (or Wife)
This spell is a quite simple. Here’s What you need:

You can add spell correspondences and make this spell more unique and powerful. I have always felt that the more personal the spell, the better! Also you can include the person into the spell. I personally modified this to be a commitment ritual. Spells are things that should come from inner intention and thought. How will you change this spell to get a husband?
Take the red candle and write your names on the candle. You can write your legal name or you could use symbols, your magikal names, nicknames for each other or whatever you would like to represent yourselves. In the middle of the candle place a binding symbol. (This could be as simple as a plus sign or a magickal rune.)
Once the ink dries on the candle charge the candle with the binding oil.
Place the candle on your altar and state your commitment to loving your future spouse.
Do not snuff the candle. Let the candle burn until completion. IF the candle goes out before burning all the way down you can re light it but I would stop – work with my partner to see if the love is still happy and healthy before lighting the candle again.
Once the candle is out, give thanks to the Mother and let it go.
Have you tried a spell to get a husband? Let us know how it worked for you down below. 🙂
Devin Smith Authentic Jersey
As I work on myself and work on changing my life for the better, I realize how hurt I am and how fragile I am as a person and human being. I have a lot of emotion pent up inside of me. A lot of issues, a lot of darkness, a lot of anger. I wanted to write a forgiveness spell to help aid in the release of those emotions from your life.
Wiccan Forgiveness Spell

- Cast your circle
- Light a candle (this should be decided by you. Have a look at spell candles: colors and meanings for more information)
- Close your eyes.
- Chant the following : I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank You.
- Chant the sentences, in that order – for 9 minutes.
- Do this often.
This chant is a very ancient tradition and it helps tremendously to clear negative energies and karma. You can enhance this forgiveness spell by writing a letter of self-forgiveness and piercing a needle through the lemon with the letter attached.
A lot of of my spells lately have included lemon. Check out my new lemon love spell. I see that lemon represents; love, success and healing – all of which apply here.
Take the lemon and bury it in a place that you do have to see often. This symbolizes the release of this energy away from you – the distance and also renewal. The earth will change the lemon and the negative energies attached to them. It will wither and fade -just like your pain – and transform into something more.
This was my forgiveness spell MAINLY for self-forgiveness. This spell should be used as you see fit. You are co-creating your universe and you do have a say in how you want your life to turn out. I am working on being patient, kind and generous because those things weren’t shown to me as a child and I would like to be healthy of mind and spirit before utilizing my full mother Goddess energy.
I am working on creating a YouTube to upload pagan meditations. I have one spell enhancement video up – but cannot wait to create more for you guys!
Thank you for joining the forum! Thank you for liking and sharing this post. Hey – a powerful woman told me you were awesome! – Thanks for being awesome!
Houston Rockets Jersey
This spell is about dishonesty. Lying or being a liar is never a good thing and is something that should be avoided at all times because they are energy traps, energy vampires that suck your energy and can make you feel lethargic, unmotivated and depressed. Sometimes lies cannot be avoided. While we know honesty is the best policy certain times – whether it is out of fear, judgement, safety or another personal reason we have chosen to lie. Please do whats best for you and if its a case of physical abuse, mental abuse or sexual abuse this will not work for you and you need to seek professional help to deal with what is happening.
If you can do not avoid the person who you told the lie too. You should hand out with them the normal amount and if they outright catch you in the lie you were already caught and should just fess up to the lie.
This spell requires you to have binding oil and a black candle. Write the new truth on a memo card and place it on your it on your altar. Place a mirror on your altar as well. I bought my mirror from a dollar store (for $1) for my altar mirror.
Consecrate the candle for its magickal purpose and light it on your altar.
Look yourself in the eyes and tell your new truth. Repeat this 4 times and ten say ‘so mote it be’ as you snuff the candle.
Do not use this candle for any other spell. Continue to do this everyday until you believe sincerely the new truth or until you no longer are worried about it being an issue.
This spell works very well because you are basically brain washing yourself to forget the old truth and believe the new one only. If you look away when telling yourself the truth, feel uncomfortable within, or think that it is a lie then you won’t see the effects until you start to believe the new truth.
This spell can also be used to removed negative programming, old behaviors and thought patterns that no longer serve us. You can enhance this spell through regular meditation.
Taylor Lewan Authentic Jersey
This spell was written by Jessica and submitted to me via email. This spell is to make an impossible wish come true. This spell is best done during the full moon at 10:10pm. This spell doesn’t require anything but a white candle. This spell is really simple and apparently it worked for her. Thanks so much for sharing your spells with me. You can submit spells and content by emailing me *[email protected]*. You can buy a different candles by visiting this site.
The Magic of Wishing Spells
This spell is so simple – all you need is a white tea light candle – oh! and a glass of water.
Cast your magickal circle on a Sunday night during the full moon at 10:10 pm. Light the candle and state your wish to source energy, Goddess, Gaea or whatever name you use to connect with earth. Place the water on to your altar.
Stay in the magickal and release all negative energy, negative intention and release the energy from your life. (If you don’t know what this means sorry, I can’t explain everything)

Once the energy has been released and you feel pure – take the glass of water into your hand. Thank Source for the changing of your reality and drink the water.
Close your circle.
Your wish will either come to you – or it won’t. Its really a matter of fate. You have cleansed yourself of negative energy. You have made the release necessary for the manifestation to happen for you and now you must not be attached to the outcome but must let it appear into your reality.
This spell is for more advanced practitioners of witchcraft and the manipulation of energy. This spell will not be easily done by people who don’t work on themselves on a spiritual level.
If you only done simple spells, only love spells, or basically selfish spells then you probably won’t be able to make this work for you but the information is here for you to try it and to come back and try it again once you have matured in the craft.
You guys are so awesome! I do hope this spell works for you as it did for Jessica. Hey! Did I mention if you submit you own wishing spells you receive a free gift from me? So go make it happen.
Blessed Be!
Markus Golden Womens Jersey
This spell is to win the lotto. This spell for how to win the lottery should be done on a Thursday and if you are buying a ticket then go purchase during the 7pm hour. You can do this spell to win the lotto by creating a money charm box with the addition of a green pillar candle. If this spell is done during the Full Moon then your chances of winning are extremely potent. If this full moon happens during Leo in Jupiter then watch out! You could be a millionaire in the next 24 hours.
UPDATE: I personally tried this spell for how to win the lottery again with a local chain. I always carry cash with me and smell it often. While smelling the money I say an affirmation. I tried it this week. 8/22 – and won $20.00.
So first you must psychically pick your winning numbers. You must do this by connecting to your inner self and write down the numbers that come to you. They must GENUINELY come to you for them to be the winning numbers. Read more about how to do automatic writing.
How to Win the Lottery

How to Win the Lottery
Once you have your numbers you should cleanse yourself and light your candle on the altar. Chant the numbers and add ‘I am wealthy’ after the set. Do this for 7 minutes and then snuff out the candle. Place the numbers in your pocket and if you life place a drop of attraction oil on the paper and carry the crystal with you.
Buy the ticket and wait for your wealth to come in.
So I did this spell and because I have been practicing witchcraft for a while I knew I wouldn’t win the lotto but I also knew it was more of a symbol to bring wealth and abundance into my life.
Very quickly the money started rolling in… even more so than my everything under the moon money spell (which is still my favorite). I bought a scratch off in Atlanta (because its illegal to gamble in my state) and won $210 dollars. I don’t really do it much, but basically you use a penny and rub off this flaky paint to see if you win. After that we get home and there is a check for $20 from when we got ripped off by papa johns, lol.
My best friend Leai and I decided to test my luck by going to a nearby casino (a 3 hour drive)… and I won 2000.00. I won’t say that gambling isn’t fun – it really is.. I see why people can’t control themselves! I do have to say that this isn’t a guarantee that you will make money from doing this but I did experience magic.
So I tried the spell as soon as I could again and won $5!
Then I did it again and won nothing… but I did get a free fry from McDonald’s…. lol.
I guess the Universe was over me just being greedy and only entertained me once.
Tress Way Authentic Jersey
This spell is very simple and was submitted to me via email ([email protected]) by Los Santos Loca Luna. This spell is said to manifest more love into your wife’s heart. While this spell was created to win back his wife, you can modify this spell to win back an ex husband or lover. This spell uses your energy… your willingness to change, as a trade – of sorts, of energy. This spell should be use in times of great strain in an adult relationship. This also means you will have to put forth great effort in order to win your wife’s heart. This spell should greatly increase your chances to stay together if there is love left in both of your hearts. This spell is best done on the new moon. The new moon symbolizes new beginnings in love, friendship and life.
Spell to Bring Back an Ex Lover

Spell to Bring Back An Ex Lover
This spell works by you working on you. You do need to do a small ritual (have you done a self dedication ritual) but we will get to that later. Start meditation twice a day both morning and night and commit to working out 30 mins per day. This is to train you heart and mind and open yourself to love. This is a great way to show your spouse you will change to win their heart. This is also a great way to show you commitment to change and grow which gives the Universe incentive to bestow to you your dreams, hopes and wishes. You should do this every day while you are away from each other or every day until your love is restore.
This spell to bring back an ex lover does have some requirements. You must buy a 7 day candle and light it every Sunday, replacing it every week. You can dress the candle with rose oil and placed a charged crystal on your altar for more spell power. You can also listen to love meditations or my first spell enhancement video daily.
If you are separated you must go at least one week of no contact or seeing the person while working on yourself. If you can go 21 days without seeing the person. Journal daily and at the beginning of each page write a symbol that represents what you wish to happen on the top right corner of the page.
This spell can work in as little as 3 days or as many as 6 months. This spell to bring back an ex lover depends on the work on yourself that you are willing to do in order to win back your ex. If you are willing to work on yourself to change some of the negative things in the relationship then you will do the work. The Universe will send you a love worthy of you.
You can listen to other guided meditations, affirmations and things before bed for faster results. Did you try this spell to bring back an ex lover?
Will Compton Authentic Jersey
This wiccan spell to get over someone should be done during the MOON OF DECREASE. This spell is to no longer love someone. You can modify it anyway you see fit. To get the most potent results, this wiccan spell is best done at 1pm. Don’t worry too much if you can’t do it at 1… you can change this spell! This spell takes a lot of dedication and commitment to make it work. This spell to make someone fall out of love with you shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you will you think you might want this person back into your life then think twice before proceeding. You can overcome the spell with a tremendous amount of time and effort.
I went through a really rough time with my family. They didn’t accept me or my friends, my beliefs or clothes… or anything at all! I eventually became homeless and wanted nothing to do with them. I did this spell to get over someone (my ex!). I am getting married and recently had my engagement party in Atlanta (here’s my wedding registry!!) but they weren’t there. It hurt me not to have my brother and sister there for my day but it’s partly my fault. I locked us against each other and they will never be able to stop hurting me in ways only they can.
Wiccan Spell to Get Over Someone

This wiccan spell to get over someone does require you to be smart and mentally strong. You can meditate up to 4 days before both day and night to prepare. (Why Meditate? – Taoism & Meditation). This spell also requires a black candle, star oil and a letter written in black ink detailing why you want the universe to grant you this separation.
- Charge the candle with the star oil.
- Place the candle on your altar and light it.
- Place the letter on the altar
- Say the following 3x : “I no longer need ——-, I no longer love ——-, ——– has no control over my life or feelings.”
- Snuff out the candle.
Repeat this process for 40 days. If you find yourself thinking about the person(s), repeat the affirmation quietly to yourself.
These things shouldn’t be taken lightly but with all things on this site – be careful what you wish for. Ever had questions about what your dreams meant? Check out this awesome dream dictionary on the oldest pagan website on the web.
Check out this Guided YouTube Meditation.
Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to my PO Box (PO BOX 361704 – Birmingham, Al 35244) for a free gift! Thank you guys so much for visiting… Leave a comment below or answer some others!
Joel Bitonio Womens Jersey