Spell to Attract Good Luck Herbal Jar

You can fill you whole home with magick. Magick to attract luck, magick for protection, magick for the happiness of others in the household, etc. This is a herbal jar that will attract luck to your home year round (but I would change it at least 3 or 4 times a year).

What You’ll Need:

  • Good Luck Oil
  • 7 of the following herbs : Alfalfa, Allspice, Chamomile, Sandalwood, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Thyme, Rosemary, Spearmint, Honeysuckle or Myrrh.
  • a small glass jar (you can use an empty jelly jar)

How to Make Good Luck Oil:Spell to Attract Good Luck Herbal Jar

  • 1 part lucky hand
  • almond base oil
  • 1 part cinnamon
  • 1 part coconut
  • 1 part Hyacintha
  • 1 part tonka

Fill the jar with 7 herbs for luck and fill the jar half way with your good luck oil. Place the jar right by your bed or right by your front door. Every morning get up smile rub the jar three times clockwise and accept your good luck for the day.

I think I will make a good luck jar for the new year. I am already having good luck. I mentioned earlier that I was feeling a little down, had a series of bad luck that came out of no where. The website went down, someone stole my car tires, my bank account was acting crazy, a check I expect was delayed for no reason. All kind of craziness that happened in a mater of three days. I ask your guys to keep my in your thoughts, made and took some precautions and I had a great day today.

Thank you all for sending me your thoughts and keeping me in your hearts. Next year I am thinking I will try to have a contest every month!

If you are having some funky luck right now don’t fret, don’t get angry, don’t blame. When you keep a smile on your face even through the bad times you are enacting the law of attraction and you have good luck coming your way.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 James Washington Womens Jersey

Everything Under The Moon Money Spell

This Full Moon Money Spell was submitted to me by a good friend who I actually met on twitter. (Follow me! @BallisticJW). I love full moon spells because they are extremely effective and you can feel the energy flowing through you.

As suggested by the title you should do this spell during the full moon. Wiccan spells done during the full moon are done during a time where your magic is at its full potential. Spells done around this time will have a positive result.  The full moon is a romantic and powerful time, but since it only occurs one night out of the whole lunar rotation or lunar cycle it can be hard to do a spell on that specific day. Most people contend and maintain that you can full moon spells up to 2 days before and the full moon.

Full Moon Money Spell, done during the full moon, preferably on a Thursday night, but this of course is not always possible. Full moon spells are known for their effectiveness so prepare for wealth! Although it is preferable with this spell to do it on a full moon night, its not a must. Sometimes it is hard to work your whole schedule around one spell, so don’t stress to much if the spell has to be on a new moon or a waxing moon.

Money spells are always fun but sometimes can be depressing if you need money instantly for bills or other money emergencies. If you are feeling defeated, burnt out, desperate then don’t do the spell. This will hinder you more than it will propel you forward. You should be in the right mind to do effective magick.

Try meditating to get your mind off of the money problems or wants. Holding in the need for money isn’t going to bring it to you any sooner. You need to be able to release the energy, not worry about the problem, and trust that everything will work out the way you want it too.

The Full Moon Money Spell

To do this Full Moon Spell you will need, a cauldron, water, and silver coins. Optional are candles, one white, and one green. Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin quarters work best if you only have American money into it. Position the cauldron near a window or someplace it can get moonlight. Glide you hand over the surface of the cauldron and symbolically gather the Moon’s silver.

As you do this chant:

Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my purse can hold.”

Repeat this three times.

Leave the bowl in the moonlight for the night. The next morning pour the water into the earth. (not the coins).

This is a great and effective full moon money spell. Did this spell work for you? Leave a comment below and let me know how it worked for you. I hoped you enjoyed this spell make sure you check out our other free magick spells.

Rewritten by Raven Moon for Just Wicca Credit: Everything Under The Moon

 Quinton Jefferson Authentic Jersey

Spell to Get What You Need

This is not a spell to get what you want. This is a spell to ask for what you are need. You need one candle in the color that corresponds to your need. For example, if you need money for a bill you would use a green candle for money, red for health or love, etc. You can change this spell many different ways, still using the money example, you can place the bill on the altar as well.

This spell is to be done on the new moon (signifying new beginnings) as the moon moves into waxing. If the new moon falls on Sunday night the spell will be even more effective.

Spell to Get What You NeedWhat You’ll Need:

  • a white candle for truth
  • a indigo candle for wisdom (its okay if you don’t have an indigo candle!)
  • a brown candle for stability and grounding
  • a candle to represent what you need
  • a square card with your need written on it
  • optional: blessing oil (you can read how to make blessing oil)

After casting your circle and anointing your candles with the blessing oil. Light your white candle:

Truth I seek, fulfill this need

Place three drops of the white candles wax on to the card. Light the indigo candle:

Wisdom in all matters, fulfill this need

Place three drops of the indigo candle wax onto the card. Light the brown candle:

Materialize a way, fulfill this need

Place three drops of the brown candle wax onto the card. Light the representative candle:

Universal love and guidance please bring —————, fulfill this need

Set the card on fire. When the card is done burning release the ashes to the wind giving thanks to the Goddess for your abundance. You may snuff of the candles for reuse.

I hope you all enjoy this spell to get what you need. This spell has been very effective personally for me and I am interested in hearing your results.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Tiger Williams Womens Jersey

Spell to Attract A New Lover

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

While this spell is similar in some respects to my Spell to Attract a New Love it is also is very different and very powerful. You should do this spell on the night of the new moon. The new moon signifies starting over, new beginnings, new experiences. This spells requires all new things to even further represent the new hope for joy in love. All of these elements with combine and raise your vibration creating a wonderful opportunity for love.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Attract A New Lover

  • a new pen (pink ink, if possible)
  • a new pink candle
  • attraction oil
  • one new envelope
  • new sheet of white paper
  • one red construction paper heart

On the night of the new moon take the paper heart and write: “My heart shines for you are mine. Come towards me for you and I are meant to be.” Place the heart onto your altar.

Take a ritual or cleansing bathe. Take your time and do all the things you would do to groom before a big date or big event. Make the bathe as luxurious as possible and take the time to feel absolutely beautiful or handsome once done.

With confidence cast your circle. Anoint your candle the attraction oil and charge it with your intention. Place the candle onto your altar and light it. Spend sometime meditating on the flame.

Hold the heart up to the flame and read the incantation out loud three times. Place three drops of attraction oil onto the heart and place it into the envelope. Seal the envelope with the wax of the candle and leave the envelope untouched on your altar for the cycle of the moon.

You new love should be in your life by the cycles end. Once cycle of the moon is 28 days.

This spell uses a lot of symbolism and correspondences to bring a new love into your life.

Read: Can Magick Bring Peace And Happiness Into Your Life?

 Kareem Jackson Womens Jersey

Magic Spell for Good Grades

This is another spell for good grades and study success. I always tell you guys that magick is an enhancement for your life and not a cure all. If you don’t put in the effort it doesn’t matter which spell you cast you won’t have anything to draw on. School can be rough and sometimes overwhelming but this spell for good grades should help you do pretty well. This is a charm bracelet to give you success on your test.

Spell for Good Grades

Magic Spell for Good Grades

Magic Spell for Good Grades

What You’ll Need:

  • • • A green candle
  • • • A white candle
  • • • A yellow candle
  • • • Good luck oil
  • • • Green, yellow and white ribbon.

After studying on the night before the test, anoint your candles with the good luck oil. Place the green candle to one side and the yellow candle to the other side taking care to leave room in the middle. Place the white candle towards the middle back.

Light the candles and say the following while holding the ribbons in your power hand:

Lord and Lady please hear my plea, Help to study and succeed, holding fast to all I’ve learned, setting in motion as this candles burns, on this test I take today, I will get no less than an A!

Take the ribbons and while braiding clearly see the test paper with your name on it with and A! See yourself acing the test and all the answers coming to you easily. When you are finished making your bracelet place a drop of the good luck where you tie to combine the ribbon. Let the bracelet sit between the flames until the candle burns down or puts itself out. While the candles are burning spend some additional time looking over the material.

Wear the bracelet on your wrist or ankle on the day of the test. You can also place the charm in your hair. In the morning or right before the test repeat the incantation. Do this spell for good grades for the A you need!

 Mike Williams Womens Jersey

Spell for Lost Pet

Animal Spells

wiccan animal spells

Wiccan Animal Spells are an nice addition to any book of shadows. You can find spells to find a lost animal, spells to speak to animals and more.

Animal Spells: Find Your Lost Pet

You must be in a meditative state with one green candle for luck, one white candle for wishing, one blue candle for health, and one red candle for strength. Get a scared bowl filled with pure water, and light the candles around the bowl.

Look at the water and visualize your pet.

Chant “Lost love return to me, lost love its you I seek, mother goddess I ask of you, let this wish of mine come true”.

Chant the spell over and over while visualizing your pet, remember him or her perfectly, and imagine them coming home. You can also hold something that they like, a toy, or a jar of treats to help you settle in the right mindset for this magickal working. Be in the moment as you find them, feel the feelings you feel, all the while chanting and meditating deeply.

Do this Wiccan animal spell everyday for one week, if the pet hasn’t return within one week, wait one week and try again.

This is one of hundreds of free wiccan animal spells on this site and I hope that if you have a lost pet then you will some success with this spell. Wiccan animal spells are interesting in general but this one is very useful and practical on a much broader level.

You can leave a comment or ask a question about this wiccan animal spell or use the search bar to find a spell that will work for you. I would try to modify or write a few of my own wiccan animals spells to have in your book of shadows. Good Luck! I am interested to see if this spell works for you guys 🙂

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

 Ryan Groy Jersey

Spell to End Bad Luck

Sometimes it seems like no matter what we do we can’t get past a spell of bad luck. Seems like our lives are just one accident after another. I know the feeling! Even though it is possible to be happy and cheerful doing the bad times, no one enjoys a series of unfortunate events. This is a spell to end that bad luck streak and get you moving into the positive.

Spell to End Bad Luck

What You’ll Need:Spell to End Bad Luck

  • a white candle
  • a black candle
  • a candle to represent you
  • a green candle

Do this spell during the waxing moon. Cast your circle as you normally would. Light the black candle:

Bad luck, disappointments, enemies and things despised, this is you

Meditate on all the bad things/luck you have been having. When you are ready to move forward and forget this luck, never to let it disrupt your life again light the white candle (with the flame from the black candle):

Truth, love, purity and kindness cancel out this dark night

Snuff out the black candle. Light your green candle:

Luck, prosperity, abundance in all things, let it be so

Take the white candle in your power hand and take the green candle in your opposite hand, use both to light the candle that represents you:

Now my luck has changed, I give thanks to you

Line the candles on your altar so the candle that represents you is in the middle. Meditate on happiness and peace of mind. If you have trouble with this try a guided meditation.

You will see a sudden change in your luck!

Oddly enough I seem to have the worst luck around my birthday! Maybe its because I never really had a good birthday or maybe its me not wanting to get older – but around my birthday I usually have pretty bad luck. Maybe next time my birthday comes around I’ll do some precautionary work!

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Von Miller Womens Jersey

Spell to Control the Elements

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

While it is possible to work with the elements its never really possible to control them. There are certain laws of the universe that bind certain items in place. You won’t be able to make it 101 degrees in the middle of winter. You won’t be able to make it snow in June. You will be able to work with nature and call upon the elements. This spell was sent in by April M. Here is what April says about her spell.

I want to send in my spell to control the elements. My friends and I have had great success with it but we are still learning. I can call powerful winds on command and they come around 65 percent of the time. It had a lot to do with your element if it will obey or not. My friend can make it rain about 35 percent of the time and my boyfriend can make it rain 43 percent of the time. You only have to do the spell once, but you have to focus your mind to call the elements each time you want them.

This seems interesting enough and I am sure some of you guys will find some use for it. If you have your own spells you would like to share please send them my way and I will post them on the website. This spell is best done with a group of people on the night of the Full Moon.

Spell to Control the ElementsWhat You’ll Need:

  • a feather
  • water
  • dirt
  • a match
  • a bonfire

Light the bon fire and cast your circle. Say the following chant and raise energy by beating on your drums;

“Hail spirits of the east; lend me the power of air
Hail spirits of the south; lend me the power of fire
Hail spirits of the west; lend me the power of earth
Hail spirits of the north; lend me the power of water

Throw the items into the bonfire and release the energy. Close your circle.

 Reuben Foster Authentic Jersey

True Love Spell

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

Looking for a Love Psychic? True love spells can be powerful ways to attract a true love to you. True love spells work and are a great way to find someone who might be perfect for you at the time.  True love spells have their flaws, but overall they are effective ways to find a true love using magick.  I included a free true love spell in this post, and please make sure to leave me a comment telling me how it has worked for you. Remember to signup for the newsletter to receive free spells, magick lessons, and prizes from JustWicca.com. This spell is a simple one, but for a more power red magick love spell but a top witch click that link.Love Psychic

True love spells are not perfect and sometimes you may not always get what you want. You could ask the Love Psychic or attempt to to the spell on you own. People ask me why are spell outcomes so uncertain? Well there could be a number of reasons you attract a true love using a spell, but in reality this person isn’t perfect for you. One reason you may attract love with a love spell but this person ends up not being your true love can be mindset. Mindset and your mental vibrations have a lot to do with the effectiveness of your love spell.  So if you just want a impressive guy, someone really attractive, you may get the attractive guy but will you be completely compatible? Probably not if when doing the true love spell you only focused on the superficial, you might just out grow as soon as you get him or her.

Another reason why doing a true love spell won’t work how you planed may simply be you outgrow that person, or outgrow what you thought you wanted. Say I did a true love spell when I was 12 and got the perfect guys for me then, more than likely the things I want as I grow older and mature might not say the same. Since your spells, especially true love spells, or find a true love spells, are effective by my mental state and my perceived notions of what I want are surely to change over time. In this post I also included a great true love spell for you guys to use. Need a Love Psychic? I have a prediction for you….be careful what you wish for…

True Love Spell

Three Fridays before the full moon Friday, mix lavender, rose petals, and salt. Make a fire, and throw the mixture in the flame while chanting these words:

“Lovers lane and true heart speaks;

Bring to me the lover I seek;

Let them see their; love shall rise;

United our flame; with Lovers eyes”

Repeat 3x, then write the lovers name on a piece of white paper. (Or if not a particular person, but you are hoping to find love, alter slightly by drawing a your ideal mates body and think heavily on his personality, looks and traits). Throw the paper in the flame, and meditate on the person.

On the Friday of the full moon, do the spell one more time, and place the ash in a satchel with rose petals, wear the satchel until you meet your love, which should happen within a few days. Continue to mediate every Friday on your love until they arrive. So what did your Love Psychic tell you?

Buy Charms and More!

 Leighton Vander Esch Authentic Jersey

Spell to Reunite Lovers

If your lover has been separated from you for reasons beyond your control then cast this spell to reunite you. This spell works best if done on the night of the waxing moon and doesn’t require many items. After the spell has been cast you will reunite very soon.

When the moon is in waxing phase, choose two red or pink taper candles. With a pin, scratch your name onto one of the candles and the name of the lover you wish to be reunited with on the other candle.

Scratch onto the other side of each candle the word RECONCILIATION. Anoint the candles in rose oil. Tie them together with a piece of red or pink string or ribbon, sit them upright in a holder and light them. Do not blow out the candles – let them burn all the way down. Candle spells may appear simple, but are potent and meaningful.

 You may wish to have a rose quartz (or pink tourmaline) by the candles as they burn.

 On a round, pink piece of paper, say three times:Spell to Reunite Lovers

I call to me now a new love from the old – from my man [or woman] who is loyal and kind, warm and giving, both friend and lover.

 I call to me now my past love to the present – all sadness forgotten, all resentment dissolved – we are passionate and playful, patient and good-natured, moving forward without glancing back.

 I call to me now my departed love, to return to our daily walk, a renewed journey, a shared life and home(s).

 I call this forth, asking that all this come in such a way as to be for the good of all.

So Mote it Be.

If the break up was particularly painful, this should be said no less than 15 times.

Gather together in a ceramic bowl or cauldron at least four of the following herbs that aid a love spell: catnip, daisy, birthroot, black snakeroot, cardamom, cinquefoil, Beth root, cloves, crocus, burdock, cumin, dragon’s blood, elder, elecampane, feverfew, cinnamon, gentian root, coltsfoot, ginger, damiana, heart’s ease, dulse herb, hyacinth, Indian paintbrush, jasmine, khus-khus, lady’s mantle, laurel and lavender.

To your herbs, add 7 drops of strawberry oil, 7 drops musk oil, 10 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil, and mix together, then put into a red or pink flannel or velvet bag.

Anoint the bag with rose oil. Wear or carry the bag with you, touching it whenever you see or am near the object of your love.

 Lac Edwards Jersey