Spell to Heal a Pet

This is a spell to heal your pet. This spell is not a substitute for adequate medical treatment for your pet and shouldn’t be used as such. This spell is best done on the night of the new moon. Thanks Ammena for sending this awesome spell.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Heal a Pet

  • • • Healing oil
  • • • A black candle to remove the illness
  • • • A red candle to symbolize health

Anoint your candles with healing oil. Light the candles and meditate on the healing of the animal. Place a few drops of healing oil in your hands and while raising energy rub your hands together. Do this while meditating on the healing. Concentrate on the energy rising send focus healing energies in your hand. Visualize your hand being surrounded by light.

Take your hands and rub the animal down. Visualize the healing energies leaving your hand and healing your animal. As you do this see you pet as would if they were in perfect health. See them surrounded by white light that is healing them and protecting them.

Do this as long as the animal can stay put if you have a bird or a caged animal putting your hands near the cage will work almost as well. Concentrate on sending the animal healing energy and when you are ready say the following:

From illness to perfect health, this (animal) is far from death, Goddess give your healing light, rapid healing with my energies might, this (animal) is blessed by thee, as I will it so mote it be!

Let the candles burn until the process is done. Do this every night until your pet is in perfect health again.

Thanks to Ammena for sending in this spell. You can leave all comments in the section below. I hope all your pets are healthy and are doing well. As pet friends we have an obligation to make sure they are as healthy as they can be. This spell along with medical treatment will definitely help!

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

 Jake Dotchin Jersey

Spell to Change the Body

This spell to change the body was sent in by Jessika M. This spell is a 21 day process and may take longer depending on the changes your are seeking to make in your body. This spell take a bit of commitment because you will have to say your affirmation throughout the day and visualize/meditate both in the morning and at night.

Spell to Change the BodyWhat You’ll need:

  • a brown pillar candle
  • a mirror
  • an affirmation
  • strong visualization skills

Write an affirmation for the change you want to occur. For example if you wanted loose weight, you might have the affirmation of “I am healthy, thin and full of energy.  make the right decisions for my body everyday.” Light the candle and meditate on the flame. Say you affirmation silently to yourself for as long as you wish. While you are saying your affirmation visualize your new body as detailed as possible. Do this daily in the morning and at night and say your affirmation during the day as often as possible. You may want to write your affirmation on a card and look at it often throughout the day.

Light your candle everyday in the morning and at night until the changes in your body are complete. When the change is complete thank the Goddess and discard the candle into flowing water.

This spell is more of a process, while Jessika maintains that most changes can happen in a matter of 21 days she advises it may take longer. If you can begin this process on the night of the full moon fine. If not do it in the moon phase that best corresponds to the changes you want to see. For example if you want to gain weight (who would?) doing this spell during the waxing moon is best.

Please leave all questions and suggestions in the comments section below! Thanks for visiting Just Wicca!

  Michael Conforto Womens Jersey

Spell for Psychic Protection

This spell was sent to me to a good friend. I was really feeling drained (psychic vampire attack) over the past few weeks after some different falling outs with friends and formers friend etc. I have been a practicing witchcraft for over 1o years (I am now 24) and recently when I started achieving success, focusing on my happiness, trying to give love to the visitors on this site (YOU! THANKS SO MUCH FOR VISITING!),and other things to improve the quality of my life. People around me became unhappy with my success! Friends I thought would never talk down on me, and lie on me did! I have no problem with these people but thoughts and negative energies were sent my way and my friend wrote this spell for me with psychic protection in mind. I haven’t had a chance to do this particular spell but I plan on it!

The people who have in their minds and hearts to hurt me or be hateful to me, guess what? I don’t care! I love my website, I love myself, I love my friends, I love my visitors and I love the Goddess! With all that love I am happy and content. So to my haters, I want to say four things – I am sorry. Please forgive. I love you. Thank you. I release all negative motives and pray that karma is kind in this land where the law of three lives and acts boldly!

I have my own method of protection that has been working, but I am still excited to cast this spell on the next full moon! Here is the email my friend sent!

Raven! I know you said you are busy, and I hope to not bother you but you were in my heart and I though you might need this. Blessed Be!

My friend is something! I had not told this person how I have been feeling or what I have been going through lately but this person has the gift of knowing such things. I am going to share this very special spell with you!

What You’ll Need:Spell for Psychic Protection

  • a black candle
  • a red candle
  • a cauldron
  • mint leaves
  • protection incense
  • protection oil

24 hours before the full moon at 12 am take a ritual bath. After your cleansing fill your cauldron with water and mint. Anoint and charge you candles and allow them to stay untouched on your altar until the night of the full moon. Light a white candle and meditate on the Goddess before bed. Blow out the white candle and wave the candle over the altar letting the smoke disappear over your altar, infusing it with the love of the Goddess.

On the next night at the same time do another cleansing. Skyclad light your protection incense and let the smoke touch everything you own. Let the incense burn and light the red and black candle with a wooden match (not a lighter!).

All the thoughts you send to me flow back to your three times three

Negative or positive you decide but your thoughts shan’t penetrate my mind’s eye

Do no harm I ask of thee, less you fear the power of three

Goddess protection of your seeker

 Take your oil and anoint your body. As you do this visualize a bright blue-ish white energies surrounding you and becoming as hard as steel. When you have done this give thanks to the Goddess and no longer fret, because you are protected.

Interestingly enough my WHOLE BLOG went down when I tried to post this spell. NO LIE! I spent the last night since 2am – 710am working on getting the website back up and running. You guys I am telling you this is now joke. I am so happy and grateful that I didn’t lose my whole site!

Please keep me in your thoughts! Right now I am a little.. astonished!

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Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Dont’a Hightower Authentic Jersey

Make Someone Fall in Love with You

This spell works very quickly so think long and hard before deciding if you want to be with the person or not. This spell is powerful, so be prepared to accept responsibility for your actions and the actions cause by this spell. Red represents passion. Passion can be intense and easily mistaken for love. Passion in itself is not love. Take care not to get them confused.

What You’ll Need:spell to make someone fall in love with you

  • • A red candle
  • • Attraction oil
  • • Two silver pins

Three days prior to the full moon, place the two silver needles into a dish and cover them with attraction oil. At midnight on the night of the full moon, cast your circle. Anoint your candle with attraction oil and charge it with your intention. Carve your first name and the last name of your lover on to the candle. Stick the two silver pins into the center of candle.

While the candle burns meditate on your lovers’ face and speak their name out loud three times. Spell their name out loud three times. Lastly say your first name with their last name three times aloud. Let the candle burn down until it reaches the pins and extinguish itself.

Give your lover one of the pins to bind them to you. This is very powerful magick that aims to influence another. This spell shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your lover should arrive soon.

To change this spell to something less manipulative you can change the candle color to white or pink. To bind the person to you add binding oil and make sure they keep the pin as a keepsake.

This spell is the most powerful on the night of the full moon on the day of Venus. You can burn an offering of lovers herbs and ask that the Goddess of Love herself to make this wish come true. Remember to give thanks and release the energy after the spell work.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Jim Plunkett Womens Jersey

Pet Protection Spell

This is a spell to protect your pet. Do this spell on a Sunday during the full or waxing moon. Keep your pet safe by making sure they are healthy. Keep them current on all vaccinations, keep them clean and feed them and give them fresh water every day. Show them plenty of love and attention play with them and keep them active!
This is a charm bag for pet protection. This is best for inside animals like cats and dogs. This spell can be done for a reptile but you may want to change certain correspondences.

What You’ll Need:protection spell for pets

  • • • Catnip
  • • • Hair or feather from your pet
  • • • Bay leaves
  • • • Cotton
  • • • Protection oil
  • • • 2 Light blue square patch of cloth
  • • • Thick white yarn or thread

Place the light blue patch onto your altar. Place the cotton balls as a first layer. Place the bay leaves and catnip into the center of the pouch. Lay the hairs or feathers on the top and place 3 drops of protection oil on top. Place the light blue cloth on top and sew the patches together to make a small pillow. If you have the room, sew the animals name onto the pouch. If you don’t use a white paint to paint the animals name.

Hold the pillow with your power hand on the very top and charged the item with protection intention. Raise energy and see the white light building in your hand till your hand is over flowing with energy. See the energy leaving your hand and shooting into your pouch infusing it with energy.

Keep the pouch on your altar or a place where the animal you are protecting can’t reach it. Keep the charm for 3 months and then replace with a new one or charge your pouch.
This is a great spell for the protection of your pets but keep them safe with love and regular medical checkups.

Hey! If you are over 18 remember to vote! I won’t tell you who to vote for but I vote Barack Obama for 2012!

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

  Authentic Jersey

Good Luck Spell for Winning Money, Gambling, and/or Investing

This spell is for Good luck with winning money, gambling and/or investing.

Perform this spell when the Moon is waxing and before you gamble, enter a contest for money or make a new investment. It is best performed when the Moon is in Taurus.

Take a green taper candle and a pin. Scratch the words “I Am the Money Winner” onto the candle. Anoint the candle with 7 drops of myrrh and 7 drops of rosemary oil. Do not blow out the candle – let it burn all the way down.

Now cast your circle: light a white candle and walk slowly round the circle to cleanse Spell for Winning Moneyits energy.

Then walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with your besom or a branch (one that has fallen naturally and still has live shoots on it). Walk deosil (clockwise), waving burning sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water on it to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say:

Welcome, Wind – you blow to me my good fortune.

Walk to the North of the circle and say:

Welcome, Earth – you ground me in wise choices.

Walk to the South of the circle and say:

Welcome, Fire – your flame lights my way.

Walk to the West of the circle and say:

Welcome, Water – you flow my abundance easily to me.

Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light!

Call upon Abudantia, Roman Goddess of luck, abundance and prosperity:

Abudantia, I call thee, before I cast the die.
Shine on me your light, so Chance favors me now.
Guide my hand and instinct until the perfect moment comes.
Let great money flow to me, like a perfect tree that grows.

So Mote it Be.

Lastly, create a chamomile solution with powdered chamomile flower and unscented oil. Rub this onto your hands before you gamble or begin any new investment.

For added potency to this spell, wear an amulet, such as the Native American Thunderbird symbol, a four-leaf clover, or an Aladdin’s lamp. Rub the amulet before you gamble or make your investment.

Remember always to key into the Goddess within and listen to your gut instincts as they instruct you on what contests or investments to trust and which to leave behind.

Have you ever won money? Do you think you manifested your win?

Read: Spell to Dissolve Your Debts

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Brad Hunt Authentic Jersey

Candle Spell to Reverse a Spell

Best done on waning moon, or close to a new moon.  Mostly Best done on Saturday, due to day of Saturn,and represents banishment.

Cast your protection circle

Cleanse and consecrate your candle or candles if you wish to use more than one.
1 Black/white candle or use both if you like.

Have either a cross/pentacle blessed in holy water and sprinkle holy water on yourself for protection.

Anoint the candle with base oil or any oil that you feel is right for your own use.

If you have done a spell and carry remains of it, dash the remains over the candle, and chant the following spell three times.

Reverse This Spell, so it may no longer dwell,
Reverse This Spell, bring no one harm,
Reverse This Spell, Be Gone and Be Free, So mote it be, So mote it Be.

Meditate for 10 minutes or longer til your drained.  Place your candle on your altar so it doesn’t get disturbed.

Close your circle. Craig Robertson Authentic Jersey

Spell to Heal a Broken Heart

This spell is designed to help heal a broken heart. This spell uses many elements common in  love related spell work. This spell isn’t designed to change the way your ex feels about you, but is designed to help you let go and move forward.

Break ups are known to be unpleasant but what you can do is resolve to get through this as best you can.

Join the Witchcraft Message Board please!

Spell to Heal a Broken HeartWhat You’ll Need:

  • 2 pink candles
  • 1 white candle
  • sea salt
  • rose petals
  • blessing oil
  • camomile tea
  • a bowl
  • caraway, cinnamon, rose, catnip, lavender, damiana
  • a pink or red drawstring pouch
  • a slip or paper and a pen

On Friday (day dedicated to the Goddess of Love) take a ritual bath with the rose petals and a drop of the blessing oil. Light the white candle and as you bathe in the light, focus on becoming clean. See yourself as a clean slate and release all those emotions you have pent up inside. Get as emotionally clean as possible, releasing all the negative emotions and energies out of your body, mind and spirit.

After your bath take extra care as you get ready for the night and drink the camomile tea. Make sure to take the time to look your very best.

Read: Witchcraft Secrets

When you are ready cast your circle as you normally would and charge the items with your intentions.

Place the items onto your altar. Light the pink candles and spend sometime mediating on the flame. Mix all the herbs into bowl and place three drops of blessing oil into the mix. While mixing recite the following lines:

Goddess Venus I call thee to walk with me.

Grant me the confidence to move forward.

Help and aid to heal my broken heart.

My strengths will help me to heal.

I am ready to let this go.

Place half of the herbal mixture into the pink drawing pouch and carry it with you until you feel you no longer need it. Keep the other half of the mixture in the bowl and let it stay in your room filling it with its fresh herbal scent that is always drawing love closer to you.

You can repeat this ritual every Friday as you deem necessary.

Breakups can destroy our confidence and send us into deep depressions. This spells will help you heal your heart, and restore your confidence as quickly as possible. This spell isn’t to harp onto who is right and who is wrong but is design to help your move forward with pride and encouragement. Heartbreaks are draining and can be emotionally draining. This can be a hard time but this also can be a great time of emotional healing. Breakups can be wonderful motivators to move forward and do something new.

Read: Another Sugar Love Spell

 Chase Utley Jersey

Spell to Keep Your Lover Faithful

This spell will help keep your partner faithful. You can do this spell during any moon phase.. The most appropriate time to do this spell is if you sense vulnerability within your partner. This spell uses nutmeg, underwear, red ribbon and some other items that can be hard to locate. If you need to do this spell to keep your partner faithful then you may want to meditate first and see if this spell is right for your situation.

 What you’ll need:spells to keep him faithful

  • A pair of your clean underwear
  • A pair of your partners clean underwear
  • A red ribbon
  • Two whole nutmegs
  • One white envelope
  • A burin
  • A white candle
  • A red candle
  • Attraction oil

Bless and consecrate your equipment. If you have some attraction oil then you may anoint your candles with the oil. Light the candles and take the burin in your hand. Using the burin, scratch your initials on a nutmeg and your partners initials on the other.

Take the red ribbon and tie the nutmegs together. Place the nutmegs into the underwear and place the underwear into the envelope. Place 3 drops of attraction into the envelope. Sleep with the envelope under your pillow anytime your partner is away from you or if you feel like they might be unfaithful.

This spell won’t keep someone with you who doesn’t really want to be with you. This spell will only encourage your partner to keep you in his or her heart and mind. This spell is very effective. If you and your partner decide to end your relationship you should burn the envelope while releasing the energy. Give thanks and say, ‘So mote it be’.

This spell to encourage your partner to be faithful should not be taken lightly. You can do this spell anytime and during the full moon for even more energy. Spend some time meditating on  your desired outcome.

 Ian Thomas Womens Jersey

Spell for Beauty

spell for beauty

source: public domain

This spell for beauty really works well if you start it on or during the full moon. This beauty spells is simple and really effective. Most witches do their witchcraft on the night or eve of the full moon until the end of the full moon. In order to obtain real perfection you must feel confident and have a lot of self esteem. This spell will help you focus on your outward beauty.

How to do a Spell for Beauty

What you will need for this spell:

Hold a special charm, or beautiful stone. Charge a pink candle with your intention and say a beauty affirmation you have written. You can say for example:

“I  am very beautiful.”

“I know I am beautiful inside and out.”

Say a beauty affirmation for the next 21 days and take time to groom yourself very carefully during this time. My friend does this spell to attract love. Because she loves herself and sees her beauty she allows the world to see her special beauty as well.

I would suggest you go further and start a beauty, hair, body, meditation, manifestation and visualization routine into your life for the next 21 days as well. If you want remarkable change then find a routine that will work over the next 3 months. I recently started a big spell and life process. I am going to do this spell and routine for the next 3 months and I plan to see remarkable results with the help of the goddess.

You can start your own life changing journey whenever you want to. Go on a quest for more beauty, money, love or anything else you want. You can change your life and live a magick life. I do everyday 🙂

 Matt Haack Jersey