Spell to Make Someone Think of You

My spell to make someone think of you really has worked for me which is why I am sharing it.  This spell is best done on a Wednesday during the waxing moon. If the full moon falls on a Wednesday this spell will be even more potent and effective. This spell seems to work well for most people who try it. I have tried this spell so many time and my friends have also done most of my wiccan love spells… it works.

Spell to Make Someone Think of You

What You’ll Need:

  • red candle (if you don’t have a red candle a white one will do)
  • cherry incense blend
  • picture of the person (if you don’t have a picture of the person and can’t get access to one, write the persons name on a white slip of paper and while looking at the paper visualize the person with clarity, and intense focus.
  • (optional) you can place this crystal for love under your pillow to dream of you lover.
  • wiccan love spell

spell to make someone think of youOn Wednesday night at 11pm charge you candle with your intentions. Imagine the person thinking of you non stop, during the day, and at night. Imagine them seeing you in their dreams (you might want to send them a message). Imagine them thinking of you while at school and work. See them noticeably distracted. See their thoughts of you swimming in their heads. Tell them what you want them to think.

Light the incense and the red candle. Lie on the floor and imagine yourself going into their brain. Imagine yourself as them thinking the thoughts. You are placing these thoughts into their head.  If you are doing this correctly you will feel a tingling sensation in your head. This is your connection. Hold the picture of the person and say the following:

“Lady and Love, Hand in Hand

Your thoughts are in my command

In all you do and all you see

Only and Always think of me”

Place the picture of the person under the burning red candle. Afterwards spend sometime meditating on the thoughts you want in there head playing over and over like a recorder. If you can do this until the candle burns out then fine. You may want to sit the candle by your bed and meditate on the persons thoughts until you fall asleep.

The person should not only start to think of you constantly but will also dream of you!

I did this spell to make someone think of you

This spell to make someone think of you has worked for me and all of my friends. You can kinda tell when someone is thinking about you more or is more attentive to you. A lot of my earlier wiccan love spells would work for me so fast that it basically disproved that it was all just chance. I say start small with little experiments if this spell to make someone think of you doesn’t work at first. Take sometime and start smaller and then work you way up.

 Montreal Canadiens Jersey

Full Moon Love Spell

Full Moon Love SpellThis full moon love spell is really potent and powerful. It is my modern remake of and older classic that is very effective spell often done during the full moon. Spells done during the full moon are very powerful because they done doing the time when your magickal powers are at their highest. Everything is aligned in the universe to make this a perfect time for doing spells. I think a lot of you will achieve success with doing this spell, so I am very please to post this full moon love spell. <3

Full Moon Love Spell

Do this love spell on the night of the full moon. I would meditate and do a ritual bath before gathering your supplies. If this spell can be done safety outside in the moonlight this this is ideal. If you can’t then a window showing the full moon will also work. This full moon love spell is very powerful and will almost certainly give your love life a boost. Give this spell a try!

What You’ll need:

  • 3 white candles
  • 2 pink candles
  • rose petals
  • charm, perfume, or special jewelry

Using something sharp carve a heart in each of the five candles. Do this spell under the light of the full moon. Charge the candles and place them aside. Make a pentacle out of the rose petals and place the candles in the five points. The 2 pink candles can be place on you first and secondary element.  Place the charm in the center of the pentacle. Light the candles and say the following chant;

Five by the Full Moon,

A true love comes to me soon.

Let the five candles burn out naturally. You can leave the candles if you would live (but only if you know that it is safe to do!). Or you can sit and meditate by the flames and ask the universe for your dream guy by visualizing him. (Try not to visualize a specific person!) Focus on traits, and qualities you like.

As you go out, on a date or just doing daily things, pay special care to your appearance and carry the charm with you. If you want to give yourself an extra boost, say the chant as you pick up the charm, spray your perfume, or put on your jewelry.

This is a great full moon love spell. Try this spell this upcoming full moon and leave me a comment telling me if it works (or not) for you!

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch! Tre’Davious White Jersey

Spell to Break Up a Couple

This is a spell I am hesitant to post. Spells like these, even when done with the best of intentions can cause a lot of hurt. If you do this spell you might succeed but remember the basic tenants of the three fold law. Whatever energies you send to me flow back to you three times three. This is a universal law of life and many religions call it many different things but the term most familiar is KARMA. Would you want someone to do this spell on you? I am not going to preach you guys to death, you create your own destiny and have enough common sense to do whats best for you…

What You’ll Need:

  • Cayenne Pepper, Salt, Sage, garlic and oak wood chip
  • crossing oil
  • 2 black candles
  • 1 couple candle
  • a picture of the couple
  • a muslin bag
  • a fire proof dish or receptacle

Spell to Break Up a CoupleDo this spell on a Saturday during the waning moon phase. Anoint the candle with the crossing oil. On the couple candle draw the discord rune or a broken heart symbol on the candle. Light the to black candles and the center candle. Envision the couple with extreme discord in their relationship. After meditating on this for sometime, place set fire to the picture of the couple, as you do this say the following;

“Consequences are nothing to me

This couple is no more as I will it to be

This is my wish so mote it be

I accept my fate three by three”

Place the burning picture into the dish. When it is done place 9 drops of crossing oil onto the ashes of the picture gather the ashes and all the other materials into the bag. Bury the muslin bag into the earth but away from your home. If you can bury one of the black candle stubs in each persons yard. Place the couple candle once it has burned down into the muslin bag.

 Chad Thomas Authentic Jersey

Spell to Make Someone Stop Liking You

Sometimes people end up in a situation where someone they don’t like ends up liking them for whatever reason. This is a way to change this persons heart or at least give them the message and move on to some thing else. This spell will help to get rid of the annoyance swiftly and with ease. This spell should be done during the waning moon and really does do the trick most of the time.

What You’ll Need:

  • Fire
  • Salt
  • Vervain
  • picture of the person
  • a bowl
  • banishing oil

Place the picture of the person in the center bottom of the black bowl. On top of the Spell to Make Someone Stop Liking Youpicture, mix the salt, vervain and three drops of banishing oil. Completely bury the picture in the mixed and let it sit for one day on your altar. Optionally you can burn a black candle with banishing oil next to the bowl on you altar.

Three days later during the night of the waning moon do your cleansing and cast your circle as you normally would outside. Build your fire (only if you can do so safely) and dance to the Goddess to raise energy. Do this buy playing ritual music or circling the bon fire.


Withdraw your heart, its home is not here. My heart is closed to you.

While chanting throwing the mixture into the fire. Afterwards have no contact with the person for another three days, if possible. If the person still is acting infatuated with you then quietly tell them that you don’t feel the same. They should accept the news in heed, getting over you quickly.

Another Post to Read: (Spell to Stop an Argument)

This spell usually works without you having to tell the person, but for personal reasons I decided to add that if for some reason the spell doesn’t work for you, you should still let the person know you aren’t into them. Imagine being the person on the receiving end of this spell. Wouldn’t you want to know if someone wasn’t into you? So you could move on and start life anew?

Leave all comments below. New contest every month for 2012! Books, shirts, altar tools, and more!

  Terrelle Pryor Sr. Womens Jersey

Spell to Make Someone Call or Contact You

This spell is very simple. This is a good spell to use if you have been out of touch with someone for some time and want to open the doors of communication. While this spell isn’t design to bring an ex back into your life, this isn’t a spell I would suggest. I will post a variation of this spell in the love spell section a little later.

You should do this spell on a Wednesday when the moon is at its highest. The moon should be in its waxing phase.

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 lavender candles (if you don’t have lavender use dark blue, or green)
  • a charmed pen
  • high quality parchment paper
  • fire proof dish or fire safe receptacle

spell to make someone callLight the 2 candles side by side with the dish in the middle (give adequate space in between). Write a letter to your friend with the charmed pen. You can ask a question, ask them how they are doing, tell them how you are doing, etc. Afterwards put the letter in an envelop as if you are going to mail it off and address it to the person. Take one end of the letter and light the tip with the flame and take the other end and light it with the opposite candles flame (be careful! it will burn quickly!).

Place the burning letter in to the burning dish and clearly visualize the person with as much detail as possible.

You will receive some information about the person, someone may walk up to you and mention the person, you may run into the person on the street, get a call out of the blue but soon you will receive a reply.

While this spell is simple it is very effective. Thank you for visiting the website. Please share, like, or spread the news about the site using the widgets below.

 Tony Dorsett Jersey

Spell to Make Someone Go Away

Sometimes there are people in our lives who annoy us and they make life miserable for us! This is spell to make them go away Before doing this spell you should try to resolve the issues with the person naturally! This is a white magick spell but can easily turn black or gray so while you are doing the spell make sure you aren’t holding any ill will towards the person! Just because you want someone to go away doesn’t mean you have to hate them! If you do hate them then this isn’t the spell for you!

Spell to Make Someone Go AwayWhat You’ll Need:

  • black candle
  • salt
  • a picture of the person or the persons name on a piece paper
  • four thieves vinegar
  • a river

Light the black candle and say:

“Leave me, leave me this day

Your evil is no longer welcome you may not stay

This I do with no hate in my heart

No harm to you as you depart”

Take the persons picture and soak it in the four thieves vinegar. Throw one pinch of salt on top of the picture. Let it sit in the sun for three days then take it to a river or moving source of water. When you are at the river pour the four thieves vinegar into the rive while saying:

“Now it is time for your to depart, on you way, your leaving is key

Harm to none, as I will it so mote it be”

The person will no longer be a bother to you. You have to hvae control over your emotions for this spell to be effective. Saying the words Harm to None are meaningless if you are secretly haboring ill wil to someone. I recently had some issues with peoples’ betrayal and negativity. The person mistreated me, my friends, my boyfriend after knowing us for 3 years!

And while I am glad I removed those people out of my life and have no plans to ever reconcile with them (pretty low to lie on someone for no reason), I harbor no ill will. I hope they succeed in everything they do… AWAY FROM ME! lol.

 Marcell Dareus Womens Jersey

Spell to Have a Vision

This divination spell was designed to aid you in having a visions. Vision quests are things traditionally done by Shamans. Many Wiccans have taken to vision quests but they ARE NOT easy to achieve. They take time and practice especially because entering into a trance state is not as easy as you would think (who thinks its easy anyway?). This is one of the reasons why I shout about meditation and the gift of meditation in almost every post lately.

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If you want to learn to open your mind, your third eye, astral travel, energy manipulation, or to become psychic, it is my humble opinion that mediation is the first step. Learning to control your mind is essential when trying to do more advanced divination like go on a visions quest. And best of all its a free way to get your foot in the door.

Traditionally shamans would ingest something (usually containing a hallucinogenic herb) before they enter their quests. Native Americans usually fast before their quests. Because I can’t in good conscious tell you to do either, meditation is the safest way I personally know to enter a trance or trance like  state. You can also accomplish this with self hypnosis.

Spell to Have a VisionYou WILL be making oil said to aid you in your vision quest journey.

What You’ll Need:

  • base oil mixed with :3 or more of the following herbs: yarrow, mug-wort, jasmine, lavender (charged)
  • lavender incense

After doing a cleansing ritual light your incense. Take your oil and anoint the base of your feet, the tops of you feet, the base and top of your hands, both shoulders, and your third eye chakra. Do this in order from the third eye to the base of your feet.

Sit in your favorite meditative position and when you have quieted your mind simply say the following:

Ancient wisdom, third eye,

journey me through the sky,

bless me the information I seek,

as I will it, so mote it be

Maintain your meditative state until your have the vision or go on your vision quest. This for me has happened within 30 minutes, but if you have never done this before expect it to take an hour or more.

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 Austin Czarnik Womens Jersey

Coin Purification Spell

This is a spell I did recently.  Sometimes people, things, whatever create obstacles in your path. If someone or something is effecting your energy in a negative way, you are feeling depressed, hurt, out of control, then this spell will help you tremendously. After I did this spell all the haters were nothing to me, just little figments of my imagination. There is no reason for me to compete with other people or let their negativity effect me in anyway. Problems are like small figments. Illusions… as they never linger and things will always get better. Keep this in mind and be ready to let go and move forward.

Coin Purification SpellCoin Purification Spell

This spell should be used with your wishing well. If you don’t have a wishing well then use a make shift one or a bowl of water. Don’t use a well that someone drinks from! This spell is great for a type of difficulties you may be going through. After a break up, after a fight with a friend,or if you are just feeling sad, try this spell.

What You’ll Need:

The coins should be sparkling clean. You can do this by scrubbing your coins with backing soda and a tooth brush. The coins should be as clean as possible. Go to your well or natural water source and stand before your well facing West.

As you toss in your coin, “I this no longer effects me, I freely give this up.”

Do this facing North, East, and South respectfully.

This wonderful spell really helped me today, as I was feeling pretty low after my boyfriend lost a good friend of his. You know life is not always going to be great and people change and grow apart. Its sad when people try to hurt others on purpose but as I am a big believer of Karma and a even bigger believer of the 3 fold law, I already know that me and my wonderful boyfriend are protected. I hope the people see the error in their ways and move on from causing hurt. If you are reading this good luck to you!

Remember only hurting people try to hurt other people. If someone is hurting you they really have some personal issues going on with them and its not your fault. Trust in the Universe and in your Goddess. All things being equal, people can only hurt you if you let them!

I love you all! Thank you for making this site great!

 Chris Owens Jersey

Spell to Remove Obstacles

Obstacles can prohibit and bind you in your life. If you ever hit a point where you can move forward this is probably due to some unresolved issues in your life. Working towards forgiveness, purpose, acceptance, responsibility, are all difficult tasks. What we need to remember is that while we might not be responsible for the outside things that affect us, or the things other people do to us.. but we are responsible for how we react to the situation. This is a powerful spell to combat these unresolved issues but you have to be ready to move forward and move on.

This spell… is about release. You may cry, you may yell, but you will also heal, release and move forward. Do this spell during the full moon or the waning moon.Spell to Remove Obstacles

What You’ll Need:

  • lime half
  • lemon half
  • orange half
  • a shower (or waterfall 🙂 )
  • a black candle

Light the black candles and meditate on the flame. See yourself happy and healthy and see the obstacles be resolved as your forgive, as you heal, as you move on and take full responsibility for your life. As the candle burns take the fruit half’s with you into the shower.  Start with the orange move the half on your body as if you are cleaning yourself with it.

Move in the direction away from your body. Start with the top of your head and move towards the soles of your feet.

Orange: As you work with the orange think of all the people you may have hurt in the past, by being mean, being angry, being rude. Feel the guilt, and allow yourself to cry. When you are ready to move on say the following; “I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” This is a powerful affirmation from Joe Vitale.

Lemon: Think of all the people who may have hurt you. They may have hurt you intentionally, they may have hurt you with no bad intentions, but it still hurt you. Allow yourself to feel this hurt. Yes! Its not okay but it happens. When you are ready to really let this go and move forward say the following; ” You hurt me, but I will not allow this pain to control my life. I forgive you”

Lime: Think of yourself. We punish ourselves more than anyone else. We are so mean and judgmental to ourselves but this is our lives, You are pretty enough. You are smart enough. How do you treat yourself? Why don’t you love yourself? Why do you hurt yourself? Let it go. Resolve to change your life and be the person you always wanted to be. Have low self esteem because you are overweight? Resolve to do better. Resolve to do better in all that you do. Hug yourself. Be one with yourself and when you are ready say the following; “I forgive myself for whatever misgivings or short comings I have had in the past. I resolve to take 100 percent responsibility for my life and I am ready to be happy. I accept happiness.”

Clap out the black candle and discard away from your home. When you have finished this you will feel weak and emotionally drained. You may want to go to sleep after this process. If you still are battling with the pain of the past you may repeat this process as often as needed.

This spell was written by me with a few people in mind. It came to me as a friend and I were talking about obstacles and removing them. Work towards prosperity, work towards forgiveness, work towards being the ultimate you. Please share your thoughts in the comment sections below.

 Mark Recchi Womens Jersey

Stone Wish Spell

This is a wish spell that uses stone. You don’t need any other items but you can include a white candle some where in the process. Magick is with us all the times. You don’t always have candles. You don’t always herbs, you don’t always have the ‘right’ tools for the job but you have you heart, you have you mind, and you have your connection to the Universe. Magick lives inside of you, and while correspondences are wonderful they alone will never do the job alone. Your concentrate, mind, and focus creates the energies that create the outcome you desire. I love the simplicity of this stone wish spell and I hope that you will find some use for it as well.

While I have found this spell will work with any stone, river stones seems to workStone Wish Spell best. Find a smooth stone, it can be any type, any color but it should be a smooth as possible. Once you have the stone find a quiet area where you can meditate. Quiet your mind, meditate with the stone in your hand. Be one with your surroundings. Feel the wind and climate. Connect with Gaia.

Let your thoughts flow into you wish. See you wish as if it has already come true. You might want to say the affirmation, “My wish has already come true. Thank You.” Do this for awhile and when you are ready release the energies into the air. Raise your hands while holding a stone like you are offering it to Gaia. As you do this give your thanks.

Bury the stone in the ground and forget about your wish.

This spell can be done any time, any day, any moon phase and for any reason. I wouldn’t do a wish that has negative repercussions because for this spell you are spending a lot of time raising your personal thought vibrations. This spell is so simple that I think you all should try it. I know I tell you over and over to focus your mind, and meditate daily… but its true! While not absolutely mandatory it will increase the effectiveness of your spells.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Scott Hartnell Womens Jersey