Witch Garden Blessing

One of the things lost in modern witchcraft is a thorough connection with earth and nature. Many witched are making a return to traditional uses of witchcraft and are including  homegrown herbs and homemade oils more and more. If you have you own with garden and would like to bless it, try the following spell. After you scared garden is blessed you may use it for any nature, sun or lunar rituals you endeavor.

This spell is best done on a Sunday night during the waxing phase of the moon. You may want to add a cleansing ritual before you do this spell. This spell is to bless and protect you magickal garden and to prepare it as an outside altar for other magickal or nature based workings.

What You’ll Need:Witch Garden Blessing

  • a compass (bronze if possible)
  • blessing oil
  • Fire: A Orange Candle
  • Water: A Birdbath
  • Air: Wind chimes
  • Earth: Stones

Bless, charge and consecrate each of the items. Cast your circle as you normally would and place the items on the ground the direction that corresponds to each element.

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Stand in the center of your garden:

Gaia, Mother I ask for you to join me

Bless this land given by you

Make this land safe and a pure haven of my spiritual energies

Guide me and infuse the soil with your light

Sit down in the center of your circle. Place a drop of the blessing oil in each hand and rub them together to gather energy. Build the energies into your hands and when you are ready and your hands are filled with energy place them palm down onto the earth and say: So mote it be.

Stand and do a complete 360 turn three times to seal in the energy. You should take a pinch of dirt from you garden and place it onto your altar.

A lot of modern witches don’t have the privilege or having a herbal garden or an outside place to conduct spell castings and outside rituals. If you don’t have an outside area don’t be saddened or discouraged lots of witches don’t have and outside area for magick until they by a home later in life. It is not mandatory for magick but if you are serious about exploring witchcraft a green thumb can go a long way in expanding your witchcraft herbal knowledge base.

Let me know what you think of this spell in the comments section below. Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

READ MORE: Tutorials: How to Charge a Candle for Magick

 Neil Walker Authentic Jersey

Do a Love Spell WITHOUT ingredients!

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to do a spell or specifically a love spell without ingredients? Yes! It is so possible to do a love spell with little or no ingredients. With a little creativity, maybe reusing some older items, some concentration and mental ability you can successfully complete a love spell spell. In this article I will explain some simple techniques for doing a love spell. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Sometimes we want to do a more elaborate love spell… but its just not possible.

I have gotten  a lot of emails from some of the regular visitors from this website looking for Simple Love Spells Without Ingredients. Because I have never written a love spell with out any ingredients I found this spell to be a challenge. Let me know if this spell has worked for you, as I have not attempted this spell. (I am in a great relationship already 🙂 ). Let me know how you think I can improve this spell of if this spell has worked for you.

Be inventive. Be intelligent. Be creative. USE YOUR MIND. Use your intuition. Build up your ability to visualise, and concentrate. Learn to take basic things like sand, a rock, plain water and CHARGE THEM with intention to become the tool you need. Magic, Spells and Potions

So since we are making/writing/doing Simple Love Spells Without Ingredients this means we have to work with out intuition and visualization skills. Sometimes you may not have any ingredients right for a particular spell, you might not be able to have witchcraft related items in your home, or you may not have the supplies for some other reason. I feel with or without the ‘right’ tools you can do magick. Esp if you are creative enough. 🙂

Learn how to do a love spell without ingredients!

Focus everyday on the qualities you would like to attract. Don’t focus on a particular person as this spell does not seek to encroach on someones free will and is meant to attract true love to you. Practice meditation, energy raising and visualization daily. You need to be really clear about the person you want to attract. Don’t send the universe  mixed singles. When you have sufficient focus start chanting a simple chant. You should write your own, something along the lines of;

“Brilliant Moon, At this hour

I call upon your magick power

Give to me the love I seek

As I will it so mote it be.”

I would do this spell on the night of the full moon for the next six months. You should have attracted love just with your visualizations alone in this period of time. You can also add other elements to this spell such as the right herbs and candles, but since most of the emails have been about doing Simple Love Spells Without Ingredients I thought it would be best for me to post this spell as is.


 Andrew Luck Authentic Jersey

Paper Wish Spell

This simple paper wish spell was sent to me via Facebook.  I want to give a big thanks to Lochrit for sharing this spell with me. I appreciate and love all of you! This spell should be done on a Thursday in the morning before the sun rises or as the sun is rising. Lochrit Stone writes:

My sister gave me this spell out of her Book of Shadows. This spell won’t create a miracle overnight, but I always get my wish.

Simple Paper Wish Spell

Simple Paper Wish SpellWhat You’ll Need:

  • Paper
  • a yellow marker
  • fire
  • fireproof dish or receptacle
  • a yellow candle
  • vanilla incense

Cast your circle and light your incense. You can make your incense or buy vanilla incense from amazon. If you can’t get access to vanilla incense you can purchase a vanilla scented candle. It is preferable to have the incense though, I would choose another corresponding incense over a scent candle but it is a matter of personal preference.

Using the yellow marker draw a pentagram on a piece of paper and write your wish on the back. Fold the paper in three times (fold the paper in halves three times).

Light your yellow candle and say the following:

Beautiful Lady of the Moon

Thank you for the night

Sun’s Morning I invoke thee

Make this wish come true

Place one drop of the yellow wax onto the paper. BLOW (YES BLOW) the candle out holding the paper over the candles smoke, sending your wish both out into the universe and on the paper. Keep the paper in the highest part of your room. When your wish comes true tear your papers in little piece and throw it to the wind. Alternatively you can burn the paper and throw the ashes to the wind.

This spell is so simple and I am in love with it. I am going to try and get all the wish spells up for you guys today. Thanks so much for visiting Just Wicca and helping it grow!

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Roger Maris Womens Jersey

Spell to Attract a New Love

On a night when the moon is waxing from New Moon to Quarter Moon, light a pink candle and a red candle, or light a candle shaped as a man and a woman (or whatever figures suit your preference). Burn some rose-scented incense.

Fill a red or pink flannel mojo bag with some herbs that are Venus-ruled, such as mugwort, cardamom, heather, orchid, tuberose, tonka, hyacinth, violet, marjoram, willow or yarrow. Add a piece of sun-dried lemon or orange peel cut in the shape of a heart, a pink piece of paper with the words “I open fully now and accept this new love,” and a lock of your hair.

Add in any of the following roots known for their potency in love magick: ginseng root, Adam and Eve root, mandrake root (the most powerful of the magickal herbs), John the Conqueror and orris root.

Chant the name of the person you most desire to be with, if you have already met someone who interests you. As you prepare the bag, chant his or her name and say:

Out from the Earth I draw these elements

Out of the Sky I breathe new air

In the clear Water I reflect new attraction

Out of the Fire I draw passion’s dare.


Comes to me now, my new love so precious

Comes to me perfectly, gladly and free

Opens his [or her] heart to accept now my new love

As I open my heart, accept his [or her] love for me.


So Mote it Be.

Spell to Attract a New Love

Close up the bag and anoint it with myrrh or rosemary oil. Pass it several times through the rose incense. Wear it daily on a white string or gold chain around your neck.

Keep this fresh and protected: anoint the bag each Friday evening with three drops of pink champagne or rose oil, then pass it through the smoke of burning patchouli incense.

Secretly rub the bag whenever in his or her presence.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Kurt Warner Womens Jersey

Spell to Believe in Your Own Attractiveness and Beauty

Perform this spell during the time of the New Moon to the Quarter Moon.

Cast your circle, lighting red and orange candles. Call forth the Elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and request the presences of the Goddesses Aine, Aphrodite, Venus and Astarte.

Place a hand mirror, a fresh red or pink rose, rosemary oil, blessed water, a rose quartz and a small bottle on the altar.

Mix together some crushed rosemary, skullcap, thyme, spikenard, yerba mate, vanilla, strawberry, violet and ylang ylang, and set it aside on the altar.

Hold the mirror so that it reflects both the candlelight and your own face. Looking into the mirror, recite:Spell to Believe in Your Own Attractiveness and Beauty

Goddesses, aid me now:

Believing in my beauty, believing in my charms

I call to me now the one who will treasure and treat my heart well.

Knowing my own attractiveness, knowing my strength and grace

I carry my own confidence, love and light in this face.
So Mote it Be.

Using the rune symbol WYNN, anoint your skin with the rose oil in the area of your heart chakra, then touch the rune to your lips.
Sprinkle the blessed water on the rose quartz and upon your own head.

Take a pinch of the herb mixture and sprinkle it over the candles. Place the rest in the small bottle and close up the bottle, taking more of the mixture out whenever you perform this spell.

Now focus on the flame of the red candle, chanting:

I am the rose; I am the real beauty

I am all that my love seeks and believes in,

My real love sees me, recognizes me, is drawn to me now.

 So Mote it Be.

Repeat this daily until the candles are burnt down and the herb mixture is gone. Alternatively you can burn the herb mixture and bury the ashes in a flowerpot that contains any flower or plant that is Venus-ruled.

Thank the Elements and the Goddesses for all they have given you, and close your circle. J.J. Nelson Womens Jersey

Psychic Spells: Spell to Astral Project

I am putting this spell under psychic spells because it makes the most sense out of all the categories. Astral projection falls under out of body experiences. I have plenty of friends who can travel easily through the astral plans but they seem to all have spent plenty of time learning about the best techniques and exercises for astral projecting.

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Before trying to astral you should spend sometime meditating. You should be trying to meditate daily as it will teach you to calm and focus your mind. I would suggest putting any animals out the room as they may jump into your lap and distract you. You may want to cut off the lights, and turn off anything else that will distract you like your computer, cell phone, alarm clock or radio. You may want to lay down if this is your first time astral projecting.

What You’ll Need:Astral Projection Spell

  • Astral Oil
  • a meditative state

How to Make Astral Oil

  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil
  • 1 drop of jasmine
  • 2 drops of cinnamon
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang
  • 1 oz of base oil

After taking a bath, disrobe and anoint your body with the astral oil.

When you are in a meditative state in a private room where you will no be disturb until you return to your body say the following chant:

Shu, God of Air, out of my body with out a care

My body light will take me, as I will it so mote it be.

How to Astral Travel (Simple Beginners Techniques)

  1. After meditation lay down on your bed and completely relax.
  2. Massage your forehead for about 45 seconds to a minute.
  3. Tense each part of your body and release it completely.
  4. Countdown from 25 to 1. Tell yourself at 1 you will be completely relaxed.
  5. See yourself surrounded by light. Spend sometime at this level.
  6. Now see this light becoming one with you, forming your light body.
  7. Imagine a silver rope leading upwards to the sky.
  8. When you are ready, start slowly to climb the rope with your light body.
  9. You should feel a noticeable change in your energy.
  10. Keep climbing the cord until you can look down onto your physical body

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Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Corey Graham Womens Jersey

Spell to Learn the Truth

This is my first spell to learn the truth. I wrote this spell over 8 years ago. I found it again while going through my collections of spells on my PC. (I am pretty sure I have over 3000 spells on my computer! but I can’t post them all because that would be stealing someones copyrighted information.)

This spell is designed with the intention of having the person tell you the truth, having someone else tell you the truth, and/or having the truth come to you. This spell is more pro active, in the sense of having the answer actively come to you. You may want to do an aura cleansing spell before doing this spell, but that is entirely up to you.

The following spell to get the truth only requires one white candle and a candle of any color to represent you. This should be a candle to represent you in your current state. Need a little bit more detail? Read this awesome article on candle colors and their meaning or look to the sidebar for a simple group of spell correspondences.

Spell to Learn the Truth

Spell to Learn the Truth (Get Someone to Tell the Truth)

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 white candle
  • a candle to represent you
  • something to with

Carve your name into the candle that represents you. This candle can be any color just choose the one color that stands out and feels “right” to you. Light the candle and meditate on the flame, move from this and spend sometime meditating on your question. Don’t try to FIND an answer. Don’t try and answer the question yourself. Just sit and be with the question. After doing this for some time light the white candle:

“Goddess aid me in finding truth, let no deception linger.”

Meditate on the two flames and spend some quiet time in quiet meditation. Sit up! Don’t lay down as it is easy to fall asleep and that’s not what you are trying to do. The answer should come to you within the three days.

Do this every three days for up to an hour until you receive your answer.

Did you do this spell to learn the truth? Tell others your thoughts, feelings, suggestions, intentions, and everything else below.

As always thank you so much for visiting this website and sharing it with your friends. I love you. Thank you. And yeah you might be thinking “You don’t love me, you don’t know me!” Yes. Yes, I do. I love you just as I love everyone. You are even more important to me because your guys support me and this website. I hope your day is filled with light! Mine is, and its really because of all of you. Thank you for being my friend!

And if you like this spell then you need to check out Miracle Mastery! Its a $27 eprogram which teaches you how to use your brain to create miracles. Its such a cool program and if you have the chance to check it out then do it!

 Patrick Kerney Womens Jersey

Spell to Attract Friends

Having friends that you can depend on through all types of situations both good or bad is very important. That sense of community is important. We all want to be accepted by a group of people and we all want to have people in our lives with similar goals, thoughts, ambitions, feelings and ways of thinking.

This spells works well if you are constantly trying to improve yourself and your life. You can also supplement this spell with a daily affirmation. You can find wiccan friends on my Witchcraft Message board or the Wiccan Pen Pals Page.

This is a spell to attract multiple new friends into your life. This spell works fast and is very effective. Try this spell to attract new friends and tell us your results in the comment section below this post.

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Do this spell during the waxing moon on a Sunday

What You’ll Need:

  • multiple ribbons or yarn strings in various colors
  • a yellow candle
  • good luck oil

Cast your circle and gather your supplies. Anoint your candle and light. Gather the yarn and braid the various colors into a friendship bracelet. As you do this chant:

“Interwine and interwoven, may our friendship never be broken;

True friends attract to me; as I will it so mote it be”

spell to attract friendsDo this until your bracelet is made. Put three drops of the good luck oil onto your friendship bracelet and wrap it around the candle as it burns down. Wear the bracelet and be the friendly person you are. Friends will  naturally be attracted to you. Place three drops of good luck oil on your bracelet every three weeks.

Not only is this spell meant to attract friends but also luck. You must try your best to maintain positive thoughts and actions. Its not always easy to be a positive person but you can start by telling someone you love them daily, and tell yourself you love and accept yourself. If you don’t love and honor yourself first, how can you expect others to do the same?

I love you. All of you. I don’t know where you have been, or what you have been through. I may not ever know. But I love you and you all are always in my heart. Its my goal to show you all how much you mean to me by making this website the best it can be. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time on this blog. 🙂

I hope you enjoy this spell to attract friends. You can leave comments, questions, suggestions and everything else below. Thank you so much for visiting JustWicca.com!

Read More: Moon Magick and Witchcraft Spell Casting

 Jimmy Howard Womens Jersey

Draw Desire Spell


This free love spell is to draw out you desires. It is very intense and romantic so use this free love spell very wisely. It can be dangerous, so be careful what you wish for…

Free Love Spell

First you want to meditate. You want to clear your mind right now and be calm and at peace. Don’t focus on the spell or the end result right now, just clear your mind. Let the thoughts flow out of your head, you can try this with a guided meditation on disk, mp3 or youtube.com

After proper meditation, place whatever candles you wish in front of you and begin the drawing. You may use a pencil and paper, but other things are encouraged as well. Markers, pens, just not water colors or anything that will take too long to dry. Draw with power. Invest your self energies and the elemental powers into the drawing. Draw your desire, may it be love, a curse, protection, anything.

Free Love SpellAfter you have finished your drawing for this free love spell, take a candle with the correct color for the spell and burn the piece of paper after you have folded it up into a package. Put the burning paper on a heat proof surface and watch the flames go out. As it does, the power of the drawing is released and will begin working. Let the candle burn itself out.

I love this free love spell its fun, simple and really unique. I know that I say that often but I love really bare bones spells that force you to bring your energies to the work magickal working. It is almost like a physic connection between you and the Goddess and God. Try this spell if you need clarity on a big decision or if you are hitting a stumbling block in your path.

This is a spell for you to get whatever it is in your life that you want. You are literally drawing and this is creating a powerful desire spell. Be explicit, get creative and really use your power and energies to draw exactly whatever it is that you want. Make sure you are using the correct candles and if you find that your desire is hard to place then use a general white candle. I used a green, white, and red candles for my spell, which was a slightly modified version of this free love spell. It worked great. Leave some comments below with any questions and comments you might have.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Martin Perez Authentic Jersey

Spell to Change Your Hair Color

You all have been sending in so many wonderful spells. Thanks! Glamor spells usually affect the way others perceived you. This spell is to actually change something and while these spells sometimes work they tend to be hit or miss depending on the witch, and never seem to last longer than a few minutes. This spell was sent in by Amora W. from Lakeside, Michigan. She writes:

This is a spell my gal pals and I did often in our youth. The effects only last for seconds. This spell is hard because it requires strong concentration.

Spell to Change Your Hair ColorWhat You’ll Need:

  • colored candle (the color that you want you hair to be)
  • a white candle
  • a mirror

Sit in a quiet room in front of a mirror. Light the white candle. Spend sometime seeing yourself as your and imagining how you will look with the different hair color. Try to visualize yourself with great detail. Light the colored candle and stare into the flame. When you are ready move your hand from over the white candle to hold your hand directly over the flame of the colored candle (not too close! you don’t want to burn yourself). Cup your hair and as you run your hands over your hair visualize your hair changed.

While this spell doesn’t have to be done during a specific day or moon phase, I would suggest you do this spell on Monday during the waxing moon. This is just a suggestion though! Amora didn’t provide that specific information, so just do what makes sense to you.

Thank you for visiting the website. You can hundreds of free spells and information on the website. I post new spells daily so make sure to check back tomorrow! You can leave all questions, comments, suggestions and tips in the comment section below.

 Brandon Williams Jersey