Spell to Lose Weight

This is a spell to lose weight. This spell will not make you thinner overnight and it is to enhance the weight loss process. You still need to take responsibility for your health and do the things you need to do in order to loose weight. There aren’t any shortcut to this. The Divine will help you, encourage you, aid you but it won’t do all the work for you and let you ignore the lifestyle changes needed to loose weight.

So in addition to this spell I implore you to;

  • Exercise everyday (even walking in place for 5 minutes then 10 minutes then 15 minutes… build up your strength slowly… Rome wasn’t built overnight)
  • Drink the recommend amounts of water every day.
  • Encourage yourself. Its hard to stay motivated on a weight loss journey. Don’t fret. Try daily affirmations, one of my favorites “Perfect light and Perfect love, I am perfect right now and I am changing my life.” Remind yourself that you are strong! You CAN achieve your weight loss goals! No excuses!
  • EAT! Don’t starve yourself! Find a weight loss plan that you can really stick to.

Spell to Lose WeightWhat You’ll Need:

  • 1 white candle
  • yourself
  • motivation to change

Start this process during the waning moon. Each morning before your workout light your white candle and say your affirmation. Immediately work out. After each workout say to your affirmation to yourself and a say thank you. See yourself thin. Throughout the day see yourself at your dream weight and say your affirmation. Say “Thank you for my weight loss” as you drink your water and each time you eat your meals.

Do this everyday until you reach your weight loss goals. I love this spell. Its about making no more excuses and getting it done! It is hard to break bad habits but if you don’t resolve to make the change no one else is going to do it for you. This spell works, is powerful and I love it!

 Derick Brassard Jersey

Spell to Attract a Specific Person

Sometimes it is our inner obstacles that block us from obtaining our goals or fulfilling our wishes. This spell is one to send the universe on alert that you are ready for love and are open to the possibility of inviting and obtaining love into your life. This is a love spell that should be done on a Friday during the night of the full moon is possible. The waning moon or new moon should work fine as well. Spend some time mediating on love and what love means to you in preparation of this spell.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Attract a Specific Person

  • • A ring (your mothers wedding ring in tradition)
  • • Red ribbon
  • • Pink candle
  • • Unblocking oil
  • • A wine glass

Cast your circle and anoint charge and consecrate your pink candle with your intention. Place the wine glass onto the center of your altar and place the candle behind it. Tie the ribbon (silk if you have it) to the ring making a pendulum.

Take the pendulum into your power hand and let it hang in the center of the wine glass until it is steady. While holding your pendulum, say your name and the name of the other person. Say your name once and their name twice speaking the names three times total (Mary Carter, Lee Johnson, Lee Johnson). After meditating on the person for a bit more, spell out their name while clearly picturing them in your mind’s eye. Tap the pendulum to the side of the wine glass as your spell out each letter of their name.

Wear the ring as a necklace close to your heart. Repeat this spell every Friday for three weeks. By the end of the third week the person will be in your life, showing interest or communicating with you on a more romantic level. If the person has not shown any interest then take it for what it is. The person is not interested in you or you and the person are simply not meant to be.

 Philadelphia Eagles Authentic Jersey

Money Wish Spell

Gold Coins

Money Wish Spell

Money Spells: Money Wish Spell – Spell for Getting Money

Money Spells are money wish are really easy and effective. You can do this spell practically anytime and receive some real results. All you have do is use your visualization skills and use your magickal creation power. I guess I would say, for optimum results you should do this spell on a Thursday, Sunday or Friday of the full moon or waxing moon.

Money Wish Spell

What you will need:

  • A lucky charm or special coin
  • Powerful visualization skills

See how much money you need. See yourself with tons of riches. Visualize yourself receiving the money.  This is how you are charging your coin with your intention. This will make your magickal creation work faster, more effectively and get you the results you want from the universe. Meditate on your wish. Meditate and dream about you having what you want. Money wish spells like this are really powerful. While holding your charged charm or special coin, you should say a chant you have written for this spell. If you want a sample chant or you want to use mine then read below:

Silver and Gold, return unto me

By the witchy powers of three hundred time three

The money I require is mine to keep

Make your way to me, immediately

Money Wish Spell Notes

It is a simple but really effective chant for me when I do a ritual like this money wish spell. Carry your coin with you while forgetting about the spell. Soon you will have then coin with you and receive the money you need. Some people thank the universe for the money at the end of their chant, some people thank the goddess for blessing them with the money, and it really just depends on your path. You can do it any way you want and still receive some real results. This is an amazing money wish spell.

 A.J. Greer Authentic Jersey

Spell to Stop an Argument

This spell is to stop an argument. You can use this spell when arguing with a  lover, a friend, a authority figure or anyone else in your life. This spell aims to change the way you and the person with whom you are arguing with feel about each other and the situation.

I would suggest you take a ritual bath first and spend some time clearing your thoughts as to not let any of your more negative thoughts enter into the circle and spell casting.

What You’ll Need:

  • a glass plate (oval if possible, and purple, clear works just fine).
  • a purple candle
  • a picture of the person you are arguing with
  • attraction oil

This spell should be done on the night of the new moon. The plate is used for twoSpell to Stop an Arguement reasons, firstly because glass reflects back to the person and secondly because the color raises your communication vibrations. After you ritual bath cast your circle as you normally would and charge you candle with your intention. Anoint the candle with the attraction oil and place it on your altar.

Place a drop of attraction oil onto the picture and lay the picture face down on the plate for around 15 minutes. You do not want to over-influence the recipient, so spend no more than 15 minutes remembering all the goo times you had with the person.

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Make sure you use a good picture of the person, where they are happy and enjoying themselves. If at all possible use a picture of you and the persona having a great time together. Afterwards place the picture on the altar and let the candle burn down.

The person you are trying to reach should drop by, or try to communicate with you within the next 24 hours so you can solve your difficulties. If they don’t respond do the working again for no more than 15 minutes.

After a third time if you still haven’t seen or heard from the person you should give them a call or try to visit them because by now their feelings should have changed. If they still do not respond or do not respond in kindness it is time to let go and give them more space. Let them know the door is always open when they need to come to you and let them have their space.

Know in you heart that you did everything you could to let go of the past and start the friendship anew. Do dwell on them if hey decide not to move forward with you with kindness and friendship. Wish them well and ‘Merry Part’.

This spell is intended to work with someone with whom you may have had a recent falling out with. It is not intended for someone you haven’t seen or spoken to in years or is very very angry with you. Feel free to do the spell but I wouldn’t suggest speaking with the person for at three weeks if they don’t respond well after you contact them.

This spell works with the intention that you are truly ready to move froward with your friendship and put this argument behind you. You should be prepared to make the first move and apologize for any wrongdoings on your part. This spell doesn’t aim to clear all the issues within a friendship but it should clear the air for this particular argument. It is sometimes hard to get back to normal after a big blow up with  a friend, but after doing this spell and making the effort, things are sure to go your way.

Read:Wiccan Traditions

 John Wensink Womens Jersey

Spell to Become a Fairy

This spell and the useful information there in was provided by Ashland Nyelock. Thanks Ashland! I love that name, very cute! Ashland writes:

“While there is not a spell to make you become a fairy you can summon and communicate with them if you are chosen. Fairies aren’t all the time pleasant and sometime can be a bit mean or harmful to a situation but most fairies you encounter are pleasant, kind, generous and give you good luck.

The best time to communicate with fairies, summon them, or asking them for guidance would be in midsummer. On June 29th if you can find a quiet place to call upon them there is a chance to see hundreds. Fairies are beautiful and but look like fireflies on camera. Sometimes fireflies are fairies so if you see plenty of the together make a wish!

In order to see fairies. Go outside during twilight with a white candle and an offering of berries. “Faries come to me, I offer you these berries, now let me see!” If they don’t appear right away then try again the following night. Make sure you aren’t wear anything that would repell the faries!

In order to ask a fairy for an answer. Once you have made contact with the fairies, (They may try to communicate with you via dreams so make sure you keep a journal!) you can ask them questions about anything you seek answers too. The easiest way is to gather an offering of grapes beneath a pine tree, write your question on a slip of paper and bury the offering and question into the ground. You should receive an answer within three days either through your dreams or the answer will pop into your head as if it was placed there. Make sure to give thanks once you receive you answer because fairies anger quickly, don’t like to be summoned often and love lots of praise!”

Pretty interesting stuff huh? Thanks to Ashland once again for sending in this wonderful information!

Spell to Become a Fairy

 Dallas Goedert Womens Jersey

Stygian Witches – The Stygian Witches

What are the Stygian Witches?

The Stygian Witches are called the Graeae, the grey witches, the grey sisters, the three crone sisters and more. They are said to have Stygian Witchesshared one eye and one tooth. The Stygian Witches were the daughters, born as triplets, to both Ceto and Phorcyus.

They are said to have been beautiful despite their deformities, although are often now depicted as hideous and ugly. The Stygian Witches belong to a group of gods called, Phorcydeus, this group consisted of only sea based and earth based realms. There isn’t a lot of information online about the Stygian witches, but you can find more information by using the search bar on this website. Some people include the Stygian witches into their modern rituals but I do not because there isn’t a precise and accurate definition of the sisters and the magick they casted.

Stygian Witches and Mythology

The Stygian Witches are one of several archaic Greek mythological gods. The Stygian Witches are said to have been half swan. They would share their one tooth and their one eye amongst their selves. They are said to have lived for so long, no one could even fathom them as human children. In the Clash of the Titans Movie the Graeae are called the Stygian Witches.

More on Stygian Witches

You can find more information on the Graeae by searching online. Wikipedia has an interesting article on the three crone sisters. The sisters are interesting and intriguing, Modern day witches even hold the Stygian Witches as their totem or goddess deity. Because Wicca is such an individualized path these neo-stygian witches are welcomed into the pagan community. It is not the type of witchcraft I am familiar with but I am interested none the less. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think about the  Witches.

 Zach Zenner Authentic Jersey

Another Sugar Love Spell

Using a sugar love spell are simple, effective and fun… I adore them! After you read this spell, please check out my simple sugar wish spell! This spell was sent in by Ravana. You can send in your spells ([email protected]) and a free gift! Just email me for the details.

Using sugar in magick is great and very effective. Sugar like honey, is use to attract favorable circumstances and to “sweeten ones life” per say.  Some people use this spells like this sugar love spell when fighting with an spouse, friend, family member or whomever. You put your name and the person whom you are quarreling into a sugar bowl and visualize making up and/or resolving the issue with that person.

Simple but cool magick. Chocolate, sugar, candy, honey and other natural sweets have always been associated with love and can work wonders in love magick. Most of you have heard of the honey love spell right? The thought of the taste, the sweet, the love, corresponds beautifully with love and sugar spells.

Some people even use brown sugar for use in home made incense to bring luck. So use your mind, and you individualism and really make your magick or food magick as some people call it work for you. There are people who use magick to bake brownies and sweets for a loved one, and as they are making their concoction they visualize the outcome they want. Food is the quickest way to the heart and can make magick happen for your love life!

Sugar Love Spell

Want to learn more about Wiccans in the kitchen? Read this Awesome article: Wicca in the Kitchen by Kitty the Dreamer.

Here is what Kitty says about Sugar and Wicca:

Sugar: a Wiccan food for Wicca in the kitchen that is ruled by Orishas and Venus. When powdered, sprinkle sugar on pink or red love candles to draw someone’s attention.

A really nice girl on twitter recently responded to a question I asked. The question was “Do you guys use sugar in your magick?” Here is what she said; (Oh you can follow me too… @BallisticJW)

@BallisticJW ive not used it,but hear its good when working with fairies,and in attraction spells that need quick action (sugared water)

So now I bet you are dying to find out about this powerful and wonderful sugar love spell. Without further ado, here it is!


Sugar Love Spells

What you’ll need:

  1. Sugar 🙂
  2. Jar or Container
  3. Pen
  4. Red Paper Heart
  5. Candles (Optional)

Write his or Her name 9 times on the red paper heart. On the back of the red paper heart write the message you would like to send. Something simple like ‘call me’, ‘im sorry’, ‘please forgive me’, ‘miss me’, seems to work best. I think its because its easier (at least in the beginning) to send simple energy messages or thoughts.

Once you write your message, fold the paper heart in half and then place it standing up in the jar. Try the stand the heart up in the container but this isn’t always possible. Cover the heart with sugar, honey or candies.

Place the jar onto your altar and then spend sometime meditating on the outcome you desire. See the person doing the exact thing you want them to do. See it vividly and with as much detail as possible.

Ask the Goddess to aid you in your wish. Keep the lovers jar somewhere safe for as long as you need it. This spell can be done during any moon and/or day but its traditionally Friday for love spells, although some circles prefer Wednesday or Sunday for love spells and relationship work.

Do you know a sugar love spell? Has this Spell worked for you? Do you use sugar in your magick? Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think!

I have plenty more spells so if you need a sugar love spell check the other spells out in this section!

 John Franklin-Myers Authentic Jersey

Spell to Curse Someone You Hate

This spell was sent in by Shavana. This is a spell to curse someone. Keep in mind the three fold law. Are you really willing to accept the consequences of putting a curse on someone? If you are certain you can handle whats to come… here is the spell to curse someone. I would recommend you do a cleansing ritual after you conduct this spell…

Do this spell on the night of the new moon, preferably on a Friday night.

spell to curse someoneWhat You’ll Need:

  • a black candle
  • a lemon
  • 13 needles or nails
  • a picture of the person

At exactly midnight on the night of the new moon take your black candle and anoint it with the juice of half of the lemon. Light the black candle. With your minds eye see the person in great distress. Take the other half lemon half and while chanting “Hate, Evil, you are cursed” place the picture of the person on top of the lemon half and stick the needle into the center. While you are placing the needle into the lemon imagine the needle piercing the persons’ heart. Place each of the remaining needles into the lemon and with each needle imagine a new affliction harming the person.

If you can place the lemon in the persons home or bury it in their yard. The person will be curse 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years depending on how successfully you complete the spell. Be prepared! You are now in line for some mucho grande KARMA, doing a cleansing ritual after this is strongly suggested.

I personally would never do this spell or recommend it! You guys can do what you want but why not be in the business of spreading love? I don’t think anybody is worth me sacrificing my happiness for… but its not my decision is it?

 Trey Burke Authentic Jersey

Spell for Protection at Work or School

I don’t know about you, but bullies tend to make life miserable. Sure it’s easy to say how unhappy the person maybe etc., but feeling sympathy for them doesn’t really stop the problem. I would suggest in additional to this spell you avoid the bully (if at all possible don’t speak to them at all!). If the bully is harassing you consistently and maliciously talk to a manager, or school authority you can trust.

You will be protected with this amulet but most bullies don’t have just one target and speaking with someone who can get this bully help they need. Hurting people hurt people. People who are happy and satisfied with themselves don’t go out and maliciously attack others. I am sorry that this spell is even needed.

My personal complaint is leaving high school and entering the workspace only to run into adults who act like children! Don’t ever be a victim; stand up for yourself and what you believe always! You have the right to a safe work place and school environment.

What You’ll Need:Spell for Protection at Work

  • • • A black candle
  • • • A gray candle
  • • • A white candle
  • • • A piece of paper
  • • • Binding oil
  • • • Protection oil
  • • • A small dish
  • • • Four thieves vinegar

On the night of the full moon anoint your white candle with protection oil. Anoint your gray candle with blessing oil. Anoint your black candle with binding oil. Carve your name onto the white candle and charge it with your intention. Light your black candle:

“Your heart is dark at night this spells represents you;”
Light your gray candle with the flame of your black candle
“You may no longer harm me, I neutralize you”
Light your white candle:
“Goddess of light, I am protected”

On the white piece of paper, using black ink, list the name of all of the bullies. Put the list of bullies into a small dish covered with four thieves’ vinegar. Keep the dish with the vinegar on you altar for until the night before the next full moon.

 David Backes Jersey

Cleanse Aura Spell

Best done on either a waxing moon

if you want more positivity brought into your aura.

Now, to release negativity tainting your aura it is best done on a waning moon.


You will need for this spell:

3) White candles to bring healing, and positivity to your aura.

3) Black candles to banish negativity from your aura

1) Bundle of Sage

Anointing oil such as: Eucalyptus, Sandalwood, Patchouli.

Herbs:  You may use one or more of the following herbs:

Banishing for Black Candles: Acacia Cypress, Basil, Black Pepper, Patchouli, and Valerian.

Healing for the White Candles: Eucalyptus, Juniper, Thyme, Rosemary, and Sandalwood.

A clean environment you will want the area you do this spell cleansed well of negativity.


How to do this spell:

1)      Take a ritual cleansing bath to begin this process.

2)      Make sure your ritual area is cleansed well with sage.

3)      Cast your circle

4)      Cleanse and concrete your items you will be using for this ritual.

5)      Light 3 of the black candles then meditate on your auras negativity banishing itself into a form of white-golden light.  Chant this Following spell 3 times: “Negativity Be Banished, Negativity Be Free of me, by the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.  Harming none as well as myself, in perfect trust I ask the Universe, So Mote it be!”

6)      Light 3 of the white candles then meditate on happiness, and positivity flowing into your being, and cleansing you in this white-golden bath of purifying light. Chant this spell 3 times:”Positivity be cleansed, Positivity bring purity, light my aura in the most perfect way of love, and perfect trust. May I be attractive in love, and all things pure, by the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.  May this come in the most correct way in perfect love, and trust I ask of the Universe, so mote it be!”

7)      Meditate further picturing white-golden light entering your being.  When you start feeling at ease by the process of white light go ahead, and snuff the candles all out.

8)      Thank the Universe, and the Elements for helping cleanse your being.  Then Close your circle.

9)      You may Repeat this spell if you so wish to.

10)   Thank you, and blessed be Do kindness, and kindness will come back to you 3 fold.

Related posts:

  1. Money Spells: A Spell to Banish Debt
  2. Cleansing and Purification Spells: Coin Purification Spell
  3. Binding Spells: Simple Spell to Break a Curse

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