Spell to Change Your Luck

This spell requires 7 (yes seven!) candles and its a very intense spell for a life overhaul. I told you guys a little earlier that I wasn’t having the best of luck… Well in a matter of minutes you guys came to my aid with some awesome spells for good luck. Thank you so much! This spell was sent to me by my friend Death Potter (what a coool name! I love harry potter!). Death Potter writes:

Raven! I hear you have been having some bad luck! Try this spell it works for me every time. GOOD LUCK!

Thank you so much Death and thanks for the good luck bro! This spell is to be done on the night before the full moon and Death suggests you(I) do a cleansing ritual before hand. You can use the search to find some of the purification rituals.

Spell to Change Your Luck

Spell to Change Your LuckWhat You’ll Need:

  • black candle to represent the bad luck
  • gray candle to neutralize the bad luck
  • white candle to move into the light
  • green candle to wish for prosperity
  • red candle to wish for love
  • yellow candle to wish for happiness
  • orange candle for speedy changes

You can anoint all the candles (except the black candle) with good luck oil if you have it.Light the black candle and think of the bad luck. Light the gray candle to neutralize the bad luck. Light the white candle to stop the bad luck and move into the positive. Light the green candle and make wish for abundance. Light the red candle and make a wish for your love life. Light the yellow candle and make a wish for your happiness. Light the orange candle and ask for a speedy delivery.

Spend some time before and after you light each candle meditating on the candles purpose. As you light each candle you may want to add some words or a chant whatever feels right and comfortable to you. Let all the candles burn down. Gather the left over wax of all the candles and place it in a wooden box. Place the box under your bed and don’t remove it for 3 months. After three months you can do the spell again.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

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Spell to Stop Nightmares

If you are being haunted by persistent nightmares then this spell should help. I would suggest you do this spell on a Saturday night during the waning moon as it nears the new moon phase. We need sleep to rest our brains and let our brains process all the information we absorb on a daily basis. If we don’t have restful sleep it can affect us in all areas of our lives. Not good!

Lately you guys might have noticed that I am really into incorporating fire in my spells. I have great success with them. You may want to find your element and incorporate it into your spells. BUT don’t just assume your element is whatever corresponds to your birth. I am a Scorpio but my element is fire! It may be because whatever astrological correspondences but I know instinctively.

Spell to stop nightmaresWhat You’ll Need:

  • 1 four leaf clover
  • basil
  • lavender
  • 5 white candles
  • protection oil
  • black marker
  • white paper
  • fire proof dish
  • white silk cloth

Make a start and light the black candles counter clock wise. Draw a picture of the  nightmare that has been plaguing you. With the north candle burn the paper and place it in the fireproof dish. While it is burning say seven times “This nightmare is no more I sleep soundly and peacefully”. In the center of the white cloth place the basil, lavender, and 5 drops of protection oil. Take the ashes and place them on top of the basil, lavender, and oil. On top of that place the four leaf clover. Tie to seal the cloth or tie it with white ribbon. Snuff the candles out clock wise and as you snuff each out say “As I will it so mote it be”. Sleep with your protection pillow under your main pillow.

Your nightmares should end.

Thank you so much for visiting the website. I love you all so much and I am glad to put this information up for you. I don’t see why someone would pay spell casters (who usually really AREN’T) to do something they can do for themselves.

You know Wiccans get a lot of shit for changing things, and whatever and I have to loudly complain about that. If the Divine is calling you to do something then follow your heart. While you may not be traditionally Wiccan you ARE doing magick and you are connecting with the Divine.

 Geronimo Allison Jersey

Spell to Achieve a Goal

What Makes a Good Goal?

  1. Its realistic – if the goal is impossible to achieve.. then you can’t achieve it!
  2. You Want it badly enough to do whatever it takes, passion, drive, motivation to succeed are essential to achieving your goals
  3. You take action to achieve the goal, this requires that you do something.. ANYTHING to move you closer to your goal. Even something small

How to Achieve Your Goals:

  1. Have an achievable goal
  2. Write it down
  3. Make a plan to achieve your goal
  4. Work towards achieving your goal everyday
  5. Review and keep track of your progress (or lack thereof)
  6. Give yourself a deadline

This spell will aid you in achieving your goals. Spell to Achieve a Goal

What You’ll Need

  • A candle that represents your goal (red for love, green for money)
  • The right rune symbol
  • a carving tool, if you have a burin then use it
  • myrrh oil

Anoint your candle with oil. Find the appropriate rune symbol that represents your goal and using your burin carve it into your candle. Light your candle and meditate quietly on your goal. Feel the feelings of accomplishing your goal and see yourself as already have completed this goal. Do this for seven minutes each night at seven pm for seven days if it is a short term goal that can be accomplished in 7 days if not do this as a jump start to achieving your goals or until your goal has been achieved fully.

With the new year right around the corner we all have goals we want to achieve. My goal for the new year is to make this site as big, and as informative as it can be. You know I don’t claim to know it all and I definitely don’t have all the answers, but I work towards my goal everyday. No excuses, just do it.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

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Blue Candle Health Spell

This is a quick and simple spell for those of you who are feeling ill, and are asking the higher source for healing. Whether a bad cold or something more dire, this spell should be done every Wednesday until one feels better.

You do need some simple supplies from your cabinet:

  • One white candle
  • One Blue candle
  • One white ribbon

and a herb, spice packet. I like to use spinach, a pitch of salt, a pinch of pepper, and herbs that fight bacterial infections like Echinacea and goldensea, also because this is a Wiccan tea, put tea leaves of your choice into the boiling water.

Boil some water in a pot and while having having the water boiling to the left of the pot light the white candle and recite this chant three times “Mother of the earth my body is weak, I light this candle for your healing to seek, illness be gone and purity be near, By the light of the goddess I have nothing to fear.”

Next put in the salt, herbs and spices, into the boiling water, all the while meditating on this being healing and wonderful for your body.

Light the blue candle to the right of the pot and let the tea boil for 5 minutes.

While the tea is boling recite the following chant; “Mother Goddess I am well, Thanks to you for this healing spell, Past down from earth to mother, heal me soon for I am your daughter.”

After this I would put the tea into a microwaveable container, and drink 4 or so ounces evey 2-4 hours.

While I cam down with a sinus infection this January, I was very ill and didn’t have the energy to even move, I made some Wiccan Tea and took a b12 vitamin for energy and felt immediately better.

 Geronimo Allison Womens Jersey

Spell to Stop Gossip

Gossip and rumors are pretty lame all around. No one wants to be a victim of gossip, rumors and lies. If people are mistreating you try this spell to stop gossips and rumors in their tracks. This spell is best done during the waning moon phase on a Saturday or Friday after 3am.

Spell to Stop Gossip

What You’ll Need:Spell to Stop Gossip

  • • • A black candle
  • • • A green candle
  • • • A photo of the person spreading the rumors
  • • • Controlling oil
  • • • Binding oil
  • • • Protection oil
  • • • A photo of yourself
  • • • A white candle

After a ritual bath cast your circle as you normally would. Place half controlling oil with half binding oil in a dish and combine. Anoint the white candle with protection oil and place it on your altar with your picture under it. Anoint your black candle with the oil and place it on your altar with a photo of the person who is harassing you under the black candle. The green candle should be placed in the center.

Use a wooden match to light the candles. Use a different match for each candle. While meditating on the flame, see the person completely stopping all gossip related to you. See them not mentioning you at all and see them even retracting their earlier statements! Focus on this and chant the following:

Gossip, gossip stop right now, evil rumors that are foul, all the untruths you speak of me, shall stop right now! So mote it be!

Let the candles burn down.

This is a great spell to stop rumors and gossip and it was sent to me via Facebook. I know I haven’t been on much lately but once I finish adding all the things to the website I’ll be more active. It’s that old work before pleasure thing. But I miss and love all of you thank you so much for being great friends to me. I have a lot of exciting things coming for the site in 2012! I can’t wait!

 Michael Dickson Authentic Jersey

Get the Job Interview Spell

For this particular spell it is best done on Thursday,

Day of Jupiter, and on waxing moon.

Candles That Correspond to your zodiac sign:

ARIES = red
TAURUS = green
GEMINI = yellow
CANCER = silver
LEO =orange
VIRGO = yellow
LIBRA = pink
AQUARIUS = all colors
PISCES = mauve

What you will need for this spell:

2) Green Candles

1) White Candle or Black Candle

1) Candle of your corresponding Zodiac Sign located above.

Incense: Cinnamon, Patchouli, or Sandalwood.

Success Oil: Cinnamon Oil, or Patchouli Oil

Herbs of Success you can use 1, or mixture of multiples of: Cinnamon, Clover, High John the Conqueror, Patchouli, and Vanilla.

A copy of your Resume

A photograph of yourself/ if you can’t access, or do not have a photograph your full name on paper will work just fine.

Also runes if you wish to carve on the candles.

To start the spell off:

1) Do a ritual cleansing bath asking the universe to remove obstacles out of your path, and cleanse your spirit of negativity. Also cleanse your sacred space of negativity.

2) Cast your circle

3) Cleanse, and concrete your candles plus you may have the option to carve money symbols or runes, or even ruins of success on them, dash a hint of success herb on them.

4) Light incense circle around your sacred circle.

5) Light the black candle, dash a hint of success herbs on the photograph, and resume. Then place your picture, and resume below the black candle. Then meditate on the walls, barriers, or obstacles being torn down, and seizing your new opportunities. Chant this spell: “O Great Universe I come to thee with perfect love, and trust. To open great paths for this opportunity I seek. May no harm come to none as well as myself. May this come in the most correct way so shall it be. So mote it be!”

6) Place the light black candle of to the side and now light the remaining candles. Place the green ones on opposite ends of your picture, and resume. Now visualize yourself having the job that you so desire. Visualize your first check coming to you, and happiness surrounding yourself. Chant the following spell: “I call upon the Universe, Bring me this Job I need. Bring me good relations with my fellow workers, and employers. May they see me compatible in all ways possible. I ask this of thee in perfect love, and trust, please make it just. Bring harm to no one, and myself. This I ask of thee. So mote it be! ”

7) Place the green candles off to the side, then take your zodiac candle, and place it on top of your photograph. Visualize your success at getting this job, and further meditate on good things to come from the job. Chant this following spell “This Job I need, I cast this spell, in perfect love, and trust, Bring me what is just. I (Your name) ask of the universe if it is meant to be, bless me with this job I seek for that I thank thee. So mote it be!”

8) Meditate further on until you feel drained. Then snuff the candles out. Place your picture, and resume up in a safe place until you get the interview.

9) Close your circle, and thank the goddess/god and the universe for all that they have done.

10) You may light the remains of the candles to seal the spell’s power until they are no more. Dispose of the candles properly either burying them, let them wash away into moving water. When you get the interview, picture in your pocket, or purse. Then take the resume with you to your job interview.

11) Remember be patient and be positive. Blessed be, and good luck!

 Martin Necas Jersey

Red Healing Flame

This is a simple spell using visualization to heal your body. Please don’t use this spell alone. If you are feeling ill seek competent professional medical advice as well! But this spell will help the healing process a long greatly. I actually am dedicating this spell to my good friend Serenity! I forgot to tell you about this spell when we were chatting, and I just remembered it as I was posting the other spells for today.

You can check out the spells she has written for Just Wicca here. Also check out her wonderful blog here. (I love you, you crazy, crazy chick!). And if you scroll to the very bottom of this page you will find my profile badges for Facebook. Add me 🙂

So while you can do this spell on the night of the Full Moon I wouldn’t suggest it. I would do it the day after the Full Moon when the moon is in waning. Don’t worry about the days because we can’t really time sickness!

What You’ll Need:

  • 1) red candle
  • a fireproof dish/receptacle
  • a piece of paper
  • some drawing skills (not so much stick figures will do)

Health SpellsCharge your candle with healing energy. You charge the candle with intention. And I am firm believer that intentions shape our world. You can anoint the candle with healing, blessing, or sandalwood oil. BUT if you don’t have those things don’t fret!

Light the candle meditate on the flame, then draw a picture of yourself with the aliment. Draw symbolically the pain, or aliment on the area of your body that is hurting. If this is an emotional hurt I would suggest you do a cleansing/purification spell instead.

Light the tip of the drawing with the paper and put it in the fire proof dish. While it burns watch and see yourself being healed. Feel the feelings of health. Really feel it. When this is done draw another picture of yourself completely healed. As you draw the new picutre really see yourself as already healed. You may want to add an affirmation like:

Perfect body, perfect love. I am healed. I thank you.

Just like you charge the candle with your intentions do the same with the picture. Infuse the picture with your energy and intention! Lay this picture flat and place the red candle (still burning) on top. Let the candle burn out.

This is a great spell and I have used it personally more than 20 times? From minor colds to the flu. Thank you for visiting the website. Please share, like, or spread the news about the site using the widgets below. 🙂

 Latrell Sprewell Authentic Jersey

Full Moon Purification Spell to Break a Bad Habit

This is simple spell to break a bad habit  or banishing something that is negative and unwanted in your life. This spell is simple in nature but you have to have the right mix of herbs. While the base herbal mix I will provide will do the trick, you should also try to find the corresponding herb for your specific problem.

What You” Need:

  • Salt
  • Asafetida
  • Sage
  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil
  • A symbol of the bad habit, or addiction
  • Outdoor fire

Mix the herbs and salt together. As you do this imagine the bad habit being a bad habit no more. On the night of the full moon build your fire. And say the chant following:

This bad habit it no more

full moon spell to break a bad habitAs you chant, imagine yourself destroying the bad habit, negative energies, or whatever you are defeating. When you feel that you are completely ready to let go throw the mixture into the fire and say the following;

Go now and be never undone

I bind and banish thee

Close your ritual as you would normally. If you have a physical representation of the item then through it into the fire as well. If you want to stop biting your nails, put a piece of the nail into your herbal mix. If its food, alcohol anything  put it into the mixture. If you can provide a physical representation of the item then draw a symbol or write a statement that represents the bad habit.

This is NOT a spell you can do safetly inside, mainly because the Asafetida is pretty stinky and will stink up the whole house. If you can’t do this outside then remove the asafetida and replace with another banishing herb you deem suitable.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website. Please share this information with your friends or do me a favor and like this page using one of the share widgets below. If you have any questions, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, tips or anything else please leave it in the comment section below.

 Mike Pouncey Womens Jersey

Psychic Spell to Open Your Third Eye

This spell will help you open your third eye. The third eye is one of the chakras. There are seven chakras. The best way to open your third eye chakra is through meditation. (Stop saying meditation Raven! Yeah, yeah, I know right?) After learning to meditate and learning to activate your chakras, you will have better control/access/success/with your third eye.

Psychic Spells: Spell to Open Your Third Eye

This spell is to be coupled with meditation starting three days before the full moon.

What You’ll Need: Spell to Open Your Third Eye

  • purple candle
  • psychic herbal pouch
  • dream tea
  • psychic tea

Every night before bed beginning three days before the full moon, drink your dream tea and spent 33 minutes meditating. Light your purple candle and wear your herbal pouch around you neck. Learn to quiet your mind and work on activating the lower chakras. Don’t try to activate the third eye chakra until the night of the full moon. Don’t let negative or abrasive thoughts enter your mind. Practice correcting those negative thoughts now because there is no room for it on the night of the full moon.

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On the night of the full moon mix 2 pinch yarrow, 2 pinch mugwort, 1 pinch salt, 1 pinch cinnamon, 1 jasmine flower. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it sit for 3 minutes.

Light your purple candle and meditate on the flame. Sip your tea as you do this. When you tea is finished go into your meditative state and start to activate your root chakras one by one.

You should have no trouble activating your third eye chakra. You may want to do a guided meditation focused on opening and activating your chakras.

You might be wondering something like -Raven! Wheres my chant?? My answer? Get real and learn about witchcraft! You don’t always have to say a chant, but feel free to add one if you would like.

Whew! I have had some mucho grande energy problems yesterday and the day before that. I have an inkling I know (who?) is responsible. I won’t let anyone get me down, there is no reason to be mad or jealous of me.

I love you all. You all make working and posting on this website so easy! Thank you for always motivating me to be and do better.

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Spell to Improve Your Memory and Focus

This spell is for a more focused mind. This spell is especially helpful if you couple it with an affirmation. I use this spell pretty often when I am trying to study for a test, while learning another language, and when I am trying to focus and write articles/posts/spells for you guys. I also use a subliminal message mp3s for focus. Check out the mp3s below and try to listen to one or them all for 30 days. This spell is so simple, so if you are studying at the time you can just keep the candle burning as you are trying to focus.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Improve Your Memory and Focus

  • a orange candle (sudden changes, focus, energy…)
  • your mind

Charge the candle with your intention. Fill it with focused energy. If improved memory is your goal then focus on that.

When you have charged your candle you can anoint it with oil but I don’t for this spell, as I do it often.

After meditating on the flame for awhile you can say the following affirmation:

Goddess fill my mind with new ability, focus and increased memory

You can change the words if you like. As you guys know I don’t spend a lot of time making sure it rhymes, there are many different opinions on that. So just do what seems best for you. BUT for the record there’s NO RULE that all wiccan spells have to rhyme.

If you feel yourself loosing focus you can just look back at the candle while saying your affirmation quietly to yourself. My personal affirmation when I am working is “With Goddess aiding me I have complete focus and mental power to get this job done.” and while I am working if I find myself NOT working or being productive I tell myself quietly “back to work”. This helps me be more productive when trying to get things done. I know I am working towards a goal. Whats my goal, with this website? To make it the biggest and best FREE resource for witches, wiccans, and pagans throughout the world. With helping other people as my MAIN goal it helps me and motivates me to get the job done.

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