Spell to Stop Nightmares

If you are being haunted by persistent nightmares then this spell should help. I would suggest you do this spell on a Saturday night during the waning moon as it nears the new moon phase. We need sleep to rest our brains and let our brains process all the information we absorb on a daily basis. If we don’t have restful sleep it can affect us in all areas of our lives. Not good!

Lately you guys might have noticed that I am really into incorporating fire in my spells. I have great success with them. You may want to find your element and incorporate it into your spells. BUT don’t just assume your element is whatever corresponds to your birth. I am a Scorpio but my element is fire! It may be because whatever astrological correspondences but I know instinctively.

Spell to stop nightmaresWhat You’ll Need:

  • 1 four leaf clover
  • basil
  • lavender
  • 5 white candles
  • protection oil
  • black marker
  • white paper
  • fire proof dish
  • white silk cloth

Make a start and light the black candles counter clock wise. Draw a picture of the  nightmare that has been plaguing you. With the north candle burn the paper and place it in the fireproof dish. While it is burning say seven times “This nightmare is no more I sleep soundly and peacefully”. In the center of the white cloth place the basil, lavender, and 5 drops of protection oil. Take the ashes and place them on top of the basil, lavender, and oil. On top of that place the four leaf clover. Tie to seal the cloth or tie it with white ribbon. Snuff the candles out clock wise and as you snuff each out say “As I will it so mote it be”. Sleep with your protection pillow under your main pillow.

Your nightmares should end.

Thank you so much for visiting the website. I love you all so much and I am glad to put this information up for you. I don’t see why someone would pay spell casters (who usually really AREN’T) to do something they can do for themselves.

You know Wiccans get a lot of shit for changing things, and whatever and I have to loudly complain about that. If the Divine is calling you to do something then follow your heart. While you may not be traditionally Wiccan you ARE doing magick and you are connecting with the Divine.

 Geronimo Allison Jersey

Blue Candle Health Spell

This is a quick and simple spell for those of you who are feeling ill, and are asking the higher source for healing. Whether a bad cold or something more dire, this spell should be done every Wednesday until one feels better.

You do need some simple supplies from your cabinet:

  • One white candle
  • One Blue candle
  • One white ribbon

and a herb, spice packet. I like to use spinach, a pitch of salt, a pinch of pepper, and herbs that fight bacterial infections like Echinacea and goldensea, also because this is a Wiccan tea, put tea leaves of your choice into the boiling water.

Boil some water in a pot and while having having the water boiling to the left of the pot light the white candle and recite this chant three times “Mother of the earth my body is weak, I light this candle for your healing to seek, illness be gone and purity be near, By the light of the goddess I have nothing to fear.”

Next put in the salt, herbs and spices, into the boiling water, all the while meditating on this being healing and wonderful for your body.

Light the blue candle to the right of the pot and let the tea boil for 5 minutes.

While the tea is boling recite the following chant; “Mother Goddess I am well, Thanks to you for this healing spell, Past down from earth to mother, heal me soon for I am your daughter.”

After this I would put the tea into a microwaveable container, and drink 4 or so ounces evey 2-4 hours.

While I cam down with a sinus infection this January, I was very ill and didn’t have the energy to even move, I made some Wiccan Tea and took a b12 vitamin for energy and felt immediately better.

 Geronimo Allison Womens Jersey

Red Healing Flame

This is a simple spell using visualization to heal your body. Please don’t use this spell alone. If you are feeling ill seek competent professional medical advice as well! But this spell will help the healing process a long greatly. I actually am dedicating this spell to my good friend Serenity! I forgot to tell you about this spell when we were chatting, and I just remembered it as I was posting the other spells for today.

You can check out the spells she has written for Just Wicca here. Also check out her wonderful blog here. (I love you, you crazy, crazy chick!). And if you scroll to the very bottom of this page you will find my profile badges for Facebook. Add me 🙂

So while you can do this spell on the night of the Full Moon I wouldn’t suggest it. I would do it the day after the Full Moon when the moon is in waning. Don’t worry about the days because we can’t really time sickness!

What You’ll Need:

  • 1) red candle
  • a fireproof dish/receptacle
  • a piece of paper
  • some drawing skills (not so much stick figures will do)

Health SpellsCharge your candle with healing energy. You charge the candle with intention. And I am firm believer that intentions shape our world. You can anoint the candle with healing, blessing, or sandalwood oil. BUT if you don’t have those things don’t fret!

Light the candle meditate on the flame, then draw a picture of yourself with the aliment. Draw symbolically the pain, or aliment on the area of your body that is hurting. If this is an emotional hurt I would suggest you do a cleansing/purification spell instead.

Light the tip of the drawing with the paper and put it in the fire proof dish. While it burns watch and see yourself being healed. Feel the feelings of health. Really feel it. When this is done draw another picture of yourself completely healed. As you draw the new picutre really see yourself as already healed. You may want to add an affirmation like:

Perfect body, perfect love. I am healed. I thank you.

Just like you charge the candle with your intentions do the same with the picture. Infuse the picture with your energy and intention! Lay this picture flat and place the red candle (still burning) on top. Let the candle burn out.

This is a great spell and I have used it personally more than 20 times? From minor colds to the flu. Thank you for visiting the website. Please share, like, or spread the news about the site using the widgets below. 🙂

 Latrell Sprewell Authentic Jersey

Spell for Good Health

Wiccan Spells for Health

Wiccan Spells for Health

Wiccan Spells for Health: Why Do A Spell for Good Health?

This is a great spell to do when you are just getting over a cold or the flu. It will help you feel better sooner and its a great spell to have handy during the holiday season. The benefits of this spell include not feeling sick!, being able to get back to life, being able to shop, being able to help others who may be sick and much more! You can do this spell twice a year for yearly checkup and wellness!

What you will need:

  • star oil
  • white rose petals
  • 3 white candles
  • thumbtacks

Using a thumbtack carve your name on the sides of each candle. Do this spell during a Wednesday. I have found success doing spells like this during the waxing moon. Meditate for 25 minutes on your healing. This is a spell of intense concentration. This is a spell better for an experienced witch because it may take some mental effort to meditate on your healing. If you have a problem meditating then try to do a guided meditation. You can find some free meditation mp3s online. Use the search to try and find some!

After you come out of you meditation and trance state, begin raising energy. Focus on being completely healthy while you charge the candle. Anoint your candle with oil. Once you have charged your candles you can now burn them under the moon (if you can) while chanting:

Air, Happiness, Earth, Health

Water, Peace, Fire, Wealth

Leak the energy rise until its peak and release the energy out into the universe. Some people carve magick runes into the candle before anointing the candle.

Wiccan Spells for Health: Raven’s Star Oil Mix

This is how I make my star oil. You can add or take away ingredients if you like. I like to add herbs but I will do a basic oil mixture for you all. You will need:

  • almond oil
  • lemon oil
  • jasmine oil
  • tree leaf oil
  • sandalwood oil
  • 1 white rose leaf petal
  • one bowl
  • one container (the cheap 99 cent travel bottles work just fine)

Combine all the oils and herbs into the  bowl and mix until well blended. Place into your container.

 Patrik Nemeth Authentic Jersey

Blessed Water Anti Anxiety Spells

Anxiety Spells

This is a simple and proactive way to beat anxiety. Although beginners have had some success with this anxiety spells, it is probably better suited for those who have some experience in the craft. This spell asks you to utilize your powers of visualization and mental strength. If your element is water then you may have especially good luck with this spell. This spell is not intended to encourage unhealthy people to stop taking there medicines or do something that goes against any medical professionals advice. I recommend if you are on medicine, or therapy that you use this blessed water in conjunction to what you are currently doing.

Anxiety Spells: Blessed Water

What you’ll need:

Begin this spell by meditating, calmly think about why you are anxious. As with all things my spells rely on GSA – Goals, Strategy and Action. Understand why you have the anxiety and what can you do to make the anxiety better? What actions can you take?

When you are clear on you plan, light the blue candles in a circle around the cauldron. And recite this chant.

Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Lord and lady, soothe my head.
Bring me to your calming peace
As I will so mote it be.

Pour the blessed water in a water bottle, and take it with you. When you feel nervous or anxious, take a sip of the blessed water and silently meditate on a calming, better outcome.

A good witch friend of mine has panic attacks, before she eventually limited herself from having 17 panic attacks a year to around 2 or 3 she lived in  fear of her anxiety she uses this and some other anxiety spells that she wrote. She found comfort her anxiety spells.

She also recommends creating a morning and night time meditation and/or yoga ritual.  Meditation enhances positivity and transforms negativity. This is working with your mind on a deeper level, do the work and believe! One important thing we must remember when dealing with anxiety is that it never lasts, it never is forever and although it may seem like it is here to say in the moment, it isn’t. We should work closely with our minds and bodies.

You can do this or any of the anxiety spells as often as needed.

 C.J. Anderson Jersey

Sending Healing Energy – Long Distance Reading

Yes sending healing energy is possible. You can learn about sending healing energy and you can learn to receive it. It is even possible to send and read energies over miles and miles. What are long distance energy readings? Read the article below and find out some interesting information on it all.

Energy readings is taping into the astral to bring out a message or the future, to look inside a person and pull out the answers that lie within. Distance is not a problem because we are all connected, we are all able to travel into the same astral realm. Even in Wicca many covens hold “astral open houses” which is a way to work on your skills but keep it fun. What you do is everyone sets up a special day and time for when you meet in the astral realm. You give each other “directions” on how to get there and everyone tries to attend.

After the experience they all get together and talk about what they saw, who they saw, smelled or anything that happened. Once everyone compares notes they find that many things matched or were true. If someone was wearing a robe and they are described that way it is confirmation or perhaps a good sign that they are on the right track on their path as students of the craft.

Sending Healing Energy

Anyway, sending healing energy are very possible and as a matter of fact I often “check in” on friends or family without them knowing. Say I check on my sister and I see money problems, well we hang out and I recommend a money spell for her. She does it and never knew why I even recommended it. If someone has a misfortune then I might do a blessing so that without them knowing we try and make less of the terrible situation to to heal it entirely.

How can Nostradamus or any other psychic be able to deliver information about people on the other side of the world if it didn’t even concern them? How can a mother in, lets say, California know that something happened to her child in New York without even speaking to them when they are in trouble. Many cases are reported when people know something is wrong even when

sending healing energy

sending healing energy

they’re miles and miles apart. This is because we are connected. Clearly energy transcends time and distance. People who believe that energy transcends time and distance are tarot readers, Healers of all modalities, wiccans, pagans, druids and many other traditions out there that focus on healing. How can our prayers and healing energy reach Haiti?

Now knowing that readings can be done online we must also remember the limits of the reader. Some people cannot sending healing energy while others can. It does not mean they are any less of a reader but as readers we learn to understand and accept our limits as well as the things that we can do. This is how you learn to also trust your readings.

Learn to send, receive and use your energy safely and efficiently. You have the power, create and mold the life you want.

 Charles Clay Authentic Jersey

Spell to Stop an Argument

This spell is to stop an argument. You can use this spell when arguing with a  lover, a friend, a authority figure or anyone else in your life. This spell aims to change the way you and the person with whom you are arguing with feel about each other and the situation.

I would suggest you take a ritual bath first and spend some time clearing your thoughts as to not let any of your more negative thoughts enter into the circle and spell casting.

What You’ll Need:

  • a glass plate (oval if possible, and purple, clear works just fine).
  • a purple candle
  • a picture of the person you are arguing with
  • attraction oil

This spell should be done on the night of the new moon. The plate is used for twoSpell to Stop an Arguement reasons, firstly because glass reflects back to the person and secondly because the color raises your communication vibrations. After you ritual bath cast your circle as you normally would and charge you candle with your intention. Anoint the candle with the attraction oil and place it on your altar.

Place a drop of attraction oil onto the picture and lay the picture face down on the plate for around 15 minutes. You do not want to over-influence the recipient, so spend no more than 15 minutes remembering all the goo times you had with the person.

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Make sure you use a good picture of the person, where they are happy and enjoying themselves. If at all possible use a picture of you and the persona having a great time together. Afterwards place the picture on the altar and let the candle burn down.

The person you are trying to reach should drop by, or try to communicate with you within the next 24 hours so you can solve your difficulties. If they don’t respond do the working again for no more than 15 minutes.

After a third time if you still haven’t seen or heard from the person you should give them a call or try to visit them because by now their feelings should have changed. If they still do not respond or do not respond in kindness it is time to let go and give them more space. Let them know the door is always open when they need to come to you and let them have their space.

Know in you heart that you did everything you could to let go of the past and start the friendship anew. Do dwell on them if hey decide not to move forward with you with kindness and friendship. Wish them well and ‘Merry Part’.

This spell is intended to work with someone with whom you may have had a recent falling out with. It is not intended for someone you haven’t seen or spoken to in years or is very very angry with you. Feel free to do the spell but I wouldn’t suggest speaking with the person for at three weeks if they don’t respond well after you contact them.

This spell works with the intention that you are truly ready to move froward with your friendship and put this argument behind you. You should be prepared to make the first move and apologize for any wrongdoings on your part. This spell doesn’t aim to clear all the issues within a friendship but it should clear the air for this particular argument. It is sometimes hard to get back to normal after a big blow up with  a friend, but after doing this spell and making the effort, things are sure to go your way.

Read:Wiccan Traditions

 John Wensink Womens Jersey

Cleanse Aura Spell

Best done on either a waxing moon

if you want more positivity brought into your aura.

Now, to release negativity tainting your aura it is best done on a waning moon.


You will need for this spell:

3) White candles to bring healing, and positivity to your aura.

3) Black candles to banish negativity from your aura

1) Bundle of Sage

Anointing oil such as: Eucalyptus, Sandalwood, Patchouli.

Herbs:  You may use one or more of the following herbs:

Banishing for Black Candles: Acacia Cypress, Basil, Black Pepper, Patchouli, and Valerian.

Healing for the White Candles: Eucalyptus, Juniper, Thyme, Rosemary, and Sandalwood.

A clean environment you will want the area you do this spell cleansed well of negativity.


How to do this spell:

1)      Take a ritual cleansing bath to begin this process.

2)      Make sure your ritual area is cleansed well with sage.

3)      Cast your circle

4)      Cleanse and concrete your items you will be using for this ritual.

5)      Light 3 of the black candles then meditate on your auras negativity banishing itself into a form of white-golden light.  Chant this Following spell 3 times: “Negativity Be Banished, Negativity Be Free of me, by the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.  Harming none as well as myself, in perfect trust I ask the Universe, So Mote it be!”

6)      Light 3 of the white candles then meditate on happiness, and positivity flowing into your being, and cleansing you in this white-golden bath of purifying light. Chant this spell 3 times:”Positivity be cleansed, Positivity bring purity, light my aura in the most perfect way of love, and perfect trust. May I be attractive in love, and all things pure, by the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.  May this come in the most correct way in perfect love, and trust I ask of the Universe, so mote it be!”

7)      Meditate further picturing white-golden light entering your being.  When you start feeling at ease by the process of white light go ahead, and snuff the candles all out.

8)      Thank the Universe, and the Elements for helping cleanse your being.  Then Close your circle.

9)      You may Repeat this spell if you so wish to.

10)   Thank you, and blessed be Do kindness, and kindness will come back to you 3 fold.

Related posts:

  1. Money Spells: A Spell to Banish Debt
  2. Cleansing and Purification Spells: Coin Purification Spell
  3. Binding Spells: Simple Spell to Break a Curse

 Ricky Wagner Jersey

Spell to Heal Someone

This spell to heal someone works to enhance the medicine, infusing it with energy and light in order to heal an illness. This spell can be done during any moon phase but I have seen great results on the night of the full moon. I already had my medicine, so it wasn’t a new bottle and I wouldn’t recommend waiting to take your medicine until you have a chance to do this spell. This spell is simple and effective and really works on your level of belief and energy. Spell to Heal Someone

Sunday is the traditional day to do healing spell work and rituals.

Spell to Heal Someone

What You’ll Need:

After a ritual bath spend sometime meditating (Why Meditate?)  Take the healing oil and anoint your candle and charging the candle with your intention. Light the healing incense and light the candle, placing it onto your altar. When the smoke has filled the room sit quietly in meditation.

Imagine vividly that you are completely well and in better health that you were before the illness. Take the medication into your power hand and get a feel of how it will help your body.

Imagine the medication as it enters your body and does its work to heal your body.  See yourself surround by light and see that light gathering into your power hand and eventually moving into the medication. While visualizing the energy infusing with the medication repeat the affirmation ‘I am healed’.

Place the medication into the white pouch and leave it there untouched until the white candle and incense burn out.

You can further accelerate your healing by meditating while the incense burns out and the candle burns down.

Every time you take your medication you should repeat the affirmation of ‘I am healed’ you can change the affirmation any way you see fit. When I did this spell my affirmation was ‘I am healed and in better health than before’. That affirmation really worked well for me. I also did this spell to heal someone on my close relative. I would see them take their medicines and say in the affirmation that they were healed. I did not let them know that I was doing this as people who are sick are in a fragile state of mind and any little intrusion whether you personally deem them good or bad can send the fragile person into downward spiral.

I am a huge fan of affirmations… because they work! If you are ever in a bind and can’t think of a chant that will work then use an affirmation! Its just a statement but it holds a lot of power.

If you have done this spell to heal someone on yourself or for another then please leave me you experience in the comments section below. You can click to read more about wiccan affirmations.

 Alex Collins Womens Jersey