Spell to Regain Your Lovers Interest

Sometimes relationships may become stale or we think that our boyfriend or girlfriends might be losing interest in us. This happens overtime and is natural but here is one of the many things you can do to regain your lovers’ interest. Try this spell to regain your lovers focus. You can do this spell on the night of the new moon or the night of the full moon. You should try to perform this love spell on a Friday because it is the day dedicated to the Goddess of Love, Venus.

Spell to Regain Your Lovers Interest
What You’ll Need:

  • A charmed pen
  • Fine parchment paper
  • A pink candle
  • A white candle
  • A red candle
  • Attraction oil

Cast your circle as you normally would. Anoint and charger your candles with attraction oil and line them on your altar. Light your candle and mediate on your lovers face. Try to see him or her clearly. With your charmed pen, write your first name and your boyfriends/girlfriends last name on your paper.

Draw a circle or a square around the name. Draw a square if you only want a causal relationship with the person, like a few months, dates or a few years. If you want to be with this person forever and you are convinced this person is the one (just my advice do a square unless you are married!).

Meditate on the name and when you have achieved the proper mentality or power level chant the following:

“I call with the intent to do no harm, enamor him/her with my charm, if its right let it be, fall in love, come back to me”

You lover should regain his interest in you almost immediately. This spell doesn’t always work. This is because the Goddess of Love will only grant something that is right. If your lover doesn’t love you or he or she doesn’t want to be with you anymore. If you will harm the person or yourself, or if there is someone better for you in your future are all possible reasons. This isn’t a spell to get you lover back.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Craig Robertson Jersey

Spell to Find Lost Things

This is a spell to find lost things. This spell was designed to find something you have lost in your home, but can help you find virtually anything. You can do this spell during anytime during the moon phases but it is best to do this spell during the waxing moon. This spell is simple but you should find the lost things quickly. Also people have been asking me about studying magick on their own. If you want a great home study course then I would suggest you get your hands on this program.

What You’ll Need:

  • white candle
  • concentration

Spell to Find Lost ThingsCast your circle. Holding the lit white candle meditate and concentrate on the item as if it is already back in your possession. While you are concentrating say a chant. You can customize the chant to work in the specific object you are looking for. You can say something like:

by the powers of three by three

please return (X) to me

Release the magick and close your circle. Place the still burning white candle in the highest part of your room (make sure it can safely burn out there) and when the candle is burned through bury the candle stub. While the candle is burning don’t look for the item you lost but clean your house from top to bottom. If it is in your home you will find it. If it is not in your home then when the candle is a stub bury it outside and ask for the lost items return.

Leave all questions, comments, suggestions, and tips about this spell to find lost things below. Did this spell to find lost things work for you?

Thank you so much for visiting the website. I am so happy and grateful for this websites rapid and steady growth. Thousands of you visit this website everyday and I am very happy to post and provide the information you are seeking.

 Gabriel Gagne Authentic Jersey

Spell to Dream of Your Future Husband

This is another spell to dream of your future husband but really this spell will give you dream visions of the past, present, or future. Doing this before bed is key, and you should have done a bit of work into lucid dreaming. You don’t want your minds eye to run wild and start placing in false details but you would want to be aware of when you are just about to go to sleep -MAINLY because its not safe or practical to sleep with something next you.

In some spells it may be a requirement but only do that if you know the candle can burn safely (like in a holder that encapsulate the candle, etc).

Spell to Dream of Your Future Husband

Spell to Dream of Your Future Husband

Spell to Dream of Your Future Husband

What You’ll Need:

  • herbal mix of one part jasmine and one part yarrow (if you have ague root then place a pinch into your herbal mixture for more potency)
  • 1 light blue candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 silver candle
  • dream tea

How to Make Dream Tea:

  • 1 pinch mugwort (don’t over do it, it can be harm to your health if you ingest large amounts of mugwort.)
  • 2 rose petals
  • 1 pinch peppermint
  • 1 pinch cinnamon
  • 1 pinch jasmine flower

Just add the herbs in a pot and let sit after you mixed them around a bit. In a separate pot boil 2 cups of water. Pour the boiling water over the herbs, turn the heat on low and let it sit for at least 5 minutes.

Light your candles on the nightstand beside your bed. Drink you tea and with each sip you might want to say something like “Goddess, thank your for the gift of sight” do this until your tea is gone.

Go into your deepest meditative state. You can add a chant here if you would like, or an affirmation to the Goddess, whichever one you prefer. When you are in a very deep state blow out your candles and let the smoke fill the room. Repeat your affirmation until just right before you are going to fall asleep. Say; “So mote it be” and let your dream begin.

Always keep a dream journal beside your bed. Not only is this a good thing to have handy when having dreams of a prophetic nature, but it is also very useful to analyze your daily dreams.

I personally have many journals. All of them have a different purpose, one I jot down spell ideas that might make it into my BOS, one is just for psychic dreams and dream magick results, one is my daily journal, one is my dream journal, and I have a whole mess of others. You may want to start collecting your journals.

Keeping multiple journals instead of one serve amazing purposes. You won’t loose everything if you lose one (keep them safe!), you can record your magickal journey and advancement, and you will be able to find the information quickly if you need to. You can do this with a five subject notebook, but I get the mead notebooks because they are only a dollar and I like the way they look. 🙂

I love you guys. Thank you so much for spending time on my website. I am so happy and grateful to have you here.

 Jonas Siegenthaler Jersey

Spell to Bring Someone To You

This is a spell to bring someone to you. This spell is pretty simple and should make the person come, call, email, message, text or send a letter to you. Basically they should reach out and communicate with you in some way. I have tried this spell and variations of it many times with varying success.

Once, when I was  at 18ish the time, I was dating this older guy who actually slept with my best friend (long story, knew this girl since 5th grade!). This really wasn’t a guy I should have had anything to do with, but I missed him (very stupid of me), I thought I loved him (in reality I didn’t want to be alone) so I did this spell.

Unfortunately it worked and I had the person in my life for another 3 years. Doing those 3 years more of the same occurred, with me allowing this person to hurt me and treat me poorly. None of that really matters but suffice it to say the spell worked. The spell worked so well that when I wanted him gone he stayed in my life anyway!

And even crazier – I haven’t talked to this person in years, but he often mentions me to a mutual friend and is constantly trying to get in touch with me! EEEKKK! It seems as though if I even send a thought that persons way, he will pick up on the energies and want to communicate with me!

UPDATE!: I still had a lot of resentment towards the guy but he got my email from the mutual friend and emailed me. This was fine and so he called… He STILL — after 3 AND A HALF YEARS (almost exactly because I’ve been with my current beau for 3) wants to be with me. He was on the phone saying how I would always be his baby, etc.  He even claimed that he was going to drive to my house (and I live with my awesome BF) and steal me away! WEIRD, right? But back to the story…

I forgave the person a long time ago for everything he did and I forgave myself for being weak and letting it happen. BUT I still don’t won’t this person in my life because they are trouble! Anyhoo.. Here is the spell!

Spell to Bring Someone to You

Spell to Bring Someone To You

This spell should be done during the waxing moon on a Wednesday night

What You’ll Need:

  • 3 brown candles
  • A dish
  • 1 white altar candle
  • a picture of the person

Place your white candle in the center of your altar on the dish and light it. Place the 3 brown candles in front of the white ones. The center brown candle and the white candle should be aligned.

Place the picture of the person on or near the center brown candle. Light the candles and chant “Come to me” while meditating on the flames. Do this for 3 minutes.

Snuff the candles and repeat the ritual everyday at the same time for three days. You should try to do this ritual on the hours of 3, 7 or 9 (meaning am or pm) and On the third night let all the candles burn down on there own.

Within a week you should run into the person, hear from the person, or someone will mention the person to you.

This can be a fun spell, maybe I would have enjoyed my results if I were trying to bring a childhood friend back into my life. Don’t do this spell on an ex… its not worth it… IMHO!

 Brett Favre Authentic Jersey

Spell to Control Fire

This is a spell to control fire. This spell was sent in by Brianna C. Thank you Brianna for sending it in. If you have any interesting spells please send them to me and I’ll post them on the website. You can also post your spells in your own online book of shadows on my Witchcraft Message Board. Thanks for visiting the website!

This spell should be done on the night of the Imbolc. Imbolc is a fire festival and it is used to mark the beginning of spring. On the night of imbloc take your supplies and at 3 am start this ritual.

What You’ll Need:

  • one red candle
  • one yellow candle
  • one orange candle
  • oak chips
  • fire proof dish or receptacle
  • wooden matches
  • protection oil
  • drums (for raising energy)
  • Fire Mix (1/4 cayenne pepper 1/4 salt 1/4 sage 1 drop sandal wood oil)

Spell to Control Fire

Anoint your candles with the protection oil and place them in a circle on your altar. Arrange the candles from yellow to red. Place the fire dish in the center of the circle with the oak chips in the dish. Light the candles and repeat the following while beating your drums;

“Ancient wise one I call upon you

Caca so great lend me your energy

Fire is me and I am Fire

This is now done”

Throw in the fire mix and stare into the flames. When you feel one with the flame try to move it with your mind. The flame may flicker or flinch you should know if it was done by you as you send bursts of energy. Make sure there is no draft in the room and this spell is best done in complete darkness.

Caca in Roman mythology is fire Goddess.  You can read more about the powerful Caca on wikipedia.  Please leave all questions in the comment section below!

 Ryan Miller Womens Jersey

Blessed Water Anti Anxiety Spells

Anxiety Spells

This is a simple and proactive way to beat anxiety. Although beginners have had some success with this anxiety spells, it is probably better suited for those who have some experience in the craft. This spell asks you to utilize your powers of visualization and mental strength. If your element is water then you may have especially good luck with this spell. This spell is not intended to encourage unhealthy people to stop taking there medicines or do something that goes against any medical professionals advice. I recommend if you are on medicine, or therapy that you use this blessed water in conjunction to what you are currently doing.

Anxiety Spells: Blessed Water

What you’ll need:

Begin this spell by meditating, calmly think about why you are anxious. As with all things my spells rely on GSA – Goals, Strategy and Action. Understand why you have the anxiety and what can you do to make the anxiety better? What actions can you take?

When you are clear on you plan, light the blue candles in a circle around the cauldron. And recite this chant.

Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Lord and lady, soothe my head.
Bring me to your calming peace
As I will so mote it be.

Pour the blessed water in a water bottle, and take it with you. When you feel nervous or anxious, take a sip of the blessed water and silently meditate on a calming, better outcome.

A good witch friend of mine has panic attacks, before she eventually limited herself from having 17 panic attacks a year to around 2 or 3 she lived in  fear of her anxiety she uses this and some other anxiety spells that she wrote. She found comfort her anxiety spells.

She also recommends creating a morning and night time meditation and/or yoga ritual.  Meditation enhances positivity and transforms negativity. This is working with your mind on a deeper level, do the work and believe! One important thing we must remember when dealing with anxiety is that it never lasts, it never is forever and although it may seem like it is here to say in the moment, it isn’t. We should work closely with our minds and bodies.

You can do this or any of the anxiety spells as often as needed.

 C.J. Anderson Jersey

Sugar Wish Spell

What You’ll Need:

  • plate of sugar
  • a white candle
  • a red candle
  • a green candle
  • a yellow candle

Adhere the white candle to the plate of sugar. You can do this easiest with glue, but you should be able to adhere the candle to the plate by taking a lighter to the bottom of the candle and sticking it to the plate. Hold it in place and check to make sure it won’t move or fall over. Place the sugar around the base of the candle. Place the remaining candles around your white candle.

Sugar Wish SpellLight your red candle:

Perfect Love, I wish for (make a wish for your love life)

Light your green candle:

Complete Wealth, I wish for (make a wish for financial life)

Light your yellow candle:

Total Happiness, I wish for (make a wish for you happiness)

Light your white candle:

Universal Mother, I give thanks to you.

While all the candles burn meditate on the fullness of the flames. See yourself as deserving. Visualize being completely and utterly happy. See yourself with the man or woman of your dreams (try to visualize the qualities you want in your mate NOT a specfic person). See yourself with the job of your dreams, being able to spend the money on the things you want and need. See yourself with filled with a complete and joyous life.

After this spell take action in achieving your goals. The Goddess will be with you every step or the way… through difficult and through joyous times the Goddess will be with you; guiding you on your way.

This spell is AWESOME. I know I am posting so many wish spells it may be hard to choose the one for you. Its okay! You can do this spell or take it and change it up to suit your needs. With the hundreds of spells on this website it would be hard to choose the best spells for each and every occasion. I am aiming to give you some different ideas of how to incorporate magick into your life. I hope this spell will help you!

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

 Chukwuma Okorafor Womens Jersey

Spell to Communicate with Animals

This spell to communicate with animals was sent in by Milo C. He writes;

While I found your spell to talk with a cat cute, I wanted to provide a spell that allows you to speak with anyone through your minds eye. This spell won’t make your  dog start speaking perfect English but you will have a deeper connection with the animal and will instinctively be able to communicate.

Sapphire Dolphin says:

Hold your forehead against theirs while at the same time invisioning a circle of white light around you, next close your eyes if you haven’t already done so and concentrate on replicating the breaths of your animal, once you are fairly in sync (a panting dog is hard to mimic lol) send a message via your mind to your animal friend and outloud say: “Goddess who has gifted me the grace of this presence in my life allow us to communicate to furture our bond and connection” next open your eyes and step back use your mind to give your friend a command and see what happens.

Milo suggests casting your circle first and surrounding yourself with the 5 white candles. Before doing the above. Spell to Communicate with Animals

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

 Cordarrelle Patterson Jersey

Sending Healing Energy – Long Distance Reading

Yes sending healing energy is possible. You can learn about sending healing energy and you can learn to receive it. It is even possible to send and read energies over miles and miles. What are long distance energy readings? Read the article below and find out some interesting information on it all.

Energy readings is taping into the astral to bring out a message or the future, to look inside a person and pull out the answers that lie within. Distance is not a problem because we are all connected, we are all able to travel into the same astral realm. Even in Wicca many covens hold “astral open houses” which is a way to work on your skills but keep it fun. What you do is everyone sets up a special day and time for when you meet in the astral realm. You give each other “directions” on how to get there and everyone tries to attend.

After the experience they all get together and talk about what they saw, who they saw, smelled or anything that happened. Once everyone compares notes they find that many things matched or were true. If someone was wearing a robe and they are described that way it is confirmation or perhaps a good sign that they are on the right track on their path as students of the craft.

Sending Healing Energy

Anyway, sending healing energy are very possible and as a matter of fact I often “check in” on friends or family without them knowing. Say I check on my sister and I see money problems, well we hang out and I recommend a money spell for her. She does it and never knew why I even recommended it. If someone has a misfortune then I might do a blessing so that without them knowing we try and make less of the terrible situation to to heal it entirely.

How can Nostradamus or any other psychic be able to deliver information about people on the other side of the world if it didn’t even concern them? How can a mother in, lets say, California know that something happened to her child in New York without even speaking to them when they are in trouble. Many cases are reported when people know something is wrong even when

sending healing energy

sending healing energy

they’re miles and miles apart. This is because we are connected. Clearly energy transcends time and distance. People who believe that energy transcends time and distance are tarot readers, Healers of all modalities, wiccans, pagans, druids and many other traditions out there that focus on healing. How can our prayers and healing energy reach Haiti?

Now knowing that readings can be done online we must also remember the limits of the reader. Some people cannot sending healing energy while others can. It does not mean they are any less of a reader but as readers we learn to understand and accept our limits as well as the things that we can do. This is how you learn to also trust your readings.

Learn to send, receive and use your energy safely and efficiently. You have the power, create and mold the life you want.

 Charles Clay Authentic Jersey

Spell to Become a Witch

There is no spell to make you a witch. Won’t you have to be a witch to cast the spells? They way to become a witch is by learning, practicing and living what you learn. True witches aren’t witches because of a spell, they are witches because they did the work to learn and become one. Start meditating, start focusing your energy, read as much as you can, there are thousands of free witchcraft resource online. In fact you are reading a resource right now! Start by learning and doing! Instead of posting a spell to become a witch I am posting a self naming ritual, self identifying ritual that will signifying your new bond with magick and giving you the confidence needed to become a practicing witch.

When you have learned enough about witchcraft to know that you are serious about the life long study of magick, you may want to do a self initiation or self dedication ritual.

Spell to Become a Witch

  1. Start with a cleansing or purification ritual of your choice. A ritual bath is fine or a more detailed ritual designed by you will be even better. This ritual should include a cleansing of yourself and home. Especially any area where your altar may be located or where you will do the majority of your magick.
  2. The point of the ritual is to introduce yourself to the Goddess and God. Commune and be one with. You may start your ritual with “Goddess and God of Wind, Sea, Land, Sun and Spirit be with your adjoined __________” You can say your magickal name or whatever name you self identify with. If you are changing magickal names everyday you might want to go with your given name.
  3. You want to go on and state the purpose of the ritual, your goals as a witch and the self dedication. You may want to say something like: “I __________ dedicate myself to the craft and the pursuit of knowledge therefore of; promising to follow and abide (the rede if your are wiccan) the laws of the universe, nature and magick. Promising to harm none be merry, please accept me as your own.”
  4. You can make an offering and there are various ways to do this. You can offer fruit, wine, nuts, berries. Anything. You consume a portion and offer a portion by burying it in the earth of finding a large oak tree to place the items under.

This is customizable but I wanted to give you guys some basic information and guidelines for your own ritual. If you have written your own self dedication ritual or have any questions, thoughts, suggestions or tips about this one, you can leave it in the comment section below! Thank you so much for help this website grow! Blessed Be!

 Chad Kelly Jersey