Spell to Achieve a Goal

We are well into the new year and a lot of us (mainly me) have not worked hard enough to achieve our goals. This is a ritual that I am doing for 30 days and its worth it. I’ll update you in future posts on how I am doing. I’ll also make a thread on the witchcraft forum for support and conversation on all things goal related. I will not answer general questions on the forum but I will indeed converse about goals there. I hope you guys will start your own threads and update us on your progress. Once you make 7 posts on the forum you will receive a free gift so please join us on the Just Wicca forum.

spell to achieve a goalI have be slacking in almost every area of my life lately. I made ambitious goals and so far have been too lazy to do the real work on creating my new reality. We are going to rely on the energy of our hearts, our creative thoughts, the physical Goddess energy and the masculine God energy for stamina. Let’s go!

Sunday is one of my favorite spell days, its correspondences include lemon and the color yellow. All of these elements work together and create very powerful energies for spell work. I am going to use these elements in various ways to help create the habits that will decide the spell results.

I have lemon candles. I placed lemons on the dining room table. I smoke lemon incense when I meditate. I drink lemon water and am wearing more yellow. I also carry a citrine crystal with me. I try to use the elements anyway I can.

I started this spell on Sunday. I did a detailed cleaning, ate clean and worked out. Afterwards I lit my lemon candles and wrote a detailed plan on how I was going to achieve my goal set by step. Making sure to list the little things I would need to do every single day to get the results I wanted. I found a white card and in black ink I wrote my 30 day goals on the card.

I read the card 5 or more times a day in front of the mirror and looking myself in the eyes. I try to truly believe what I read and feel the emotions of achieving my goals. Every night I journal what I did today to become the person I want to be. I am really busy and I feel as though I have to schedule my social life into my calendar, on the flip side I love having more resources and a nicer quality of life to make those memories even more fulfilling.

How are your goals coming?

 Germain Ifedi Womens Jersey

Weight Loss Magic Spell

This wiccan spell to lose weight is my second most popular wiccan weight loss spell on Just Wicca. I have this spell to lose weight and this pink candle weight loss spell.  Try this spell during the Waning Moon for best results. The Waning Moon is the perfect time to do any wiccan spell to lose weight because it represents breaking curses, stopping bad habits and removing negativity in your life. If you can do this spell on a Saturday then try to do so.

Why try a wiccan spell to lose weight?

Wiccan Spell to Lose Weight

A lot of people find it hard to lose weight. Some of this may be from bad habits but sometimes its for other serious reasons. This spell won’t help you lose weight on your own. You will have to do a cardio workout everyday until at least one year after you reach your goal weight. If you can’t commit to this then you don’t really want to lose weight and if you are really serious then you must drink water and eat right as well..

What You Need:

Light the black candle and place 1 drop of oil into the candle. Affirm while looking into the flame that you no longer have an addiction to food. You no longer have unhealthy habits. Do this over and over until you feel the energy from the flame eating the fat and making you thin. Go and workout for an hour after doing this spell.

Do  this wiccan spell to lose weight every week until you reach your goal weight. After you reach your goal weight do a purification spell and continue to work out every day.  Your light will be magical for every day you work out without making an excuse. Good luck!

If you tried this weight loss spell then leave a comment below!

 Mike Webster Authentic Jersey

Spell to Change the Body

This spell to change the body was sent in by Jessika M. This spell is a 21 day process and may take longer depending on the changes your are seeking to make in your body. This spell take a bit of commitment because you will have to say your affirmation throughout the day and visualize/meditate both in the morning and at night.

Spell to Change the BodyWhat You’ll need:

  • a brown pillar candle
  • a mirror
  • an affirmation
  • strong visualization skills

Write an affirmation for the change you want to occur. For example if you wanted loose weight, you might have the affirmation of “I am healthy, thin and full of energy.  make the right decisions for my body everyday.” Light the candle and meditate on the flame. Say you affirmation silently to yourself for as long as you wish. While you are saying your affirmation visualize your new body as detailed as possible. Do this daily in the morning and at night and say your affirmation during the day as often as possible. You may want to write your affirmation on a card and look at it often throughout the day.

Light your candle everyday in the morning and at night until the changes in your body are complete. When the change is complete thank the Goddess and discard the candle into flowing water.

This spell is more of a process, while Jessika maintains that most changes can happen in a matter of 21 days she advises it may take longer. If you can begin this process on the night of the full moon fine. If not do it in the moon phase that best corresponds to the changes you want to see. For example if you want to gain weight (who would?) doing this spell during the waxing moon is best.

Please leave all questions and suggestions in the comments section below! Thanks for visiting Just Wicca!

  Michael Conforto Womens Jersey

Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

This is a spell for weight loss. You can’t lose weight simple by using this spell. You have to change your eating habits and include exercise if you really are aiming to succeed in your weight loss goals. This spell is perfect if you are just beginning your weight loss journey and for those of you who need a boost in motivation. This spell should be done during the waning moon.

Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

What You’ll Need:Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

  • A pink candle
  • A orange candle
  • Blessing oil
  • A picture of you (as recent as possible – this is optional)
  • Sage incense

Anoint the candles with the blessing oil and spend some time charging them with your intention. Using something to carve with, engrave your current weight onto the pink candle. On the orange candle engrave the candle with your weight goal (I would suggest starting small – less 10 pounds or so). Engrave the rune for beauty on both candles and find a place to engrave your name on both candles.

Cast your circle as you would normally and light your incense first. Then light the pink and orange candles. If you have a picture of yourself, place it in the center of the candles. This should be a picture of you are your current weight. For those of you with digital cameras I would suggest you take a picture and print it out.

Spend some time and meditate on your weight loss goals. Why do you want to lose weight? How will your life, health, and self-esteem be like after you achieved this weight loss goal? When you are ready you can say the following chant or change it to suit you:

With Self-love I come to thee
This isn’t the weight I want to be
This size doesn’t suit me
As I will it so mote it be!

I would suggest you do spend some time every morning saying this chant to yourself for at least 5 minutes. Go from that and immediately do your morning workout. Even if it’s walking in place for 5 minutes!

I lost 50 pounds. I began with walking in place for 15 minute a day (because I couldn’t really do anything else!) and slowly because increasing my walking time. Then I moved into cardio and now I work out every day doing intense cardio for an hour. You can do this and I believe in you!

 Elandon Roberts Womens Jersey

Spell to Lose Weight

This is a spell to lose weight. This spell will not make you thinner overnight and it is to enhance the weight loss process. You still need to take responsibility for your health and do the things you need to do in order to loose weight. There aren’t any shortcut to this. The Divine will help you, encourage you, aid you but it won’t do all the work for you and let you ignore the lifestyle changes needed to loose weight.

So in addition to this spell I implore you to;

  • Exercise everyday (even walking in place for 5 minutes then 10 minutes then 15 minutes… build up your strength slowly… Rome wasn’t built overnight)
  • Drink the recommend amounts of water every day.
  • Encourage yourself. Its hard to stay motivated on a weight loss journey. Don’t fret. Try daily affirmations, one of my favorites “Perfect light and Perfect love, I am perfect right now and I am changing my life.” Remind yourself that you are strong! You CAN achieve your weight loss goals! No excuses!
  • EAT! Don’t starve yourself! Find a weight loss plan that you can really stick to.

Spell to Lose WeightWhat You’ll Need:

  • 1 white candle
  • yourself
  • motivation to change

Start this process during the waning moon. Each morning before your workout light your white candle and say your affirmation. Immediately work out. After each workout say to your affirmation to yourself and a say thank you. See yourself thin. Throughout the day see yourself at your dream weight and say your affirmation. Say “Thank you for my weight loss” as you drink your water and each time you eat your meals.

Do this everyday until you reach your weight loss goals. I love this spell. Its about making no more excuses and getting it done! It is hard to break bad habits but if you don’t resolve to make the change no one else is going to do it for you. This spell works, is powerful and I love it!

 Derick Brassard Jersey