Spell to Become Irresistible

Thank you guys for sending in your spells. The Book of Shadows is growing at a rapid rate because of you. Thank you for visiting this site, liking it, sharing it with your friends. It not only motivates me to provide as many spells as I can but it also encourages me when I am posting the spells, knowing that it helping you. This spell was sent to me by Holly. Thank you so much for sending in this spell, I am sure the others appreciate this wonderful spell as well. Holly writes:

Hey Raven! Thank you for the website its great but you don’t have many beauty spells so please feel free to add this one! Blessed Be!

What You’ll Need:Spell to Become Irresistible

  • rose petals (the prettier and healthier they are the better)
  • pink candle
  • light blue candle
  • wine and wine glass
  • sugar or honey
  • seduction oil
  • a small mirror

How to Make Seduction Oil:

  • 1 rose petal
  • 5 drops of musk
  • 5 drops of civit
  • 2 drops of patchouli
  • 1 drop ambegris
  • 1 drop jasmine
  • 1 drop rosemary

On a Wednesday night anoint your candles with the seduction oil. Grab a small pinch of the sugar and throw it into the wine. Hold your power hand over the wine glass while holding the base of the wine glass with the opposite hand. Thrice say:

Beautiful , I call upon you to make this wish

Lend me you beauty and as I drink this

Make it so, he can’t resist

Place the wine glass on top of the mirror and light the blue candle. Take the blue candle and light the pink candle. Place the candles on either side of the mirror. It should be the blue candle, the wine glass and then the pink candle. Let the candles burn for six minutes. While the candles are burning focus on the wine glass. On the seventh minute drink the wine while seeing your self filled with attracting energy.

You can also place the wine bottle on the altar while you are doing this to infuse the bottle with seduction. This is good to do if you can have the person drink the wine before the next new moon.

 Cody Ceci Womens Jersey

Goddess Luck Spell

 A Spell to Ask for Luck

This spell will not work when the moon is waning. Cast it on a Thursday before the full moon. If it can be done during Sagittarius, all the better. You can strengthen the magic by wearing blue clothes and loading the candles with sandalwood essential oil. You need to know your birth number. Calculate this by adding together the day, the month and the year you were born, then adding the digits of the answer together. If this results in a two-digit number, add these together.

You will need:

  • One white altar candle
  • One blue taper candle
  • Several coins
  • A sprig of white heather
  • A sprig of clover
  • A piece of gold or silver jewellery
  • Amber or citrine crystals
  • A piece of paper
  • A pencil or pen
  • A fireproof dish

Write the number down on the paper and place it on the altar. That done, kneel in front of it, light the white candle and meditate on your heart’s desire, visualizing your wish coming true. Light the blue candle and use its flame to set fire to the paper with your birth number written on it. Put this in the fireproof dish and as it burns, softly say these words:

Guardians of this space I pray,
Good luck be with me every day.
Pray bring to me some good news,
And change my fortune that I do not lose.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.

Now focus on the smouldering paper and see in the vapor all bad luck drifting away from you. If time allows, keep focusing your mind on good fortune coming your way until the blue candle has burned out. Thank each element for its blessing and close your ritual in the usual way.



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Spell for Divination on Samhain Sabbat

Before midnight on Samhain – November Eve, the most magickal night of the year, prepare some feast food such as bread made of pumpkin, corn or other harvest crops. Brew some mugwort tea.

Now cast a circle: Place small rocks or stones around the circle area and light the four directions of East, West, North and South with white pillar candles.

Walk slowly round the circle with a lit white candle to cleanse its energy. Then walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with Psychic Revelationyour besom or a branch (one that has fallen naturally from a nearby tree that still has live shoots on it). Walk deosil (clockwise), waving burning sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water on it to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say aloud: Celebrate Samhain, Bright Wind and Breeze!

Walk to the North of the circle and say aloud: Celebrate Samhain, Earth our Mother!

Walk to the South of the circle and say aloud: Celebrate Samhain, Burning Flame and Smoke!

Walk to the West of the circle and say aloud: Celebrate Samhain, Pure and Pouring Waters!

Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light, on this most blessed November Eve.

Raise the bread and thank Great Mother Earth for Her gifts. Then eat a small piece of the bread and sip the mugwort tea.

Place a blue candle in the center of the circle. Sprinkle some dried mugwort herb into the light of a blue candle, then place a magickal mirror behind the candle so that its light is reflected toward you.

Look deeply into the mirror and concentrate on the reflected light of the candle. Ask the Future to speak to you with images in your mind of what the highest answer, the highest outcome is for the issue most troubling or puzzling you or someone you love. Take as long as you need, and continue to ask until your question is answered.

Passing your hand over the candle three times, say:

I ask thee for Wisdom, my Future to Be.
I ask thee for Insight, and Clarity.

Into my mind let the answers now flow.
Away from my mind, all confusion must go.

So Mote it Be.

Clear your mind of all thoughts and distractions as you stare at the light in the mirror. Let the answers come in its glow. Be willing to return to this spell and ritual as often as it takes to receive the increased psychic insight you are seeking.

Read:White Magic to return your lost love

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Spell to See if Someone Likes You

Ever been in a situation where you are interested in a guy or gal but wasn’t sure how they felt about you? Do this spell! This spell will promote a romantic vibration out into the universe. If the person is interested then the spell will make the person notice you more. It will clear any obstacles preventing a potential relationship but won’t force someone to fall in love with you.

What You’ll Need:Spell to See if Someone Likes You

  • • Pink candle
  • • Pink yarn, white yarn, blue yarn
  • • White candle
  • • Attraction oil

Cast your circle as you would normally. Anoint your candles with the attraction oil. Place the candles on your altar. Separate the candles a bit because you are going to need room to work. Light the candles and chant the following while braiding the yarn. You can get enough yarn to make a bracelet necklace or ankle bracelet.

As you are coming to me, meet me in pure love. I am coming to you, with the heart of a dove. You for me and I for you if we are meant to be, I like you and you like me so mote it be.

Braid and chant until the yarn is spent. Place the braid in between the candles and let them burn down. Place three drops of the attraction oil onto the braid.

Your love interest should express interest in you within three weeks. If they don’t take it as a sign you are meant to be and move towards someone else. You may burn the braid if this is the case. If you and your love start dating start a keepsake box with this as the first item. When the relationship is over keep the box or burn it and move on.

The best day to this spell is Friday the day of Venus, Goddess of Love. You should do this spell on the night of the full moon if possible.

 Wil Lutz Womens Jersey

Spell to Become a Werewolf

This is a Spell to Become a Werewolf. This is the last of the trick spells I am posting today and thanks so much Brianna for sending this spell in! Before you guys ask me 100 times (thanks for the emails, questions and comments… I love chatting with you guys) I have not done this spell and really don’t have any interest in doing it. I think werewolves are pretty scary and you don’t get powerful beauty etc like this spell to become a vampire. But whatever floats your boat!

I just want to thank all of you once again for visiting my website and being great in general! You all are helping making this website grow and I just want to tell you thank you! If you like the site please share it with your friends or like the site, page or posts. You can do this easily by using the share widgets below this post.

Spell to Become a Werewolf

Spell to Become a Werewolf

Spell to Become a Werewolf

What You’ll Need:

You will need to find a wolf’s paw print on the night of the new moon. You must drink water from the paw print and say the following 9 times:

“As I drink I will become;

Wo(man) and wolf now become one

After you do this forget fully about your wish to become a wolf. Sometime during the next three full moons you will transform into a Wolven!

Make sure you don’t just go out and try to find a wolf print. For this spell to work you have to find the wolf print on the NIGHT of the new moon. If you can’t do this easily then unfortunately it isn’t in your destiny to become a werewolf. Maybe you will get lucky and a werewolf will bite you!

Okay I AM going to past a disclaimer on this spell. Don’t try and hang around wolves, you will probably be killed.

 Earl Mitchell Jersey

Elemental Spell to Keep Your Lover Faithful

This is an elemental magick spell. This spell has two methods. The first method uses the element of fire and the second method uses the element of water. You can change this spell to suit/fit your needs and element if it is not listed. This spell should be done around the time of the new moon but the leaves used in this spell should be gathered during the time of the new moon for best results. This spell uses ivy leaves, but you can gather whatever leaves you have at your disposal.

What You’ll Need:infidelity spell

  • 4 large leaves
  • love incense
  • fire proof dish
  • carving tool
  • brown candle

Using your carving tool, on each leaf write one word of the following;

Keep My Lover Faithful

Light the incense and light the brown candle. Burn the leaves in the correct order (burning the leaf with ‘Keep’ written on it first). While you are doing this say the following words or something similiar;

Goddess of Love, I ask of thee, Bring fast fidelity

Scatter the ash in the wind.

In order to do the water element version of this spell, simply take the leaves to a stream, river or source of naturally flowing water. Place the leaves in the water and as you release them say these words or something similar;

Water flowing free, bring fast fidelity

You can change this spell for your corresponding elements. Just use your brain and come up with a way to make this spell your own, working with the element of you.

This spell was sent into me by Janna. Thanks so much for sending in this spell! If you guys have spells and want them featured on the website then email me jw at justwicca.com

Have you ever casted a love spell? And if you did… did it work? I have some love spells stories on the site for you all to read. You will actually find a ton more in the comments after the love spells but that page highlights some.

You can leave your own thoughts/stories in the comment section below. Also if you have any questions that is the best and quickest way to get a response for me.

Read: Witchcraft Freebies

Thanks so much for visiting the website. I hope you will find some use for it! Also please share this website with your friends, I need your help in making this community grow. Larry Fitzgerald Womens Jersey

Daily Wishing Spell

This is another wishing well spell. This is probably the simplest way to make a wishing well.With this spell you make a wish every day and forget it. Expect it to come. One of the secret methods to making your magick work for you is simply belief. Don’t worry, wander or whimper about the situation. Just set and forget it. With this in mind using this daily wishing well is a great way to bring wonderful things into your life magickally.

What You’ll Need:

  • 5 candles (in various colors)
  • 1 seven day white pillar candle
  • a large bowl (any kind will do!)
  • superglue
  • spring water (the bottled kind if fine IF you can’t get water from a natural source, of course, well water works the best)
  • sandalwood oil

Wish SpellsGlue the white candle into the center of the wishing well with the super glue. You may have to leave it overnight for it to adhere properly. Fill the bowl with the  spring water and add 9 drops of sandalwood oil. Light a colored candled and  hold it in your hands. Drop 3 drops of the candles wax into the bowl and say “May my wish come true.” Do this with each of the candles. The different colors of the candle wax represent different desires and wishes for example, red represents love, health and passion. The more colors the better, but don’t fret if you don’t have many colors. You can add them to your well over time by anointing the candle with blessing oil and saying “May my wish come true”, just as you did before.

Don’t use black candle wax or ever wish anything negative into your wishing well. While black isn’t inherently bad it represents binding and that’s not what we want for our wishes.

Every morning take a coin and make you daily wish. Do this for one year without emptying your well. When your well becomes full take the most of the coins out leaving behind a few (to keep the luck) and do something kind or generous with the money. Don’t spend it on yourself!

After a years time has passed you well is now even stronger than before. If you need a wish to come true sooner you can now take a coin from your well and bury it in the earth. Your wish will come true sooner.

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Simple Sugar Wish Spell

A really great twenty something, solitary witch gave me an awesome spell to try. We were discussing my sugar love spell when I asked if any other witches used sugar in their spells. This clever and witty witch said although she never has personally used sugar in her spells, she considered using this one.

It is Wicca at is finest, earthy and real, elemental and proper, it is individualized and special, and it is a shame to even post it. You can check out her quaint earthy pagan blog or follow her on twitter.  In one moment I will give you the spell that is my favorite of all my wish spells and then her bio. Leave comments, discuss and learn. Good Luck!

Simple Sugar Wish Spell

What You Need:

  1. Jar
  2. paper
  3. pen
  4. sugar
  5. herb associated with goal
  6. glass
  7. water

This is a twofold spell. Cast circle,invite the elements,welcome the Goddess and God (or do whatever it is you do when preparing for magick) meditate on intent,i.e that boy to notice you,that friend to be a bit more supportive,to get extra money for what you need (need not selfish wants). Place sugar in jar,hold jar and chant:

All i want unto me,unto me,unto me, with the swiftness of sugar bring delight,bring delight!

Now hold the associated herb and chant something more specific to your desire,of your own choosing,(it must mean something to you) whilst also holding the glass of water. Once chanted nine times (completion of goals), mix the herb and 90% of sugar in jar,and place 10% of sugar in glass. Drink the sugared water whilst visualizing success. Write desire on slip of paper,and seal in airtight jar with sugar,place under bed.

End of ritual.

wish spells

wish spells

Hopefully this will help some of you <3 About Closet Hazel:

Twenty-something english solitary witch,lover of love,friend of the cat,eater of chips.

Although millions of you come to this blog in hope of wish spells ideas, and spells that will work for sure, I hope you see the beauty of spells created from within. I think sometimes its easy to get involved with the politics of it all, but Wicca and witchery really appeals to the primitive something in us all, connected to the earth and each other on an more instinctual level. A great spell for all of you to try! Feel free to submit your own spells via email: JW at JustWicca.com

You can follow me on twitter and share your thoughts on sugar spells, effective spells, solitary witchery and more. Make sure you sign up for my email newsletter and leave a comment below.

Merry Meet. Merry Part. And Merry Meet Again. <3 Raven Moon.

 Johnny Manziel Authentic Jersey

Spell to Banish Debt

Spell To Banish Debt

Best do this spell on Days of either Thursday day of Jupiter which brings money, careers, and luck in financial matters.

Or Do the spell on a day of Saturn a.k.a Saturday. And done on a waning moon or a new moon to banish, and to bring positivity.

You will need:

  • 1) Green Candle, or try 1 Gold Candle
  • 1) Black Candle to Banish Negativity off Debt.
  • Money attracting Herb/Herbs of the following: Allspice, Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Ginger, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Patchouli, Pine, or sage.
  • Money attracting oil: Basil, Cinnamon, Patchouli, or Pine.
  • One copy of your bills will be needed, or the actual bills. If you can’t get to the bills write out each bill of what you owe debt on parchment or clean white paper.
  • Money Attracting Incense/or other Money attracting type incense if you don’t have Money attracting incense.
  • A Pen
  • Something to carve with

To start this spell:

1) Ask the universe to rid you of negativity, and remove obstacles over your bath. As well as ask for blessings in your life.

2) Take a Cleansing bath with a few drops of cinnamon oil or pine oil.

3) Dry off, and go set up your ritual area.

4) Meditate, and cast your circle.

5) The god to call upon to join your circle is the god of Juno, of money.

6) Cleanse, and consecrate your candle/candles, carve the banishing pentacle on the candles. Cleanse, and bless other items you will use, and dash a hint of money attracting herb on the candles.

7) Dash a hint of the money attracting herb, and place the bills or written form of the bills under the lit candles.

8)8)Ask Juno for what you need. Here’s a simple spell I wrote for this. As well as meditate on you paying your bills in full, and walls of what is stopping them from being paid in full breaking down one by one. Envision this money coming to you, and your debt vanishing instantly.

9) Spell Chant: “O Great God Juno, who knows of my need, please bring this at full spell. May this be brought in the most correct way for the money I need on this day. I ask of you bring positivity, and banish negativity. Banish this great debt, rid this poverty, and bring prosperity. Bring none of harm as well as myself. This I ask humbly, so it shall be. So mote it be!”

Finally place the bills dashed with herbs in a safe spot so it may not be touched, and meditate further on the issues. Then when you feel drained suddenly snuff the candle out, and thank Juno himself.

Close your circle.

Light the candles once again everyday for 7 minutes or longer until they are burned out, and meditate on the debts banishing from your life, and bringing happiness to yourself. You may chant a spell or prayer of your own words. Once the candles are finally burned out bury them away from your home, or throwing them into a moving source of water.

One last advice about this spell Do good onto others, like help others out when needed, or donate. Good will be brought onto. Finally thank the universe and Juno when your debt is paid off. Nellie Fox Womens Jersey

Spell to Overcome Shyness

I love charm bags! Search how to make charm bags using the search box to your right on more information. You can wear the home made charm bag, you can sleep with it, you can place the charm bag on your altar or any other special place in your home or room, you can carry it with you in your pause or book bag and even place it somewhere like your locker or car. This spell is for confidence in social situations. This spell will help you to overcome shyness and social insecurities. This charm bag should be made during the waning moon phase. This charm bag is for a stronger confidence in all situations and more self-esteem when dealing with new people.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Overcome Shyness

  • • A white, yellow or orange pouch
  • • Sage
  • • Nutmeg
  • • Sugar
  • • Lavender
  • • Mandrake root
  • • Rosemary
  • • Pine needles

Place all the herbs into the pouch. On a slip of paper write ‘confident’ and place the slip in the bag also. Take the bag into your power hand charge the bag with your energy and intention. Say into the bag the confidence you wish to possess. You may say things like; ‘I am confident in all new situations’, etc. Wear the bag around your neck as a necklace, or carry it with you in your pocket or purse when you may be in a new social situation or you need the extra confidence.
Learn to work with and infuse the magick more by talking to new people or trying to be more outgoing than usual. Smile often throughout the day and make an effort to overcome your shyness. This spell is great and I made a charm bag almost every new school year.
When you feel you no longer need the bag, you can either scatter the herbs into the wind while thanking the four corners or you can burn them and give thanks that way. You can reuse the bag but be careful to use the charm bag for a similar spell or purpose.

 Phil Esposito Jersey