Mermaid Spells

I am posting all the really interesting spells you guys send it. I know some of you may be offended that I placed your spells in the Trick Spells category but don’t be! You guys send in these amazing spells but there must be a trick to getting them to work because they seem to only work for a few. This could be due to the fact that magick is a wonderful but personal element of nature, it can be tricky to duplicate spells results so don’t be to dishearten if the spell doesn’t work for you.

This is a spell to become a mermaid!

What You’ll Need:

  • natural water source (river, sea, ocean, waterfall, spring, river… a well won’t do)
  • the moonlight
  • your voice
  • blessing oil
  • a silver charm that you can wear around your neck

spell to become a mermaidBefore entering the water do a ritual bath and cleansing. Anoint yourself with the blessing oil. Skyclad enter the water where the full moon is the most visible. Say the following 7 times.

“Waters abundance accept me as your own

Dunk yourself into the water and come up (don’t hold your breathe or stay under for a long time). When you come up swim in a circle clockwise three times. Look to the moon and thrice repeat;

“It is done”

Emerge from the water .

This is not a spell to give you fins. This is a spell to encapsulate the true beauty of mermaids have them blessing you with their wonderful attributes. You should recieve the gifts of the mermaids soon.

This is a VERY VERY interesting spell. One I am tempted to try myself! Who wouldn’t want the beauty and power of a mermaid?

Thank you for visiting my website. I appreciate you all so much and am grateful that you are spreading the information. This really encourages me to post more spells for you guys. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy this spell to become a mermaid!

 Tom Compton Authentic Jersey

Spell for More Confidence

We all sometimes need an extra boost of confidence to encourage us and send us on our way. This spell is designed to give you magnetic confidence by using self affirmations and sound. It was once said that sound was the way to get rid of demons and it was very common to shout when doing banishing work. With this spell we will be tackling some inner demons that block and prohibit our true inner beauty and confidence from showing.Spell for More Confidence

  • A bell
  • music
  • Your voice

This spell should be done on the night of the new moon to signify new beginnings. You should try to do this spell at a time when you will not be disturbed.  You will need to choose a short affirmation that best expresses the quality you would like to gain.

Here are some sample affirmations that you can re write to suit you needs or use as is;

  1. I am a beautiful and confident person.
  2. I am cool and calm in every situation.
  3. I am very pretty and smart.
  4. I never blush around boys I like.

As you see the affirmation can be used to change and create whatever qualities that you so desire.

Once you have your chosen affirmation spend sometime memorizing it. Play the music of your choice to raise your energy. When you are ready and feel your energy is at its peak take your bell and dance with the music. Continue to raise energy with dance and your bell or rattle.

Shout your affirmation and proclaim it to the world. Do this at least three times. You can add candles and incense if you would like too.

Spend sometime every morning and every night looking at yourself in the mirror and reaffirming the affirmation to yourself.

Do this every week as you deem necessary. You can change the affirmations as your grow and move from seeking confidence to maybe another quality you would like to posses.

Affirmations work on many different levels. This spell/ritual is very customizable and earthy, not requiring a lot of tools or correspondences.

READ:White Magic to return your lost love

Affirmations have been said to take around 30 days to really work and start changing behavior so commit to at least saying the affirmations both morning and night for 30 days even if you decide you can’t do the weekly ritual.

More Beauty Spells

More Self Help Spells

 Duane Brown Authentic Jersey

Spell to Get the Job You Want

This Get a job spell with this job spell submitted by Angik Magick. This spell to get the job is simple easy and effective. Job spells are really more practical than money spells, and although sometimes it is better to write your own wiccan job spell, feel free to use the one below. I work at home doing witchcraft and writing about it.

This get a job spell is very simple and very effective. Sometimes the simpler the magick spell the more effective the Wicca magick is. I am a big believer of less is more and magickal spells don’t have to be elaborate rituals done for show.

Get a Job Spell

Get a Job Spell

Get a Job Spell

Take a little extra something with you when looking for a new job.

Dress a green candle with essential oil of rosemary, and place it in a holder on your altar.

Light the candle.

Now, place your hands down on the altar on either side of the candle and gaze into the flame.

Picture yourself getting an interview, being made a job offer, and even getting a first paycheck.

Tell yourself that you are worthy of employment, and that you are getting a job you will enjoy and that will meet your financial needs.

Get it all firmly planted in your mind, and believe it to be true.Spell to Get the Job You Want

Let the candle burn for a half hour, then snuff the candle out. Or you can blow the candle out, if you blow the candle out imagine the smoke rising from the candle carrying your will out into the universe, creating and manifesting you desires.

Burn it on consecutive nights until it is no more.

Use this wiccan job spell to get the job you want! Green candles are wonderful for job spells, luck spells, money spells, and things dealing with prosperity. I always use a green candle when doing magickal workings like this, although I sometimes use gold and white candles as well. To make this spell your own or carry some of the magick with you take some of the wax from the candle with you in a little pouch.

Have you ever tried a spell to get that job you wanted? I tried plenty of money spells some working almost immediately and others taking sometime. My goal is to earn enough money to travel this year and to build a big website where you guys can get real information for free. Leave comments, tips and information for others to read below. Try this get a job spell and let me know how it works for you by leaving a comment below.

This spell is perfect for the new year because you can change your whole life by simply changing your money situation. This was the first spell submitted to the website and I thank Angik for such a lovely contribution. Thank you so much for visiting the website please take the time to like the post and share it with your friends.

You can submit your own spells via email. [email protected] or you can make your own online book of shadows on our witchcraft message board. Sign up for the board and get instant access to even more spells and information.

 Kirk Gibson Womens Jersey

Spell to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

This is one of the most requested spells on Just Wicca. Everyone looks over the free love spells section and types in the comment section requesting a spell to make a guy fall in love with you. While this spell was written by me as a straight person, it can be used for gay, bi and transgendered persons as well. It can be modified to work with female energy, but this spell was designed to attract a male.

Sometimes its not meant to be

Remember good and bad things come and go. Don’t hold on to a relationship that isn’t right for you. Holding on to something that isn’t meant for you will only cause suffering in the end. Remember that even if you feel empty for awhile something else/ someone else will come along. So don’t get discouraged if your relationship doesn’t mend itself.

Spell to Make a Guy Fall in Love

Make a Guy Fall in Love

You can make a man fall in love with you.

What You’ll Need:

  • Something that reminds you of the male
  • A male doll
  • A white candle
  • A bowl of water

This spell is simple to prepare for and execute. It is my advice that this spell be done on a Thursday evening. Thursday is a day typical associated with male energy as well as the evening/night time.

  1. Fill the bowl with water and place it in the center of your alter.
  2. Attach the item that reminds you of the male onto the doll. If there isn’t a way to attach the item use something else or sit it right beside the doll.
  3. Light the candle.
  4. While holding the male doll, meditate for a while thinking about the person you want to attract.
  5. Chant the following 7 times: “In the darkest hour be, bring my love (his name) close to me, as I will it so it shall be, bring my love (his name) close to me.”
  6. Let the candle burn out or if you can’t let the candle burn down on its own then snuff it out.

Wait at least one full moon cycle before you attempt this spell again. It may take some time for results to show but usually you should see a change with the person within a week.

Make sure you give him his space while you wait for the spell to work. You can find more free love spells on Just Wicca – your free online book of shadows.

Thank you for coming by to check out the site, check out related spells and articles below or leave me a comment! You can follow me on instagram, send me a tweet, ask me a question on Facebook, or join me on google +,check out my tumblr, pinterest, and gather page. Make sure to enter this months free pagan contest for your chance to win awesome pagan swag.

Donate $5 for a free charm bracelet! Read my post: ‘Why Donate‘ for more information.

Blessed Be and good luck!

 Josh Bynes Jersey

Spell to Increase Psychic Powers

I believe we all have inherent psychic ability. For me it boils down to “The gifts you don’t use, you will lose” – if you aren’t mediating, exercising your mind (and your body), or practicing some simple techniques on your own, then this spell won’t help you. If you want to open your third eye or have a vision, the first key and first step is meditation. I don’t recommend this spell for people who don’t know how to meditate. If you can’t control your thoughts and quiet your mind this spell could be disastrous for you.

What You’ll NeedSpell to Increase Psychic Powers

  • Strong Yarrow Tea
  • a silver necklace
  • a light blue candle
  • a purple candle
  • a white candle

On the night of the full moon cleanse yourself and cast your circle as your normally would. Drink your tea and after fully ingesting the tea being with your white candle:

“White and White guide me in light”

Take your necklace into your power hand and three times clockwise circle the necklace over the flame. (Not to close, or it will burn!). Take the white candle and light the purple candle. Take the purple candle:

“Purple and power give me sight this hour”

Take the mirror and clockwise circle it around the flame just as before. With the purple candle light the blue candle and while circling as you did before say:

“Blue, Blue only show me what’s true”

Place mirror behind the candles and repeat the following three times:

“As I stare in to this flame

Let no evil thoughts enter

My psychic vision is not the same

It is now birighter and bigger;

As my third eye gives me sight

and three times i repeat this rite

I give perfect thanks and love

To the Goddess Hecate on clouds above

Now let this begin, As I will it it will end”

Blow out the candles and thrice repeat “So mote it be” sleep with the necklace under your bed or wear it/carry it with you as a charm.

Thank you for visiting the site! Thank you for sharing it with your friends! Thanks for liking this post on stumble and Thank you for visiting again!

Please leave any thoughts, comments, suggestions and all other replies below! I am so happy and grateful that you came by!

7-day-psychic-course *7 Day Psychic Development Course

Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Jason Taylor Womens Jersey

Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

If you are curious to know if someone you like, likes you, or is interested in you, do this spell. This Spell to See if He Likes You usually will do the trick so you can be certain about the others persons feelings for you. This love spell won’t make someone fall in love with you but it will make sure their are no obstacles blocking your path. I would suggest your do this spell on a Friday. Waxing or Waning moons are fine it would depend on your particular intentions to dictate the phase.

Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

What You’ll Need:

  • a wine glass
  • silk red ribbon
  • gold ring
  • a gold candle
  • a red candle
  • a picture of the person you want to attract

If you have an altar place the wine glass in the center. Take the red ribbon and pull it through the ring. You will need enough red ribbon to make a necklace. You can also modify this spell by braiding your red ribbon. What you have done basically was make a pendulum. Light the red and gold candles side by side with the picture of the person in the middle of the altar and candles. Hold your pendulum in the air and begin the spell.

Say you name and the persons name three times. Pause for three seconds in between repeating the names. Do this while meditating intensely on the picture of the person. If you don’t have a picture you should close your eyes and visualize the person with great detail. Spell his or her name aloud and as you say each letter of their name out loud ping the ring against the glass. For example if the person I was attracted to name was Adam I would say ‘A’ the tap the glass with the ring, ‘D’ and do the same, etc. etc. Just do the first name and really focus on the person.

Wear the ring as a necklace with the red silk ribbon threaded through for three (3) weeks. You should only take off your charmed necklace when you are repeating the spell. You should repeat the spell for the next three Fridays at the same time. I would suggest dong this spell at 11 pm on those Friday nights.

After you complete the Spell to See if He Likes You if there is no response by the end of the third week you should now really consider if this person is really for you. Some things never go as planned, some feelings are never returned. It may be hard to realize but maybe its time to move on. At least now you can move and start working towards happiness… whatever that may mean for you. 🙂

 Will Fuller V Womens Jersey

Spell to Vanquish a Cold

As soon as you feel the onset of a cold do this spell If you have been fighting off a cold and it taking longer than usual cast this spell for the aid of the Goddess. This spell was written specifically for colds but can be used for other minor illnesses. Colds are more common this time of year and I want to post a reliable spell for getting rid of one. Make sure to take the time to take of yourself during this period.

Tips for ridding yourself of the cold naturally:

  • Gargle Warm Sea Salt in the morning and at night
  • Drink lots of fluids
  • Rest and sleep as much as you can
  • Drink warm tea with a teaspoon of honey
  • Use a Neti-pot

Read more about how to get rid of a cold naturally. Do this spell as soon as you notice the symptoms of the cold.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Vanquish a Cold

  • Healing Oil
  • 3 green candles
  • 1 white candle
  • 2 blue candles
  • soiled tissue or hankie

How to Make Healing Oil:

  • 2 oz of base oil
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil
  • 1 rose petal
  • 6 drops of sandalwood oil
  • 3 drops of lavender oil
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil

In the privacy of your room with no one around cast your circle. Anoint your candles with the healing oil while meditating and charging the candles with healing intention. Take the soiled tissues and place 3 drops of your healing oil. Place it in the center of the candles. Light the candles in order from green to blue to white in a circle. As you light each candle say the follow three times:

“God of healing Xu I call thee!

Ancient power I call thee!

Rid me of this cold!”

Let the candles burn for 3 hours before snuffing them out. If you blow the candle out imagine the healing properties being sent through out your room, home, you and neighborhood with healing protection where ever your grow.

Thanks for checking out the website! Please leave questions, comments, thoughts and suggestions below.

 Markelle Fultz Jersey

Spell to Resolve a Love Triangle

Sometimes when we fall in love other issues from relationships past haunt us and seek us out. We get sometimes end up in predicaments where three people end up in an emotionally draining situation that’s not good for anyone. It would be and it is wrong to use magically influence to make someone do your will. You should try to force anyone’s decision but this spell will help you resolve your relationship problem by weeks end.This spell is best done on the night of the Full Moon.

What You’ll Need:

  • three red ribbons 1ft- 2ft in length
  • a open space

On the night of the full moon cast your circle as you normally would. Lay the ribbon Spell to Resolve a Love Trianglein a triangle and step inside. Say the following when you are ready:

Triple Goddess I ask of thee

Please come to hear my plea

_______, ______, and me

Seek resolution in this time of need

For whom is right is not mine to decide

Keeping it no longer in my minds eye

This will be resolved, (raise your hands in the Goddess V position)

By weeks end.

Stay in the circle and spend sometime meditating. The answers will come to you if you are seeking an answer. While meditating you might discover the next move you should make, whether it be forward or not with the person.

When ready gather the ribbon and burn it inside a fire proof dish or receptacle. While watching the ribbon burn visualize every member of the triangle living a healthy and happy life. Take care not to visualize the person with yourself or the other boy/girl. Just clearly visualize each person smiling and happy.

When you are ready to let it go, say “So Mote it Be”.

Spend the week taking things easy. Don’t got out of dates with the person or see the person until the weeks end. Things should have resolved themselves during the week but if not you should make the next move.

When dealing with love triangles it is easy to get caught up in what we want. We have to equally think about all parties involved and truly whats best for everyone. You can’t force someone to be faithful, but you can be honest with yourself and do whats right even if it means leaving someone you may love.

Fidelity is the real issue when dealing with love triangles and just so you know, you are definitely worthy of true love that doesn’t come with added and unnecessary junk. Being happy isn’t always easy but if you do the right thing the threefold law will always have your back.

Read: Spell To Make Your Ex Forgive You and Return

Have You Ever Been In a Love Triangle? Leave a comment below. 🙂

  Eric Berry Jersey

How to Break a Love Spell

How to Break a Love SpellWondering how to break a love spell? Why did you do the spell in the first place. The threefold law may be lessened but their are always consequences. Some people may be wondering how to break a love spell that they think has been done on them. If you are one of the few people wondering how to break a love spell that has been done on you, then this same spell should work for you. A lot of people have been telling me that the spells I post have worked for them. The most people telling me this are ones who did love spells. Unfortunately these people did these love spells but when it worked they didn’t want to be with that person! I always tell you guys to be careful and weary of karma. You guys have been posting on my Facebook, and leaving comments telling me how well the spells have worked. I am so glad. I know some of you guys are in need of a spell reversal and in this post I will provide one for you.

How to Break  a Love Spell

As I said before for those of you wondering how to break a love spell that has been done to you this spell will work.

What You Will Need:

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Chamomile
  • 1 white candle
  • water
  • herb mixing bowl and masher
  • a jar
  • the persons photo

Inscribe the white candle with the rune symbol for clarity. Light a white candle and meditate on the person being free from the love spell. If you are doing this spell for yourself then imagine not being in love with the person any longer and being free from this spell.

Chant the following 16 times:

Be free of this spell I ask of the, be free of this spell, as I will it so mote it be.

Combine all ingredients into your herb masher. Grind the garlic, water and chamomile in your herb masher until it is a paste. While concentrating on the spell being lifted put the paste and picture into a jar. While the candle is still lit, go bury the jar into the backyard. Do this spell during the waning moon for the best results. I hope you found this article on how to break a love spell useful. Try to be more responsible with magick, somethings can never be undone and what goes around comes around!

 Anthony Walker Womens Jersey

Spell to Strengthen Your Love

This is a token of love that you should give to your partner to strengthen the connection between you. Gifts are often used in spell casting and spell work as a easy way to give someone an enchanted item or charm. This is a witches bottle with herbs meant to intensify the love between you. Do this spell on the night of the full moon.

What You’ll Need:A Spell to Strengthen Your Love

  • 2 glass bottle with cork
  • rose petals
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • sandalwood
  • lavender
  • rose oil
  • red ribbon

Combine the herbs into the bottle and top with rose oil. Place the cork and tie red ribbon around both bottles.

Take the bottle into your hands and charge it with your intention. See the energy building into your hands. Visualize the energy leaving your hands and transferring into the bottle. Repeat the same process on other bottle.

Give one of the bottles to your lover and keep your bottle in a safe place. Make sure your lover keeps the bottle somewhere safe preferably where you can see it everyday. You can keep the bottle on your altar or in the highest place in your room.

When the relationship is over empty the contents of the bottle in a bonfire to symbolize the end of the bond between you.

This spell is simple but really relies on the current bond between you and your lover. This spell works to strengthen the bond between you using the gift as a reminder of the love between the two of you.

This spell is suggested to be done on the night of the full moon but should also be done with Venus in mind. The next full moon occurring on a Friday will be April 6th 2012.

If you have any comments please leave them in the section below. Find more witchcraft love spells on the website. Thanks for checking it out!

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

  Tom Wilson Womens Jersey