Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You


There is that one person who we love so much that we would do almost anything to have those feelings returned. This spell to make someone fall in love with you has worked for so many people and I am sure it will work for you too! I have added two new spells to make someone love you to this page. These new spells use similar intentions and supplies and work to open the persons heart to connect with yours. This isn’t a spell for celebrities and people you barely know. These spells are for genuine connections, to enhance loving environments and to foster the seed of true love. If you need more information on love spells then check out our forum on witchcraft and wicca.


UPDATE: 2/26/2015 This spell has worked for almost everyone who has tried it. If this spell hasn’t worked for you after the first time then wait 28 days before trying this spell to make someone love you again. If it doesn’t work the second time then you must know that it may not work for you at this point. You can try spells to clarify feelings, truth spells or spells to find a true love. I wouldn’t try this spell more than twice.

UPDATE: 11/07/12 This spell CAN BE MODIFIED all spells on this site are just a template. You can change them to include whatever you need and substitute items as needed. I love you guys so I am writing this spell again to make it a little more clearer but  I really can’t spend a lot of time on answering the same questions over and over so look to the comments below to see if your question has been answered or look to the Google search bar at the top of the screen. Like most things in life this spell may not work for you. Try some other love spells or read about why spells sometimes don’t work and/or finally this article on how to make love spells more effective. Sometimes it helps to read other spell success stories while your wait your your wish to manifest. 🙂

This article will cover how to do a spell to make someone fall in love with you. 

This love spell was submitted to us from Crystal Starlighter who is a solitary witch. Although she is a solitary witch she says she is “blessed by the goddess to have wiccans in my area” who have given her great knowledge and tools to become a better witch.

You can submit your spells via email: [email protected]. I always worried when posting love spells. Love spells are powerful and should be considered before foolishly pursuing something that is beyond your realm or beyond their will. You should not enact your will on someone who does not want it. I always say… be careful what you wish for…

You can use a spell  to make someone fall in love with you.

wiccan love spell to make someone fall in love with you

spell to make someone fall in love with you

You can find more spells on this website. This magic spell is to the spell to make someone  fall in love you and help attract the person you want. If you would like to enhance this really potent spell then consider buying a charged love crystal or consider buying love perfume or rosemary oils. Of course if you are confident in your ability these items will only supplement your own power.

Most guys want to be a girl’s first. Smart guys want to be her last. Lucky guys get to be both.

How to make someone fall in love with you.

So without further ado, here is the spell to make someone fall in love with you! You should read it thoroughly three times to make sure you got all the details. Once you do the spell put blind faith in it and release it from your mind. The biggest reasons spells don’t work is because of the persons lack of knowledge and faith.

If you read the comments below you will notice that most of the people who achieve the desired outcome of having someone fall in love with them truly believe this spell will work for them and also have true intentions. They aren’t trying to manipulate the person into loving them, they aren’t trying to win the love of some random celebrity or the hottest guy in school, they are using their loving energy to reach the hearts of someone they truly love. When this spell works it is almost always because of the intentions of the caster. If you are meant to be then this spell will help you, if it is not written in the stars for you to be with that person then it simply will not happen.

Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love

What You’ll Need

  • 1 meter cord of red silk.
  • 1 photo of yourself.
  • 1 photo of the person you want to love you.
  • 6 red roses (make sure the petals are completely dried before putting them in the jar or you’ll get mold read more about How to Keep Rose Petals.)
  • Your personal perfume.
  • 1 large glass jar.

Do this spell on a Friday. If you can’t do this spell to make someone fall in love with you on a Friday during the full moon then don’t worry! Try to find corresponding days and moon phases that work with your schedule. Be careful! Love spells are not something to play with and what you sow you will reap. Be careful what you wish for…


  1. With 6 red roses you remove the petals and cast them into the bottle, saying: If you want to love, if you want to listen, open your heart, never forget me (or your own words)
  2. Spray some of the fragrance into the bottle with petals.
  3. Take the cord or string and chant while wrapping the cord around the pictures say: If you want to love, if you want to listen, open your heart, never forget me (or your own words)
  4. Place the pictures into the jar and place it on your altar.
  5. Cover the jar for 7 days and on 8th day uncover to let the smell float freely.

On the 9th day the person you did the spell on will love you deeply, if it is their hearts desire.

After the spell is done you can dispose of the jar or keep it. You can bury the jar in the earth, you can dispose of the love spell jar in natural water or you can toss it. My preferred method is burying it under tree.

After You’ve Done this Love Spell

So did you do this spell to make someone love you? Did it work to your desire? Or did you end up regretting you decision? With power comes great responsibility; think before you act.

Wiccan Love Spells are tricky and powerful things. A lot of people get into Wicca by trying simple spells like this one, but I would suggest learning a little more about Wicca before you try to cast any spells especially ones like this spell to make someone fall in love with you. You don’t have to be Wiccan to cast simple love spells but a little research and a little knowledge will help your spell castings become more effective and will help you learn what spells to cast and the consequences thereafter.

Good luck and I am trying to get to all the comments ASAP but some of you are asking duplicates! Read the other comments and if you really have something new to ask then leave a comment below. That was kinda rude but why am I answering the same thing over and over and over! I love you all bunches 🙂

Where can I buy the items needed for this spell?

You can find everything you need online and if you use this link on amazon you will help support this free website resource for young witches. Here are some additional online shop links that carry what you need for this powerful love spell.

If you cannot afford an item or can’t find the spell item then modify! This wiccan love spell to fall in love with you forever is a very powerful spell and it is important you use this spell with caution and clarity.

Sugar Spell to Make Someone Love You

Sugar is commonly used in love spells because of it effectiveness and meaning. It is said to ‘sweeten’ the heart of the one you are after. Before my hand-fasting I loved using sugar in love and friendship spells. My favorite spell is ‘Another Sugar Love Spell’ available to read for free.

Who is this Spell for?

If this spells calls out to you then try it. You will know if this is the right spell for you. This spell is primary for people who have been seeing each other for awhile and you feel you may ‘love’ him a little more than he or she loves you.

What You’ll Need

  • one pink candle
  • sugar
  • your wiccan altar

How to Cast: Spell to Make Someone Love You

  1. Place the candle onto your altar and try to make a heart shape around the wick with the sugar. This will work best if the candle is wide and uncovered. You can pour the sugar into a small bag and poke a hole in the bottom of the bag to spread the sugar precisely and evening.
  2. Light the candles and chant the following; “Winds to the west, our loves a success, while nine is near, you are my dear,  winds to the east, ill feelings cease, Goddess shows us how, you love me now.”

After You’ve Cast This Spell

Meditate and drink water daily. This will help you become more aware of your progress. Journal any new thoughts and/or experiences. Take the relationship slowly and make sure you take responsibility for any feelings you have in order to put them into proper perspective. If you relationship hasn’t moved to the next level of awareness and connection after six months then the timing may not be right for you. This is happens when we delude ourselves into thinking we can have a romance with someone who isn’t meant for us at this time.

Whats the expected outcome?

This spell will work by creating more opportunities for you two to get to know each other and the chances to create a lot of happy memories. You will find more openness in conversation, more laughter and more fun. This does require work on your end as well. You will need to let go of any fears, doubts and underlying resentments in your current relationship. You will need to work hard of your on inner struggles and feelings of lack to become a better, (more) whole person while you seek companionship with your beloved.

This is very important not to ignore. You must be able to work on self if you want to maintain a rewarding and resilient relationships.

Tips and Tricks

  • Meditation is absolutely essential in helping you calm your mind and focus your intention. Read: Why meditate?
  • Drink water to flush out toxins and to be clear in body, mind and spirit before casting a spell. This along with meditation and intention will certainly increase your chances of love spell success.

Alternate Chants and Items

  • Although this spell simply states sugar, the best option is brown sugar. While white sugar will work fine, this spell was written for use with brown sugar. You can buy brown sugar from amazon and support our online free online book of shadows.
  • Check out LOVE SPELL CHANTS for alternate chants and information.

In order to modify this spell you will want some more information on spell correspondences, check out the dictionary of witchcraft for more definitions.If you cannot find a pink candle, then try using red, white or combination candles for use with your spell casting. Let others know your experience by talking on the Wicca forum.

Common Mistakes

  • Do not try to cast this spell on someone you really don’t know well or have no connection to. In some cases the spell will still work but its not meant to work on the superficial.
  • Do not use this spell to try and break up a couple. It’s not a nice thing to do and you wouldn’t want someone to do this to you. You want to work with positive and light intentions.
  • Do not cast this spell back to back to back. If you don’t see results right away then take some time and distance yourself from the intense need of having this person. You can interfere with the magick working and doing its job if you are consumed with seeing the changes right away. If after 28 days the spell hasn’t worked for you then at that time I would try it again.
  • This spell doesn’t have a specific time frame and it doesn’t have a specific outcome. You should see some results by day 28 but it could be as simple as an extra text message or as extravagant as a proposal.. it depends on you and your intention.


  • Want to know about others experience with this spell? Read some love spell stories or check the comments out below.

Are love spells really that bad and create bad karma?

Here’s a great answer to that question. 🙂 Read it here. Whats the best days to do a love spell? Have you done this spell to make someone fall in love with you? Did it work for you? Please leave your experience down below.

 Ryan Clady Authentic Jersey

Green Candle Money Spell

green candle

Green Candle Money Spell

Green Candle Money Spell

Yo I got this green candle money spell forum an old yahoo group.We don’t have to many of the older groups of witches on the web any more, but luckily I was able to have saved a ton of these spells for personal use. I recently found my very first computer and was able to savage hundreds of spells from the long forgotten web. These spells are completely unique and I am glad to be able to publish them here. Try this green candle money spell on a Thursday (full moon if possible). So here is the best green candle money spells on the web. Leave a comment and let me know if it works for you.

How to do a Green Candle Money Spell

What you will need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 6 coins (gold, copper or silver)
  • green cloth or pouch (or gold cloth will do!)
  • cinnamon

Prepare your alter. Make sure you cleanse and prepare yourself mentally. Maybe spend a few moments meditating on the thing you want to manifest. Charge you candle. It is essential for this green candle money spell to work that you really want it to. Place the six coins in a complete circle around the money spell. As you place the coins around the candles really expect the money as if it is already there and you are so grateful for it. As you light the candle prepare yourself for the spell mentally. When the candle is lit say the following chant three times:

“Money does flow”

“Money will grow”

“My Money does shine”

“This Money is now mine”

Lay out your cloth or pouch. Sprinkle your cloth or pouch with the cinnamon. While picking up each coin say this following chant three times:

“Bring me money 3 x 3”

“As I will it, so mote it be”

You can keep the pouch with you for a while or use it as a money charm. I carry the pouch on my person for a while and imagine receiving the money. Sometimes I will do money manifestations in the morning after I wake up and at night while I drift to sleep. (I just go with the wu-wei, sometimes I don’t need to put the extra effort in) This green candle money spell is really one of my favorites. I think you will get some really success with this spell.

 Martinas Rankin Jersey

Can I See My Future?

With psychics I believe they can only give you probable futures. As we know our life path is determined by every action we take. Considering the fact that we all have free will, free will of yourself, and the free will of others, you life can turn out numerous different ways. In cases of asking psychics about love and relationships you should consider the free will of both parties involved. They both have to make a commitment to wanting the same outcome. They both must be willing to pursue the relationship on a deeper level. This is one reason why I shy away from love spells with a particular person or a specific outcome. You should be asking for what is right for you, not for just what you want.

Can I See My Future?Some psychics can tell you a probable future based on what they see today, but things happen, decisions and choices are made, and you probable future can be completely different. So what is true for today might not necessarily be true for tomorrow. So there really isn’t a way for someone to be told their final futures. Psychics are people limited by what their visions allow them to see. Opening your own third eye might be able to give you more reliable and informative information as things change and evolve. We are actively creating our futures in every moment. You are creating your future right now in everything you think, dream of and pursue. Be an active part of your life goals by creating them with action.

So for all of you who want to know the future I would say let go and know that creating your future is way more important than knowing your future. You should trust yourself and listen to your heart. You matter, and I truly feel we know what is right and what is wrong for us. It may not be what we want but learning to accept life as life comes is that maturity all humans seek. Remember what you focus on is what you bring to you. So if you find that in your life you are manifesting things you don’t want, then you know that you are worried or fearful of something, and that focus, that intense focus is manifesting things you don’t want. Try to focus on happier thoughts that are based on things you do want. Just allow yourself to know what it is you want.

Knowing what you want and allowing your energies and thoughts to focus their draws those things to you. When you worry about how to get the things you want you are setting up road blocks to your end goals. So practices focusing on the things you want. And letting go of the how to get it.  That is what manifesting is.

You should be manifesting the things that you want instead of focusing on wanting to know the future. When you ask about what your future may be then you are implying that you don’t have any control. That you can only know what your future is and you can’t control it and that isn’t true we are always manifesting what we want or don’t want.

Be aware of your thoughts and monitor your feelings to create your future.

 Zack Martin Jersey

Simple Spell to Break a Curse

While I usually only talk about things I am familiar with; I also try to answer questions and emails you guys send. This spell took a little research on my part because I am not familiar with curses, etc. This is a simple spell to break a curse that may have been put on you. I have no idea how you would be able to tell if you are cursed or not. People seem to agree it is something that you feel. Traditionally the person would actually need to be invited into your home  leaving behind something that is cursed. While most people agree that curses are only given strength the more you believe in the curse, this seems to not always be the case.

This spell is more of a process.

What You’ll Need:

  • 5 white candles
  • chalk
  • 1 black candle

Draw a pentagram on the ground. Place the white candles on the five points of the pentagram and place the black candle in the center. The black candle is representative of the curse. Once the candles are lit say the following:

Because I am good I am surround by light

Because I harm none Goddess lend me your might

Evil shall leave my door

As I will it this curse is no more

Envision the curse leaving your body. See yourself surrounded by white, protectiveBreak a curse light energy. Repeat three times “This curse is no more”, and snuff the candles.

Do you believe you are cursed? Know anything about curses? Please leave questions, comments and everything else below. I am very interested in what you guys think!

Also, I know I say this a lot, but thank you so much for visiting my website. and it is because of you (yes YOU!) who I do this for. I love my little website and I love the Pagan, Wiccan, and Witchcraft communities so much. While everyone might not agree with everyone else I have found such a sense of community with you guys and I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate cha!

  Tedric Thompson Jersey

Spell for Clear Skin

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

This is a clear skin spell. You can find this spell on many different websites but mine is a slightly different version given to me from a good friend. Beauty spells are unique, interesting and quite fun to do as you see the changes you want.

spell for clear skin


First off, I tried this clear skin spell when I was really stressed out and had a major outbreak. I had an important event to attend and my good friend Jessica Toad, told me to try this spell from her own Book of Shadows.This is a seven day process but it worked for me within 3.

Jessica also reminded me to drink plenty of water, and wash my face both morning and night. If you have sensitive skin the make sure you use gentle items tailored more to your skin type. This may be common sense but if you are serious about seeing results then you must work to manifest it on all levels both inner and outer. Taking care of your skin is key to this spells success.

You should do this spell sometime during the waning moon or on the new moon if you can.

Paper Clear Skin Spell

For this clear skin spell you will need the following:

  • White Candle (Charged)
  • Pen
  • Paper

Do this spell on a Saturday night at midnight. Cast your circle as you normally would and light a white candle, and write 3 things about your skin you want to change. Say this simple chant six times

On this day my skin will change,

brilliant, beautiful, skin I will gain

In seven days my worries will disappear

I ask of you goddess to always be near

So mote it be tonight.

Take the paper and place it on your altar keep it there until the changes you have wanted have come to past. Chant this simple chant everyday while meditating on your new skin, and only drink water, not any juices, or caffeinated beverages. Also, wash your face every morning and at night and I promise you will see the results. It may seem simple but when you see the changes in your skin you will be amazed. Taking your skin and body is very important, do your best to maintain your well being.

Did you try this spell? Leave a comment below to tell me what your thought. Also if you want to contribute a spell from your own Book of Shadows then contact me! My email is [email protected].

Leave a comment below with any questions about this spell for clear skin and let me know what you guys think.

 Mikko Rantanen Authentic Jersey

Spell To Clarify Relationships

The art of braiding is one which can be used in spell making to represent many  things. In this particular spell it is used to signify the coming together of three people and in the unbraiding an amicable resolution. In the use of colour the spell is focused either on the outcome or on the people concerned.


3 lengths of ribbon of suitable colour You can use astrological colours to represent each person or you can use one colour to represent the situation, For example:Spell To Clarify Relationships

  • Red for a relationship soured by anger
  • Blue for a business relationship
  • Green for a relationship in which finance is
  • importance
  • Yellow where communication is difficult

? Decide before you begin what it is you are trying to achieve.
? If it is important to bring people together, then as you are braiding you will concentrate on this.
? If it is seen as necessary for them to go their separate ways, while you are braiding you will concentrate on the intricacies of the situation and perhaps the ability to bring about open and frank discussion.
? Once you have finished braiding, you have a completely new object which is a
representation of the relationship between the various parties.

You should now dedicate the braid to the best outcome for that relationship.

? Put the braid somewhere safe for at least 72 hours, preferably in constant moonlight and sunlight.
? Only when the reason for the spell is fulfilled (e.g. reconciliation between people, full honest communication, a successful business partnership) can you think of dismantling the braid.
? As you undo it ask that the people involved can go forward in life in whatever way is appropriate for them, gaining what they have needed from their association.
? You may of course wish to keep the braid without undoing it.
? Do not use the ribbons for other magical purposes.

A braiding spell comes under the heading of a knot spell and is a gentle way of affecting the outcome of a situation. It is, of course, not necessarily a quick way of resolving anything but is often surprising in its outcome.

Credit: The Ultimate Book of Spells.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Derrius Guice Womens Jersey

Ways to Beat Depression Naturally

You guys know that I have been going through a lot. I was fired from my job.. ironically enough right after they found out about my spirituality but the burden of proof still lies on my shoulders because I live in a so called ‘right to work’ state. It has caused such a financial burden and strain in my household and it made me feel unwanted,  unwelcome and unloved. I was sad. I was very depressed.

When you are depressed you lose your motivation to work (sorry for the lack of posts!), your smile, your hobbies, your essence, you lose what makes you, you.

Its seems so easy to lie in bed and get angry that life isn’t going your way or bitter because someone has what you want, or mean spirited because that’s the only way you know to protect your fragile heart is by surrounding yourself with armor.

Depression robs you of your happiness. You have to give into it, and let it run its course but you don’t have to be complacent and sit idly by as life moves on without you.

You deserve to be happy!

You deserve to be happy!

Here are some ways for you to beat depression naturally.

  1. Give Back to Mother Earth: Did you know that gardening can help you overcome depression? Working the land, tilling the soil, growing something and watching your own personal accomplishments are just a few of many benefits of gardening. As pagans we feel the connection we have to the earth. Why not give back to the earth by planning a garden or a tree? Goddess Earth will return the blessings tenfold.
  2. Drink More Water: While this may seem obvious many people overlook their water intake and how much their bodies really need. Water can do many things for you from clearing your skin, clearing brain fog, helping digestion, improving your energy and so much more. Read the benefits of water.
  3. Get More Sun: There is no denying our connection to nature. Remember those happy memories of you basking in the light of the sun? Remember the feel of the sun on your skin? How bright and colorful the world looks in the summer? Make some more of those memories and get you some sun!
  4. Be More Active: Depression can make you lazy, unmotivated, down and sedentary. Making the effort to be more active is a conscious decision and one that requires effort. If you are used to sleeping all day and not living life but then get depressed because you aren’t doing anything then you know what you need to do to fix the situation. You have to become more active, you have to get more things accomplished and you will see other benefits of activity as well; weight loss and more energy are just a few of the many benefits.
  5. Meditate: We all have to live life. We all have the daily frustrations, the disappointments, the hurts. Its important to take a step back and quiet the mind. Not only can meditation help us to get clear about what we want, but mediation also keeps us from being and acting rash.
  6. Forgive and Remember:Journal-ing is a great way to express your emotions, to figure out whats going on with yourself and figure how to move forward. I have many different journals; one for spells, one for notes, one for dreams, one for my bucket list and my private journal to tell my secrets to. You can write lyrics, poetry, short stories and even raps about how you are feeling right now… Its a great way to express your inner thoughts.
  7. Eat Right: Processed foods are harmful to your body and have been linked to depression. While it is important to be grateful for the food you have and give thanks for it, if it is in your power (and income bracket!) then try to eat out as little as possible and cook your dishes with raw, organic and natural ingredients.

Do just some of these things and you will become a happier and more balanced person. If you want more information on depression and magick then check out my newest Spell for Spring Happiness, it has a lot of information about water, the memories of water and how you can use it to benefit your happiness and spiritual growth.

Do you have any additional tips for overcoming depression? Please share your expierience and leave them in the comment section below.

As always thank your so much for visiting Just Wicca. This website was created for you and I hope you receive benefit from this special place.

Good Luck and Blessed Be!

 Cameron Erving Womens Jersey

Bay Leaves Spell to Break a Bad Habit

This spell is a one to use when trying to break a bad habit or change your ways. This spell uses plant magic and fire. The bay leaf is a powerful magickal herb. If you want to break a bad habit try this spell and post your results. This spell can also be used as a wish spell. You should do the first part of the spell on the night of the new moon. People often see results by the time the full moon arrives.

Bay Leaves Spell to Break a Bad Habit

• What You’ll Need:Spell to Break a Bad Habit

  • • • 3 Bay Leaves
  • • • Paper
  • • • White candle
  • • • pen

On your piece of paper, write down your intention to change three times. Each time your write down your intention or wish say the words aloud. This should be written in the present tense, for example “I do not eat cheesecake after 8pm” (I love cheesecake! Someone should make me one!) After you have written down your intention, place the three bay leaves onto the paper once more saying your wish out loud. Fold the paper three times while focusing and visualizing your wish coming true. Keep visualizing until the spell is done. Then fold the paper by three again and place the parchment in a dark place.

Once you are satisfied with your new changes or the habit is broken, charge and anoint your candle with blessing oil. Light your white candle. Take the parchment with your intention and burn it using the flame. This is a way of giving thanks and you may add some words of thanks at this time.

Bay leaves are traditionally associated with wisdom in making decisions and protection from mistakes. Keep your intentions private from others and do this spell alone.
Try this spell and post your results in the section below. Thanks for being apart of my life! I am so grateful to you all!

 Christian Vazquez Jersey

Healing Passion Health Spell

Good Health Spell

Good Health Spell

This is a great health spell to do if you are feeling under the weather or have a more chronic illness. Like most of my spells this health spell won’t require too many supplies but it will require strong visualization skills. You can modify this spell by adding other elements and magickal correspondences like herbs or the moon phase. Because you want to rid yourself of something it is best to do this spell during the new moon. I would try and use a red candle. Not only do red candles represent love but they also represent health.


Red Candle Good Health Spell

What You will need:

  • a red candle, charged with your intention
  • a drawing pencil
  • a blank white piece of paper
  • a lighter or source of flame
  • a fireproof dish

You will have to be mentally prepared to ask for this healing and to receive this healing. You may want to do a ritual bath for cleansing and purification. Afterwards you might want to spend some time meditation on your healing and visualizing the healing you want to manifest. The mind and the minds belief are extremely important to this good health spell. You may want to burn some healing incense. Charge your red candle with your intention.

After you charge your candle draw a picture of yourself with the disease, or sickness, or whatever. Make it obvious on the drawing what it wrong and what it needing healing. You can use symbols like drawing worms for the stomach flu. The picture doesn’t have to be perfect for this good health spell to work but it should accurately represent you. I like to use standard printing paper for this if I don’t have access to my sketch book.

Light the candle and meditate on the flame. Hold the paper tip of your drawing to the flame and light it. Once your drawing is lit place the burning paper into your fireproof dish. This is a very effective health spell.

Now with the red flame still burning, draw another picture of yourself healthy. Place this picture of the new you under the red candle. Don’t blow or snuff out the candle. Let the candle burn out. The spell is done.

You can keep  the picture of your healing under your pillow our in your spell chest. Get plenty of rest and you will see fast results. This is a great good health spell. If you try it you can also add a chant written by you or add other things. Leave a comment below if you have any questions or comments on this good health spell.

 Tony Snell Womens Jersey

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of The Winter Blues!)

I don’t know about you but for me this winter has been harsh, cold, and alienating. As I moved through the winter months I often would find myself down and unhappy. I felt overwhelmed with work and issues happening in my personal life. I would wake up in the middle of the night genuinely unhappy about my circumstances, worried about bills, and sad about being depressed.

Well I refuse to let my winter blues follow me into the spring! Spring is a time of renewal and happiness. Spring is a time for new beginnings and new successes. Spring is OUR time to forge new friendships, let go of things that no longer serve us and work to our benefit AND the perfect time to start on those new years resolutions to be the best you… YOU CAN BE!

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness

Be Happy!

With this in mind, I wrote this Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of the Winter Blues!) and I hope it can be a blessing for you as it has been for me! Now on to it!

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of the Winter Blues!)

What You’ll Need:

  • a pendulum
  • water
  • lemon
  • purified drinking water

This spell is super simple and afterwards I will give you some links to check out about why this works and how you can use water for many different spiritual needs!

  1. Take the bottle of purified water and place it on your alter.
  2. Take your charged pendulum into your dominant hand.
  3. Depending on your personal energies with the pendulum you will either spin it clockwise or counter clockwise for the positive or yes movement. (how to use your pendulum)
  4. Place or squeeze the lemon juice into the water. (Just a bit!)
  5. While turning your pendulum over the water chant the following:

    “Goddess, it is happiness I seek

    I am unhappy and wish not to be

    Goddess help me in my time of need

    Blessed be as I do the deed

    Happiness I call on you

    Universal Law, I deserve happiness too

    Round the Sun and Blessed Be

    As I will it, so mote it be”

  6. Drink the water!

If you can, do this for every glass of water you drink. You can add a white candle for the small ritual but its not necessary for every time.

Mother Earth basically gave us all the tools we need to be healthy, happy, and abundant and it is my sincere wish that you use your power for good!

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