Spell for Good Health

Wiccan Spells for Health

Wiccan Spells for Health

Wiccan Spells for Health: Why Do A Spell for Good Health?

This is a great spell to do when you are just getting over a cold or the flu. It will help you feel better sooner and its a great spell to have handy during the holiday season. The benefits of this spell include not feeling sick!, being able to get back to life, being able to shop, being able to help others who may be sick and much more! You can do this spell twice a year for yearly checkup and wellness!

What you will need:

  • star oil
  • white rose petals
  • 3 white candles
  • thumbtacks

Using a thumbtack carve your name on the sides of each candle. Do this spell during a Wednesday. I have found success doing spells like this during the waxing moon. Meditate for 25 minutes on your healing. This is a spell of intense concentration. This is a spell better for an experienced witch because it may take some mental effort to meditate on your healing. If you have a problem meditating then try to do a guided meditation. You can find some free meditation mp3s online. Use the search to try and find some!

After you come out of you meditation and trance state, begin raising energy. Focus on being completely healthy while you charge the candle. Anoint your candle with oil. Once you have charged your candles you can now burn them under the moon (if you can) while chanting:

Air, Happiness, Earth, Health

Water, Peace, Fire, Wealth

Leak the energy rise until its peak and release the energy out into the universe. Some people carve magick runes into the candle before anointing the candle.

Wiccan Spells for Health: Raven’s Star Oil Mix

This is how I make my star oil. You can add or take away ingredients if you like. I like to add herbs but I will do a basic oil mixture for you all. You will need:

  • almond oil
  • lemon oil
  • jasmine oil
  • tree leaf oil
  • sandalwood oil
  • 1 white rose leaf petal
  • one bowl
  • one container (the cheap 99 cent travel bottles work just fine)

Combine all the oils and herbs into the  bowl and mix until well blended. Place into your container.

 Patrik Nemeth Authentic Jersey

Spell to Increase Psychic Ability

Have you ever wanted to be psychic? I think we all have! You can train your brain as well as other techniques to increase your ability. This is a spell that has worked wonders for me and my friends. This spell is for those of you who want to become psychic. I have tried this spell with great results and I am sure you will have great results as well. Try this spell and if you have any questions or comments leave it in the comment box below.

We all want the ability to have psychic power and its really possible! With this spell you can increase your telepathy and ESP.

We all have that urge within us to have psychic ability. We all want to have the power to read people, situations, and have that increased sense of awareness. Do you think its possible? What if I told you if totally was? What if I told you how? Would you take the chance to increase your ability? If you want the spell I have used to increase my psychic ability then read on.

With a little belief and determination, you too can unleash you inner psychic ability! tweet this

For best results consult a current astrological calendar to see when the moon is in Pisces or Aquarius for this spell.

When the moon is in one of these signs, place a purple, a blue and a white candle on your altar and light them. Place a crystal or two near the candles.

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How to increase your telepathy and ESP!

Take an amethyst, yellow beryl or a lapis lazuli stone and lie down by your altar or a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place the stone on your third eye chakra or hold it in the palm of your hand.

Call upon the Goddess Minerva for extra-sensory Insight and Knowing by saying:

Minerva, Great Goddess, Come Forth to Me.
This is the time I reserve for Thee.
I wish to know what is soon to be.

Gift me with special Sight and Awareness.
Open to me my Knowing within – make others’ thoughts clear
So it is plain what is mine, what is theirs.

So Mote it Be.

Imagine the Goddess before you – allow whatever image comes to mind of a loving Goddess in flowing iridescent blue robes.

She touches your third eye chakra, in the center of your forehead. See her Higher Knowing and Insight pour into your third eye in the form of sparkling points of light from the Goddess’s hand. She regards you with love and sternness: There is great responsibility to having psychic insight, and you must respect these gifts and use them only for the greater good.

Thank the Goddess Minerva and hear any message she might have for you. If there is a special message you need to hear for a particular issue in your life, ask for it now.

Now call upon the Goddess Athena for extra-sensory Insight and Knowing:

Athena, Great Wisdom, Come Forth to Me.
This is the time I reserve for Thee.
I wish to know what is soon to be.

Gift me with special Wisdom and Knowing.
All times are One, and great Truth is flowing.
Allow that I know what is there but not showing.

So Mote it Be.

Imagine the Goddess Athena before you – allow whatever image comes to mind of a loving Goddess in flowing iridescent white and lavender robes.

She touches your third eye chakra and her Wisdom and Insight pour into your third eye as sparkling light. She regards you with real compassion: Your sensitivity, once a difficult journey, is now a great asset to you. You have been the warrior; now be the seer and healer. Ask the Goddess for patience, wisdom and discernment, as well as protection from lower influences.

When you are ready, sit up, place the stone on the altar and blow out the candles.

 *7 Day Psychic Development Course7-day-psychic-course

Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Wayne Gretzky Womens Jersey

Spell for Good Grades

This is a spell for good grades. You should do this spell on the night before the test. You should have already prepared for the test but this spell will help you to do better no matter what. This is a great spell for students and you should keep your charmed pencil with you as you do all of your tests. This pencil will become a good luck charm aiding you in all of your school tests. You can use the pencil on everything school related but don’t use this pencil for anything not school related! You can pick a pencil with a style or design that you like but I wouldn’t because most teachers want you to use the standard number 2 pencil for all your tests.

What You’ll Need:spell for studying

  • • • A white candle
  • • • A number 2 pencil
  • • • A permanent marker
  • • • Good luck oil

Anoint your candle with good luck oil. Anoint your pencil with the good luck oil as well. Light your white candle:

On this day this item is charmed, I will get all A’s and harm none, Brilliant is how everyone will see me, as I will it so mote it be!

Take the pencil in your power hand and charger it with your intention. See yourself getting all A’s throughout the year using the same pencil. Run the tip of the candle through the flame once, taking care not to burn the candle. Draw a small pentagram on the pencil with the permanent marker. If you can, draw a small pentagram on your test paper as well.

Say the same chant before you take a test. You should see a good result!

This spell is to help you get good grades on any test you take but is not a substitute for study! The results of studying and this spell got me through high school. And I actually did this spell before taking my ACT and got a 31 in the English section! That’s almost the highest score… I know right!

Thank you so much for visiting Just Wicca! I hope this spell helps you in reaching your educational goals. Leave me a message in the comment section below!

 Aaron Burbridge Womens Jersey

Spell to Quiet Marriage Binding

This spell was submitted by anon. I hope this will be of some help. Read the original posting here.

Anon writes:

There is a spell I would never have looked for until it was useful and when I needed it I wasn’t sure it was out there. I found it after the fact, but I think all witches in this day and age should be in possession of it because unfortunately, in our day and age, when divorce rates are high and good partners who will be true are scarce, it is more and more often that as witches, we marry into partnerships and sacred bonds more often than others and with more depth of feeling.



Circle gathers and calls the corners. Three candles lit throughout.

N: Thus is for snow and lack of memory
S: Thus is for dust and death of feeling
E: Thus is for sweet heather and sweet silence
W: Thus is for the mother, and her embrace

(circle chants)
we who are, and us who have been
untruth and betrayal weaves aft and weaves in
kiss and a circle with light will abound

(woman chants)
if sisters beside me can quiet the sound

I will not hear it! (woman)
I will not hear it (circle)

loveliness beauty and light
and the moon dripping cool on the shoulders

(C) take our shoulders
(w) I take your shoulders
N: lights candle

(c) pass your burden
(w) I pass my burden
S: lights candle

(c) grant us passage
(w) I grant you passage
e: lights candle

(w) take my sorrow
(c) we take your sorrow
*no candle for west, mother is already present

(w) I hear no more until i wake I hear no more until I wake…..

 Dallas Goedert Authentic Jersey

Beauty Spells: A Spell for Beauty

Spell for Beauty

Spell for Beauty

This is a really simple, but fun and effective spell for beauty. All people like to have soft and beautiful skin. This simple spell gives you really pretty and soft skin- that’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom!

This spell is so simple- all you need is sugar, water, and a white candle!

Sugar is not only a staple in every Wiccans pantry but also a great item for love spells, friendship spells, wish spells, and beauty spells.

This time we are using sugar as a gentle exfoliate to heal and soften our skin naturally.

Sugar is the best way to naturally exfoliate the skin, because it doesn’t sting and unlike salt – it doesn’t tear at the skin. This spell for beauty is simple, effective, fun and more importantly it works fast. You can get clear, blemish free skin within a matter of minutes. It is good to use on those stressful days, after and intense workout, before a date, or when you want that extreme feeling of being fresh and clean.

Spell for Beauty

Light a white candle, and chant three times.

“New Moon – New Me as pretty as can be

All who see shall awe at me – As I will it so mote it be”

With the candle still lit, place 3 tbsp of water with 2 tbsp of sugar – if you have it – place on petal from a rose and mix well.

With your eyes closed, place the mask in circular motions on you face and neck.

Let sit for 1 min while meditating on your beautiful, clear skin, rinse the mask off your face, and place a warm-hot rag on you face for another minute.

Pat your face dry and blow out the candle – Be amazed at the results!

Remember you can do this as often as you like, with to with out the enchantment. And be on your way to great looking skin, you can find hundreds of free wiccan and pagan magick spells for beginners, for free here at justwicca.com

When I first started using this spell for beauty, I would do it three times a week and only drink water. It worked so well the first week I only have to do it one a week now.

Give it a try and see if it works for you!

 Justin Coleman Womens Jersey

Spell to Create a Joyful, Lasting Love

Perform this spell during Midsummer’s Eve (Summer Solstice), a powerful time of the year for performing love magick. This spell can be performed on the exact day of Summer Solstice or for several days before or after.

On an evening when the Moon is in Taurus, write your love’s full name (if unknown, write “the Perfect Man [or Woman] for me for lasting romance”) on a pink piece of paper in red ink. Write below this your love’s birth date, if known, and draw a heart around the writing or cut it out of the paper in a heart shape.

Light some strawberry, jasmine, orange blossom or myrrh incense and call upon Aine, Celtic Goddess of love. Wave the pink paper through the smoke of the incense and say:Spell to Create a Joyful, Lasting Love

Aine, hear me now: I call to your strength
Real joy, long-lasting, real passion I would know

Come now to bless and bring to me my love
Bring to me this beauty from where you are above.

So Mote it Be.

Light a pink candle. Pass your hand over the flame and chant:

This I believe; this now is true
I have my real love – two hearts beating.

By the fire of the Goddess, by the light of the moon
My life and his, now meeting.

So Mote it Be.

Stare into the candle flame or the smoke of the incense and visualize yourself with your perfect love. Think of the characteristics you most want in a romantic partner – their laugh, their humor, their taste in music, their manners, their love for animals, children or nature.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself with this person now. Place yourself in the picture, rather than looking on it from outside the scene. Experience the joy you know you will feel.

When you are done, blow out the candle and thank the Goddess Aine for her help, and any guidance you might receive later so that you will be in the perfect time and place to meet your new love.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Austin Hooper Authentic Jersey

Spell for Increasing Clairvoyance and Prophetic Insight

On a night of the Full Moon, cast a circle. Draw a circle on the earth with a stick. (Do not uproot any grass that might be there. If you wish to see a physical circle more clearly, put small rocks or stones around the circle area.) Light the four directions of East, West, North and South with white pillar candles.

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Light another white candle and walk slowly round the circle to delineate its area and to clear its energy. Perform asperges by sprinkling the area with clean water blessed and stirred in sunlight.psychic power spells

Walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with your besom (broom made of all-natural materials if physical).

Walk deosil (clockwise) while burning incense or sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say: Welcome, Bright Air. Blow fresh Inspiration to me now.

Walk to the North of the circle and say: Welcome, Deep Earth. Ground me in Wisdom and Safety.

Walk to the South of the circle and say: Welcome, Brilliant Fire. Burn bright Passion and Truth within me.

Walk to the West of the circle and say: Welcome, Pure Water. Deepen my Sight and my Calm with your clarity.

Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light!

Light a blue candle (for prophetic dreams) and call upon the Goddess of prophetic and psychic insight, Cerridwen (keh-RIDD-wen) and say aloud:

Cerridwen, Goddess of prophecy: Come Forth Here, I Ask. Bless me with your presence, Mother.

Walk with the candle around the circle, singing or chanting:

Cerridwen, Come: the moon is right
Completing the cycle fully

Gift me with Foresight and Prophetic Dreams and
Illumine what I see.

Lift all veils; pull illusions aside
In your Light I reside
with Deep Knowing.

So Mote it Be.

Sit in the center of the circle with the blue candle before you and imagine yourself filled with light, prophetic insight and inspiration.

When you are done, thank the Elements and Cerridwen for their guidance and blessings. Walk once round the circle, saying: I bless thee and leave thee Circle, till I draw thee again.

Then blow out and remove the candles of the Elements and the four Directions. Place the candles and any other tools you might have used in a wooden box. Use these candles only for the circle.

7-day-psychic-course *7 Day Psychic Development Course

Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Johan Larsson Jersey

Spell to Get Your Ex Back

This is a very powerful spell. I really can say this with confidence because I personally did this spell over 7 years ago. I was 14 (too young and immature to do a love spell!) and it worked. Really fast actually, too bad I had already moved on… This poor guy was in love with me, but I just did the spell because I was hurting immediately after the break up. He came to me asking me to be with him but he wasn’t the one for me. Long story short – I ended up having some really bad karma and him with a broken heart.

This is why you shouldn’t blindly pursue anything, especially when it comes to potentially hurting another person and/or yourself. But love is never as simple as we would like it to be… right? Take sometime to heal. After a month of no contact if you feel like doing this spell then go ahead but usually we can see things a lot clearer after a month alone. Read this article on what not to do after a break up!

love quotes for your ex boyfriend

Please let me be a warning to you! Don’t play with other peoples emotions. I  got some karma back for that (really.. read about karmic debts) and I should have. If you aren’t sure you want to be with this person then try a spell to find true love. If he comes back into the picture on his own, then you know.  Out of all the witchcraft spells for love on this website, I was a little worried about putting this one up. But you guys are always asking for more love spells and I have received at least 1000 emails asking for help getting their ex. I hope this one works for you as well as it worked for me!

Spell to Get Your Ex Back

witchcraft spells for love

What You Need for this spell:

  • green candle
  • white candle
  • blue candle
  • red candle
  • star oil
  • a photo of you
  • a photo of your ex
  • paper clip

This is a simple spell. It should be done on a Friday, the traditional day for casting love spells. Meditate on you and your ex meeting again. Meditate and visualize on every detail of your meeting, what are you wearing, what are you thinking, how do you have your hair and/or make up? Envision how the meeting would go from there. Do you exchange numbers and say goodbye until later? Do you add him on Facebook? Does he add you? Feel those feelings of it already have happened.

Raise energy and charge each candle.  Anoint each charged candle with star oil. (I make my star oil which you can buy!! You can use attraction oil instead!) Place the charged and blessed candles in a diamond. A lot of the comments ask what I mean by a diamond and LadySheba explains it the best:

What she means is putting the candles in their elemental spaces which should shape a diamond. Red=Fire=South; Green=Earth=North; Blue=Water=West; White=Air=East

If that doesn’t help then please spend sometime reading a bit more. We are all new to the path but just like you used Google to get to this page, you can used Google for basic freaking information!!!! Take a little initiative and learn about the craft. You just want it to be handed to you?? Who has time for that? :/ ANYWAYS!!! Here is what you do;

Light the white candle and stay:

“Mother Air he is mine”

Light the green candle and stay:

“Mother Earth in earth and time”

Light the red  candle and stay:

“Mother Fire our passion unites us”

Light the blue candle and stay:

“Mother Water clear the way, this is a must”


These words are a guide. You can rewrite your own words or chant and it will probably be better for you to do so. 🙂 Place a photo of your ex and your photo. Clip in place with the paper clips. Make sure your photos are face to face. This is to have them constantly or just thinking about you.

Place the photos in the center of the diamond.

Meditate further on your love. When you ready release the energy and snuff the candles.

Imagine the candle smoke moving with the energy into the universe.  Place the photo in the bottom of your underwear drawer and forget about it! Your lover should be returning you soon.

This spell is really simple and I personally know it to be effective. Want to retrieve a lover without doing the magick? Check out this site.

Did you try any of out witchcraft spells for love? Have a question or comment? Leave it below! Submit your spell or article to the site and receive a candle set if its posted!


 Frostee Rucker Womens Jersey

Job Promotion Spell

For those of you with a job try this job promotion spell for a new position with your same company or a raise. This a great job promotion spell and I job promotion spellhope you have great results with it. If you decide to try this spell make sure you leave a comment and let me know how it worked for you! Or you can share this job promotion spells by using the share buttons at the bottom of this post. I wrote this job promotion spell myself when I was younger so I hope you will enjoy it and put it to good use!

Job Promotion Spell

What you will need:

Do this job promotion spell on Sunday. You can use a red or gold candle, but I usually would use a gold one. Charge your candle and light it. Meditate by the candle flame and say the following chant eight times:

“Like a giant golden star”

“Through the heavens I soar”

“Doing everything perfectly”

“Giving me honors plentiful and more”

“To bestow upon me the thing that I see”

“A new promotion, as I will it so mote it be”

This great job promotion spell used powerful colors like gold and red. Some people see orange as a power color and use orange instead. I prefer the gold because of the gold stars you would get when I was younger. I can easily use the golden star reference but you should use whatever is best for you. Do this spell during the waxing moon because it is a time for increase. This time for increase is the perfect correspondence as your rank or title grow as your job position will grow. Have you tried this job promotion spell? Please leave a comment below and let me know how it worked out for you.

 Rick Porcello Authentic Jersey

A Charm Bag to Draw Love to You

Make this charm bag on the day of Venus, Goddess of Love. Venus’s specific hours are the 8th hour of the day and the 10th and 3rd hours of the night. Do this spell during the waxing phase of the moon. Charm bags are wonderful; it’s like carrying magick with you. It’s a subliminal reminder of the love that is coming into your life and they are really effective. When I was a younger witch, new to the path, almost every spell I did was a mental chant or a charm bag. They are great because even newbies have success with them. I still do charm bags very often because I love the simplicity of them. Use the search to your right and type ‘how to make a charm bag’ for more information on how to make them.

What You’ll Need:A charm bag to draw love to you

  • • 5 rose petals
  • • A pink pouch
  • • A pinch of sugar
  • • A drop of attraction oil
  • • A pinch of catnip
  • • A pinch of sandalwood
  • • A pinch of heather
  • • A pinch or rosemary
  • • A pinch of vervain
  • • Rose quartz

During the waxing moon at your ideal hour place the items into the bag. Use a mix of yellow, white, light blue and pink yarn the seal the bag. Carry the pouch with you in your pocket or purse. Every morning take the pouch and give the Goddess thanks for the love that’s on its way to you. Feel happy and excited and go out into the day in a great mood.

Do this every day and every night until the love you want to draw comes to you. This is not a spell to obtain the love of specific person so do not think of a particular person while working this spell. Once you receive the love scatter the herbs into the wind and give thanks. Keep the rose quartz as a reminder and place it on your altar or nightstand.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

 Daniel Kilgore Jersey