Wiccan Tools: Wiccan Cleansing & Purification

?This is a basic article and Wiccan cleansing and purification. It is necessary for some to do a purification of the ritual area. Ritual spaces outside rarely need to be purified. However, those made at home should be purified if the spell calls for it, or if it is an important part of you spell casting preparation of ritual. I do not do a cleansing for all of my spells and magickal workings. I think you will get a good understanding as to when it might be appropriate, etc.

A lot of people feel that most homes, ritual places, and places where you might do you spell castings or magickal workings need a Wiccan cleansing or purification due to the accumulation of ‘astral junk’ or residual energies from others, other magickal castings, negative energies, etc. It is easy to understand that these energies can feel disruptive and incoherent to your current ritual. Because of these disruptive energies the area has a Wicca cleansing ritual done before the actual ritual work.

Wiccan Cleansing

If you are doing a ritual or wiccan cleansing at your home, it is important to have concentration and peace.  If you are alone, you might want to close the doors, shut the curtains, turn off the phone ringers, etc- so you may have total privacy for your ritual. You should not be interrupted during the Wiccan cleansing because it will disturb your energy levels and your concentration. If you live with someone or if someone is home, then politely ask them not to interrupt you, this is why many operate at night under the cover of darkness while the world is sleeping. Or early in the AM for maximum privacy.

Wiccan Cleansing

Here are the basics steps of a Wiccan cleansing ritual:

  1. Clear all boxes, toys, trinkets, school books and things unnecessary to the ritual from the area.Use your broom to sweep the area thoroughly. Sweep the place where you do you rituals. The broom is one of the oldest tools to clean and purify a area.
  2. As you sweep with the broom send your energies and intentions of clearing the room from these energies. Imagine the broom clearing away all negative thoughts, energies, and mentalities from the ritual area.

?NOTE: Another way to do a Wicca cleansing is to spread some salt, alone or mixed with herb such as thyme, rosemary, sage, or opal. Some also use salt water. The action of salt is to disperse these negative energies.

You could also just burn a cleansing grass or cleaning herbal mix for example, myrrh, frankincense, sage, thyme or rosemary. Herbs can be used alone or in combination. “Spray” the ritual space with smoke from the burning incense and visualize banishing negativity.

Outdoor rituals require minimal cleaning. Most of the natural environment is much less physically contaminated our homes and other buildings. You need just a light sweep with magic (in this case, to actually remove the fallen leaves and pebbles in addition to the negativity), supported by your intention. These are some basic ways to do a purification along with some basic ways to do a wiccan cleansing.

 Derrick Pouliot Womens Jersey

Venus Chocolate Strawberries

This is a kitchen witch’s recipe that was given to me recently. Chocolate is romantic and very sensual. This recipe is perfect for Valentines days or the Wednesday or Friday before the holiday. Chocolate makes people happy, eases depression and is calming. A lot of times witches use chocolate in their potions or treats to give to the object of their obsession.

Strawberries are known as lover fruits. In classic literature and modern day romance novels, lovers are always romantically indulging in chocolate delights.

What You’ll Need:valentines day love spell

  • Melted Chocolate
  • Pretty Strawberries
  • A Pink Candle
  • Strawberry Incense
  • A Oval Plate

Charge the pink candle with you intention. Spend some time meditating on your desired outcome in order to have a clear picture in your mind’s eye. This very powerful spell can be used to manipulate someone’s will to a certain extent. To do such a thing, like trying to force someone against their will is immoral and will have its own consequences. Instead you should use your power to set the grounds for a strong friendship and healthy possible relationship.

Cast your circle as you normally would and light the candles and incense. Take a strawberry and dip it into the melted chocolate and place it on the oval plate. As you dip each strawberry see a different picture of an evolving relationship with that person. See yourself sharing a picnic. See yourself going on a romantic date. See each seen as clear as possible and say ‘so mote it be’ after you place down each strawberry.

 When you have finished preparing your wonderful desert, hold your power hand over the plate. Wave you hand slowly across the length of the oval dish while chanting the following:

See me by the light of day, let us lovers make a way, see me in your hearts eye, let this love never die, I am ready for us to be, as I will it so mote it be.”

Share the strawberries with your love and prepare for your relationship to blossom immediately. This wonderful spell is very powerful; it would be unwise to do this spell if you are ready for the following consequences. It’s not right to lead someone on or to do a spell on someone who you aren’t ready for a serious relationship with.

This spell should be done on the night of the new moon if it is a new relationship, the night of the full moon if the spell if for someone who doesn’t know you or is angry with you, and during the waxing moon to attract love to you.

 San Francisco 49ers Womens Jersey

Everyday magick

People ask me; ‘Is it possible to live a magical life? What is Everyday magic’? It is my personal belief that magic is all around us. I find myself doing magic naturally everyday… I call it EVERYDAY MAGIC. It is almost as if magic is inside me, always at my fingertips. I have decided to write down some of my simple ways of incorporating magic into my daily existence. I am not a perfect person and I don’t think and do these things every second  of everyday but I do know that if I did and sent out my intention into the universe more often, then maybe the things I want to manifest into my life will/would manifest sooner.

Everyday magick


Use Magick in your daily life.


  1. I breathe mist onto the door, draw a heart and gently chant ‘Love resides here’. This is so meaningful for me in so many different ways. I never was able to find peace at home growing up. I always felt alone and isolated. This reminds me that in my own home, I should have peace and happiness. This simple gesture also reminds me to spend more time loving my partner and less time bickering with my love.
  2. I thank the water that I drink and the food I consume. I recently wrote this post which included some powerful reasons why water is the maker of life. Water has memory, thought, power, magick.. it can help you heal and manifest anything you want into your life. Water cures, water is power.
  3. I sometimes take my pendulum and transfer energy into something I’m doing or eating or crafting or writings. I do believe everyday magic is energy just as everything is energy and that energy can be manipulated and changed.
  4. Pay attention magic and energy is all around you. You just have to stop and recognize it. You CAN do a love spell without ingredients! You can do everyday magic with your intentions. It is the light in your lovers eyes. It is the happiness that loves brings. Its the vulnerability tough situations bring. Its the quiet breeze the night of the full moon. Its the great secret you feel aligned too as you create the life you want for yourself. Start looking for the everyday magic in your life and you will find it!

These are just a few of the many ways I bring magic into my daily life and some examples of how you can create love spells without ingredients. How do you do everyday magic? Leave your comment below for others to read and gain inspiration from. Thank you for coming to Just Wicca and checking out the website. I hope you find this article interesting and if you do/did please like this post and share this article with your friends.

 Nathan Walker Jersey

Bay Leaves Spell to Break a Bad Habit

This spell is a one to use when trying to break a bad habit or change your ways. This spell uses plant magic and fire. The bay leaf is a powerful magickal herb. If you want to break a bad habit try this spell and post your results. This spell can also be used as a wish spell. You should do the first part of the spell on the night of the new moon. People often see results by the time the full moon arrives.

Bay Leaves Spell to Break a Bad Habit

• What You’ll Need:Spell to Break a Bad Habit

  • • • 3 Bay Leaves
  • • • Paper
  • • • White candle
  • • • pen

On your piece of paper, write down your intention to change three times. Each time your write down your intention or wish say the words aloud. This should be written in the present tense, for example “I do not eat cheesecake after 8pm” (I love cheesecake! Someone should make me one!) After you have written down your intention, place the three bay leaves onto the paper once more saying your wish out loud. Fold the paper three times while focusing and visualizing your wish coming true. Keep visualizing until the spell is done. Then fold the paper by three again and place the parchment in a dark place.

Once you are satisfied with your new changes or the habit is broken, charge and anoint your candle with blessing oil. Light your white candle. Take the parchment with your intention and burn it using the flame. This is a way of giving thanks and you may add some words of thanks at this time.

Bay leaves are traditionally associated with wisdom in making decisions and protection from mistakes. Keep your intentions private from others and do this spell alone.
Try this spell and post your results in the section below. Thanks for being apart of my life! I am so grateful to you all!

 Christian Vazquez Jersey

Healing Passion Health Spell

Good Health Spell

Good Health Spell

This is a great health spell to do if you are feeling under the weather or have a more chronic illness. Like most of my spells this health spell won’t require too many supplies but it will require strong visualization skills. You can modify this spell by adding other elements and magickal correspondences like herbs or the moon phase. Because you want to rid yourself of something it is best to do this spell during the new moon. I would try and use a red candle. Not only do red candles represent love but they also represent health.


Red Candle Good Health Spell

What You will need:

  • a red candle, charged with your intention
  • a drawing pencil
  • a blank white piece of paper
  • a lighter or source of flame
  • a fireproof dish

You will have to be mentally prepared to ask for this healing and to receive this healing. You may want to do a ritual bath for cleansing and purification. Afterwards you might want to spend some time meditation on your healing and visualizing the healing you want to manifest. The mind and the minds belief are extremely important to this good health spell. You may want to burn some healing incense. Charge your red candle with your intention.

After you charge your candle draw a picture of yourself with the disease, or sickness, or whatever. Make it obvious on the drawing what it wrong and what it needing healing. You can use symbols like drawing worms for the stomach flu. The picture doesn’t have to be perfect for this good health spell to work but it should accurately represent you. I like to use standard printing paper for this if I don’t have access to my sketch book.

Light the candle and meditate on the flame. Hold the paper tip of your drawing to the flame and light it. Once your drawing is lit place the burning paper into your fireproof dish. This is a very effective health spell.

Now with the red flame still burning, draw another picture of yourself healthy. Place this picture of the new you under the red candle. Don’t blow or snuff out the candle. Let the candle burn out. The spell is done.

You can keep  the picture of your healing under your pillow our in your spell chest. Get plenty of rest and you will see fast results. This is a great good health spell. If you try it you can also add a chant written by you or add other things. Leave a comment below if you have any questions or comments on this good health spell.

 Tony Snell Womens Jersey

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of The Winter Blues!)

I don’t know about you but for me this winter has been harsh, cold, and alienating. As I moved through the winter months I often would find myself down and unhappy. I felt overwhelmed with work and issues happening in my personal life. I would wake up in the middle of the night genuinely unhappy about my circumstances, worried about bills, and sad about being depressed.

Well I refuse to let my winter blues follow me into the spring! Spring is a time of renewal and happiness. Spring is a time for new beginnings and new successes. Spring is OUR time to forge new friendships, let go of things that no longer serve us and work to our benefit AND the perfect time to start on those new years resolutions to be the best you… YOU CAN BE!

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness

Be Happy!

With this in mind, I wrote this Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of the Winter Blues!) and I hope it can be a blessing for you as it has been for me! Now on to it!

Spring Spell to Attract Happiness (Get Rid of the Winter Blues!)

What You’ll Need:

  • a pendulum
  • water
  • lemon
  • purified drinking water

This spell is super simple and afterwards I will give you some links to check out about why this works and how you can use water for many different spiritual needs!

  1. Take the bottle of purified water and place it on your alter.
  2. Take your charged pendulum into your dominant hand.
  3. Depending on your personal energies with the pendulum you will either spin it clockwise or counter clockwise for the positive or yes movement. (how to use your pendulum)
  4. Place or squeeze the lemon juice into the water. (Just a bit!)
  5. While turning your pendulum over the water chant the following:

    “Goddess, it is happiness I seek

    I am unhappy and wish not to be

    Goddess help me in my time of need

    Blessed be as I do the deed

    Happiness I call on you

    Universal Law, I deserve happiness too

    Round the Sun and Blessed Be

    As I will it, so mote it be”

  6. Drink the water!

If you can, do this for every glass of water you drink. You can add a white candle for the small ritual but its not necessary for every time.

Mother Earth basically gave us all the tools we need to be healthy, happy, and abundant and it is my sincere wish that you use your power for good!

 Nick Bonino Womens Jersey

Mermaid Spells

I am posting all the really interesting spells you guys send it. I know some of you may be offended that I placed your spells in the Trick Spells category but don’t be! You guys send in these amazing spells but there must be a trick to getting them to work because they seem to only work for a few. This could be due to the fact that magick is a wonderful but personal element of nature, it can be tricky to duplicate spells results so don’t be to dishearten if the spell doesn’t work for you.

This is a spell to become a mermaid!

What You’ll Need:

  • natural water source (river, sea, ocean, waterfall, spring, river… a well won’t do)
  • the moonlight
  • your voice
  • blessing oil
  • a silver charm that you can wear around your neck

spell to become a mermaidBefore entering the water do a ritual bath and cleansing. Anoint yourself with the blessing oil. Skyclad enter the water where the full moon is the most visible. Say the following 7 times.

“Waters abundance accept me as your own

Dunk yourself into the water and come up (don’t hold your breathe or stay under for a long time). When you come up swim in a circle clockwise three times. Look to the moon and thrice repeat;

“It is done”

Emerge from the water .

This is not a spell to give you fins. This is a spell to encapsulate the true beauty of mermaids have them blessing you with their wonderful attributes. You should recieve the gifts of the mermaids soon.

This is a VERY VERY interesting spell. One I am tempted to try myself! Who wouldn’t want the beauty and power of a mermaid?

Thank you for visiting my website. I appreciate you all so much and am grateful that you are spreading the information. This really encourages me to post more spells for you guys. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy this spell to become a mermaid!

 Tom Compton Authentic Jersey

Spell for More Confidence

We all sometimes need an extra boost of confidence to encourage us and send us on our way. This spell is designed to give you magnetic confidence by using self affirmations and sound. It was once said that sound was the way to get rid of demons and it was very common to shout when doing banishing work. With this spell we will be tackling some inner demons that block and prohibit our true inner beauty and confidence from showing.Spell for More Confidence

  • A bell
  • music
  • Your voice

This spell should be done on the night of the new moon to signify new beginnings. You should try to do this spell at a time when you will not be disturbed.  You will need to choose a short affirmation that best expresses the quality you would like to gain.

Here are some sample affirmations that you can re write to suit you needs or use as is;

  1. I am a beautiful and confident person.
  2. I am cool and calm in every situation.
  3. I am very pretty and smart.
  4. I never blush around boys I like.

As you see the affirmation can be used to change and create whatever qualities that you so desire.

Once you have your chosen affirmation spend sometime memorizing it. Play the music of your choice to raise your energy. When you are ready and feel your energy is at its peak take your bell and dance with the music. Continue to raise energy with dance and your bell or rattle.

Shout your affirmation and proclaim it to the world. Do this at least three times. You can add candles and incense if you would like too.

Spend sometime every morning and every night looking at yourself in the mirror and reaffirming the affirmation to yourself.

Do this every week as you deem necessary. You can change the affirmations as your grow and move from seeking confidence to maybe another quality you would like to posses.

Affirmations work on many different levels. This spell/ritual is very customizable and earthy, not requiring a lot of tools or correspondences.

READ:White Magic to return your lost love

Affirmations have been said to take around 30 days to really work and start changing behavior so commit to at least saying the affirmations both morning and night for 30 days even if you decide you can’t do the weekly ritual.

More Beauty Spells

More Self Help Spells

 Duane Brown Authentic Jersey

Spell to Get the Job You Want

This Get a job spell with this job spell submitted by Angik Magick. This spell to get the job is simple easy and effective. Job spells are really more practical than money spells, and although sometimes it is better to write your own wiccan job spell, feel free to use the one below. I work at home doing witchcraft and writing about it.

This get a job spell is very simple and very effective. Sometimes the simpler the magick spell the more effective the Wicca magick is. I am a big believer of less is more and magickal spells don’t have to be elaborate rituals done for show.

Get a Job Spell

Get a Job Spell

Get a Job Spell

Take a little extra something with you when looking for a new job.

Dress a green candle with essential oil of rosemary, and place it in a holder on your altar.

Light the candle.

Now, place your hands down on the altar on either side of the candle and gaze into the flame.

Picture yourself getting an interview, being made a job offer, and even getting a first paycheck.

Tell yourself that you are worthy of employment, and that you are getting a job you will enjoy and that will meet your financial needs.

Get it all firmly planted in your mind, and believe it to be true.Spell to Get the Job You Want

Let the candle burn for a half hour, then snuff the candle out. Or you can blow the candle out, if you blow the candle out imagine the smoke rising from the candle carrying your will out into the universe, creating and manifesting you desires.

Burn it on consecutive nights until it is no more.

Use this wiccan job spell to get the job you want! Green candles are wonderful for job spells, luck spells, money spells, and things dealing with prosperity. I always use a green candle when doing magickal workings like this, although I sometimes use gold and white candles as well. To make this spell your own or carry some of the magick with you take some of the wax from the candle with you in a little pouch.

Have you ever tried a spell to get that job you wanted? I tried plenty of money spells some working almost immediately and others taking sometime. My goal is to earn enough money to travel this year and to build a big website where you guys can get real information for free. Leave comments, tips and information for others to read below. Try this get a job spell and let me know how it works for you by leaving a comment below.

This spell is perfect for the new year because you can change your whole life by simply changing your money situation. This was the first spell submitted to the website and I thank Angik for such a lovely contribution. Thank you so much for visiting the website please take the time to like the post and share it with your friends.

You can submit your own spells via email. [email protected] or you can make your own online book of shadows on our witchcraft message board. Sign up for the board and get instant access to even more spells and information.

 Kirk Gibson Womens Jersey

Spell to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

This is one of the most requested spells on Just Wicca. Everyone looks over the free love spells section and types in the comment section requesting a spell to make a guy fall in love with you. While this spell was written by me as a straight person, it can be used for gay, bi and transgendered persons as well. It can be modified to work with female energy, but this spell was designed to attract a male.

Sometimes its not meant to be

Remember good and bad things come and go. Don’t hold on to a relationship that isn’t right for you. Holding on to something that isn’t meant for you will only cause suffering in the end. Remember that even if you feel empty for awhile something else/ someone else will come along. So don’t get discouraged if your relationship doesn’t mend itself.

Spell to Make a Guy Fall in Love

Make a Guy Fall in Love

You can make a man fall in love with you.

What You’ll Need:

  • Something that reminds you of the male
  • A male doll
  • A white candle
  • A bowl of water

This spell is simple to prepare for and execute. It is my advice that this spell be done on a Thursday evening. Thursday is a day typical associated with male energy as well as the evening/night time.

  1. Fill the bowl with water and place it in the center of your alter.
  2. Attach the item that reminds you of the male onto the doll. If there isn’t a way to attach the item use something else or sit it right beside the doll.
  3. Light the candle.
  4. While holding the male doll, meditate for a while thinking about the person you want to attract.
  5. Chant the following 7 times: “In the darkest hour be, bring my love (his name) close to me, as I will it so it shall be, bring my love (his name) close to me.”
  6. Let the candle burn out or if you can’t let the candle burn down on its own then snuff it out.

Wait at least one full moon cycle before you attempt this spell again. It may take some time for results to show but usually you should see a change with the person within a week.

Make sure you give him his space while you wait for the spell to work. You can find more free love spells on Just Wicca – your free online book of shadows.

Thank you for coming by to check out the site, check out related spells and articles below or leave me a comment! You can follow me on instagram, send me a tweet, ask me a question on Facebook, or join me on google +,check out my tumblr, pinterest, and gather page. Make sure to enter this months free pagan contest for your chance to win awesome pagan swag.

Donate $5 for a free charm bracelet! Read my post: ‘Why Donate‘ for more information.

Blessed Be and good luck!

 Josh Bynes Jersey