Wicca Tools pt. 2

If you decide on a traditional Wicca path, your first step is to gather the implements of this ancient Craft. Historical sources differ on the origins of these tools, but their use in the present day is firmly established.

The Athame or black-handled knife is used to direct psychic energy, much as you might assume the magic wand is used — to cast the circle and to draw symbols in the air. It’s viewed as a symbol of male energy. The blade is dipped into the chalice to consecrate sacred water, evoking male-female union. For gays and Lesbians, two athames are crossed and water poured from one chalice to another. The element associated with the athame is air or fire.

The Wand or staff should usually be made of wood. It also is used to direct energy, as well as to invite nature spirits into the circle. The wand’s element is either fire or air.

The Pentacle, representing earth, is a dish that holds a small amount of salt.  Traditionally the pentacle is ceramic and has a five-pointed star (pentagram) painted on it.

The Chalice or cup is filled with its element, water. It represents the Goddess from whom all life comes, and all female energy. The water can be consecrated and used for sacred purposes. Members of a coven can drink it in a celebration of sharing.

You will also need an incense burner and ordinary candles to light your work. These may be plain white or you can choose the colors to match the type of spell you are doing. Some witches have a small red candle to represent the element of fire.

You should feel comfortable in the circle. A robe or gown is traditional. You can make or buy one. Be sure it is made from natural materials. It does not have to be black or have any symbols or ornamentation on it. Plain is better — then you can wear any jewelry that goes with your current ritual. You will also need a long cord to wear as a belt and to mark the boundaries of your circle.

Should you use your magical tools for everyday purposes? If privacy is a problem, yes. According to Gardnerian Wicca it is perfectly all right to hide things in plain sight. With no marks or signs on anything, your athame is just another kitchen utensil, and candles are just candles. Try using all natural items — a large shell can hold water and an ordinary stick becomes your wand. Remember, the power of magic always comes from your own mind and heart — not from your tools. T.Y. Hilton Jersey

Wicca Tools pt. 1

Now that you have decided to become a witch, it’s time to decide on and gather your ritual tools. These sacred implements are important in traditional spells and ceremonies, whether practiced alone or in a group.

Gerald Gardner, who organized the modern Wicca religion, based much of it not only on the small coven he belonged to, but also on Masonic rites and medieval ceremonial magick. Each of the traditional tools is associated with an element or type of energy and is used in a specific way. None of these things are magic in and of themselves; their purpose is to help you channel and direct the magic that is in you.

Make your ritual tools by hand if at all possible. If you cannot, the next best thing is to buy in person rather than online. Touch and handle them. Ask about their stories, where they came from. You must feel comfortable holding and using them. Ancient witch practices and folklore agree that the right tools, sooner or later, find you. Never haggle over the price of anything to be used in magic. Whether brand new or relics from an antique shop, be sure to ritually cleanse and exorcise everything to dismiss any prior energies. Some witches anoint their tools with a bit of their own bodily fluids — tears, sweat or saliva are fine.

You may have an instinct to use tools other than the traditional ones. You may already have collected items that feel magical to you that can be used in your spell work. Or you may feel you need few if any tools at all. Always listen to these instincts. In magic, always go with your feelings and emotions first. They are the source of your power — which always comes from you, not your tools or sacred objects. James Carpenter Womens Jersey

What is a Wiccan Altar

What is a Wiccan Altar

Being a Wiccan for years, or just starting out it is a good idea to re-arrange your altar periodically, or to set up a new altar that represents you as a Wiccan. In the Wiccan religion it is the altar that brings out the beliefs, focal points and the ideas of each particular Wiccan. Everything that is used on the altar during a ceremony must be safely put away when not in use. Setting up your own personal altar should bring joy and peace. All Wiccan altars are special areas that a Wiccan sets up that represents each Wiccan in their own way. . A circle of protection must be put around the altar whenever using the altar. Before using the altar a Wiccan must cleanse themselves before entering into the altar area.

wiccan alter

Many Wiccan altars are represented by objects that can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted. To have as many of the senses at a Wiccan altar brings a sense of balance in body and soul. Each Wiccan will put on her altar objects that are close to her. For every object that a Wiccan believer desires to have on their altar must be cleared of any negativity, and blessed before being placed on the altar.

The Wiccan believer may have pictures of her family on the altar. Those pictures represents the love that they share between them. She may listen to some soothing music that will help to relax her, and to allow her heart and ears to open up, and hear messages from the divine. She may burn a certain type of incense to clear away any negative energies, and say a certain mantra over and over again to keep positive energy flowing in, around, and through the entire altar area.

Some Wiccan believers feel more comfortable having their time at their altar alone. Other Wiccan believers prefer to have other Wiccan followers join them at the altar. Either way is correct, and it is a time for meditation, and it is a time to strive for a higher state of mind, body and soul. The altar area should be a place of reverence and respect. Sammy Watkins Womens Jersey

Wiccan Tools: The Wiccan Altar

The Wiccan Altar Set is where we place out magickal tools and all things that will be used during the ritual and/or magickal working. Wiccans do not on the majority believe that the god/dess dwells within the altar itself. The Wiccan Altar Set is a place of power and magick but not sacred within itself.

There are two types of wiccan altars one is the permanent wiccan altar set. Very few people are lucky enough to have a permanent wiccan altar set up in their homes. It is impossible for some to have their own wiccan altar set up for various reasons including space, or the unfortunate bigotry of the people who live with them.

The temporary wiccan altar set is one that takes some time to set up. You might need to prepare this wiccan altar set for rituals inside the home or when you are doing a wiccan ritual outside in the nature. Still you will have a special place to use your wiccan tools, wiccan candles, wiccan figurines, etc. And a place to store you wiccan tools when not in use.

The wiccan altar set may be round to represent the Goddess and spirituality, or it may be a square wiccan altar set representing the four elements of the earth.Wiccan Altar

Location of the Wiccan Altar

This is the way I use the round wiccan altar set to accommodate my wiccan tools, candles and everything else used for my magickal workings. This is different for each tradition, and each individual as well as its location on the circle.

In my case what has worked best for me is to place the altar in the circle facing east. Why looking east?, Because this is the sunrise. Why in the center of the circle? Because it is less of a hindrance when I am walking around the wiccan altar set to cast my circle, and when I am doing my invocations I don’t trip or step on the edge of the circle.

If you do your rituals at home you can use a table for your wiccan altar set, if you do your rituals in the open spaces in nature like I preferably do, you can make you wiccan altar set directly on the floor, this is not a problem.

The Distribution and Placement of the Wiccan Tools on the Wiccan Altar Set

As with the location of the wiccan altar set there are many ways to set up the tools on your altar. Some place their wiccan tools according to the elements and others like me put the tools in sections one representing the Goddess, one representing the God and one representing both.

The Wiccan Altar Set and Decorations

As for the decoration of your wiccan altar set some wiccans like to use colored place mats as the conclusion or magickal work. You can see the correlation of colors and items for every different magickal working, or ritual. There is not a specific way to decorate your wiccan altar set as this should be decided by you. If you are setting up an outdoor wiccan altar set for rituals you also don’t have to decorate.

 Markus Wheaton Authentic Jersey