Spell to Attract Love into Your Life

This is a spell to bring romance into your life. This spell uses a lot of magickal correspondences and items but if you don’t have them try to rewrite the spell for yourself. This spell is designed in such a way to attract a great love to you not the lost for a specific person per say. Don’t do this spell if you are in a bad mood, unhappy or angry. This spell should be done in a relaxed and happy state. This is always the case but with love spells it is even more important to be in the right state of mind.

What You’ll Need:spell to attract love into your life

  • • • A sprig of rosemary
  • • • A small box painted red
  • • • Vanilla incense
  • • • A pen with red or pink ink
  • • • Rose quartz crystal
  • • • Attraction oil
  • • • 3 white candles

This spell can be done inside or outside. You should choose your favorite place as your spell area. Burn your incense and meditate for a while to clear your mind of random thoughts and inner obstacles. Cast your circle and anoint your three white candles with the attraction oil. Sit in the center of your circle.

Using your charmed pen, write on the red box the following statement; ‘Love has come to me, Love is in my life, I am in love, He is in love with me.’

Open the box and place the charged rose quartz crystal inside. Place other things that represent love to you in the box. You can place drawings, silk, rose petals, rings, candles, perfume, anything that represents love to you. I also place a list of all the qualities I want in a man into the box. This box is a physical representation of what love means to you, but don’t use a photo of a specific person or a tag lock from another person because this is not a spell to gain the love of a specific person!

Meditate and visualize yourself in a happy and loving relationship. Imagine yourself happy and truly in love. See yourself preparing a gift for your lover. See yourself being excited and enthusiastic about your lover. See yourself telling your friends how wonderful and kind the person is. Tell them about your awesome dates and how happy they make you.

Light the three candles and say three written affirmations over and over. If you need ideas on something to chant try these three statements. “I am in love with a wonderful person who loves and supports me. I am so happy and grateful to be in such a wonderful relationship. I am so happy and I will only accept this or something better.”

Meditate for twenty minutes or more on just being blissfully happy. When you are ready release your intention out into the Universe and say ‘so mote it be.’ Pinch or snuff out your candles and seal the box shut. Don’t open the box until you have found a wonderful and true love.

When you have found your love take the rose quartz out and make a necklace out of it. Whenever you feel the urge, take the quartz into your hand and give thanks for your happiness and awesome lover.

 Paul Martin Authentic Jersey

Sunrise Spell to Strengthen a Love Spell

This spell is to strength a love spell. You should do it while waiting on the results of your love spell. It gives you a proactive way of waiting the spell out. Sometimes we cast another love spell, wait a week and cast another, doing this is pushing your love further away not closer to you. You are sending the universe multiple ideas and wants instead of trusting in the first spell. This is usually done by new witches who haven’t studied the craft and expect instant results. Sorry! Yes, sometimes the spell will work instantly! And sometimes it takes time. Having trouble taking the wait? Do this spell while waiting on your love.

What You’ll Need:Strengthen a Love Spell

  • • A fresh rose
  • • Two red candles
  • • Attraction oil

This spell is to be done during sunrise so you will need to be prepared (and set your alarm!). Place the candles, anointed and charged with your intention, onto the altar. Place the fresh rose in between the candles and go to sleep. At sunrise take the rose into your hand go outside. Hold the rose to the sky and say the following seven times;

This rose represents our love. True love is coming to me. Thank you, Goddess, for this love. So mote it be.

Take the rose back inside and place it onto your altar. Light the candles visualize and feel the feelings of being in love. Keep the candles burning for as long as you can.

This spell is best done with a seven day candle that you can keep burning with ease. This spell could be easily modified and customized to fit your needs. This spell is great to strengthen your belief in your spell work and with that comes peace of mind.

Loves spells are traditionally done on Friday which is the day dedicated to the Goddess of love, Venus.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch!

  Michael Grabner Jersey

Simple Spell to Break a Love Spell

I am glad that the many love spells on the website have work for you. This is a spell to break a love spell. This spell should be done during the waning moon on a Saturday. This spell is simple and is very effective. Love spells should be done with caution but sometimes unexpected things happen and you must release the person from the spell. I have another post on how to break a love spell that you may want to read if this spell doesn’t work for you.

break a love spell

How do I break a Love Spell?

What You’ll Need:

  • ¶ A black candle
  • Myrrh oil
  • ¶ Black cloth

If you don’t have a black candle you may use white. Using a pin or bolline inscribe the name of the person under the love spell on the side of the candle. Charge the candle and anoint the candle with myrrh oil.

Light the candle.

Meditate on the spell breaking and visualize the outcome of this spell as if it has already happened. When you are ready say the following;

This candle represents the spell that binds thee

As it burns, you shall be free

By the powers of three times three

As I will it, so mote it be

Let the candle burn down on its own and when the leftover wax had cooled take the wax wrap it and black cloth and toss it into the ocean. You can also toss this into any moving source of water but it shouldn’t be your wishing well. If you can’t get access to a stream, river, sea or ocean you can instead bury the wax in the ground. Tedric Thompson Womens Jersey

Pagan Money Attraction Spell

This is a great money magick spell. It only requires simple things you can get in one trip to wal-mart.This Wiccan Money Spell has been on various

Wiccan Money Spell

Wiccan Money Spell

places on the web since 1995. This spell is a classic!

Try it and expect wealth because this spell works wonderfully. You can get the items for this spell for less than $7 dollars. How cool is that? You should try this money knot spell and if it works for you be sure to add it to your book of shadows. My website has plenty of money spells like this Wiccan Money Spell. You can use the search to find more spells on the website.

Wiccan Money Spell

What you will need:

Take your cord and start making a knot. While you are making the knot say this chant.

“With knot one, this spell has begun”

“With knot two, plenty of work to do”

“With knot three, money comes to me”

“With knot four, opportunity is knocking on my door”

“With knot five, I am and will thrive”

“With knot six, monetary problems will be fixed”

“With knot seven, success will happen”

“With knot eight, increase is great”

“With knot nine, all of this is mine”

This Wiccan Money Spell is so wonderful. I am so glad to have it on my website and I am glad I found my first book of shadows in order to share it with you. I have decided to share with you many of my personal spells like this money knot spell. I have easily over 500 magick spells so I am looking forward to discovering some of my old favorites. This Wiccan Money Spell has worked for me. You can do this spell during the full moon but you can also do this spell while the moon is waxing (or increasing).

 Kemoko Turay Jersey

Spell to Remember Your Past Life

This spell to remember your past life was sent in by Yarrow. Yarrow is a male witch following the Greek tradition who has been practicing witchcraft (not Wicca 🙂 ) for 17 years!

Blessings to you Raven on this lovely day. I have wanted to give you the gift of this spell for some time. Past lives are a gift as we learn of previous failures and successes, we can take those lessons into our new lives.

Thank You Yarrow (named for the herb O.o – I like it!)! I haven’t tried this spell (yet) but I have had once hypnosis based past life regression. I wasn’t completely following the directions and I let my mind wander constantly but all in all I was satisfied with the information (albeit it was a small amount).

I can’t pin point the exact time period but I am sure it was before the 60’s, it really may have been way before that but I remember that it was kinda modern, but kinda not…

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My brother (?) was calling to me. “Sue!” “Sue!” and I remember not being as tall as the people around me (I was obviously pretty young) and I was holding something.. a treat? a balloon? I think my dress was white and blue… I am pretty sure I was pale, which may not seem like much, but as I have naturally dark skin all year round this was a noticeable difference. I must have looked confused as my brother was calling me and I seemed dazed. I didn’t see… MYSELF. I was looking through the my eyes, or Sue’s eyes. You have probably hear me mention this story before, and for some reason I haven’t tried to remember my past life again. It was not a traumatic experience or anything like that, I just… its hard to explain!

Well that’s MY past life experience… you can leave yours in the comments section below!

What You’ll NeedSpell to Remember Your Past Life

  • a white candle
  • a glass filled with water and flower petals
  • a mirror

Place the mirror inside the bowl. Light the candle and place it and the bowl beside your bed. When you are in your meditative state, surrounded by light. Imagine a television. The television should give you the sense of being in front of your physical body, and NOT in your head. If you see the television in your minds eye then you are not doing this technique correctly.

See your life going back, yesterday, last year, your childhood, your birth, the safety of your mothers wombs, go back further. Don’t think “Oh whats before that?” It should come to you naturally, you may be transported to a memory anytime throughout you past life, it may be a mundane moment, it may be something exciting, it may be you sleeping!

If you find yourself implanting details or trying to FILL in the blank (there probably will be some missing details the first time around) STOP and try again. You may want to listen to a past life regression hypnosis or meditation if you find it to difficult to do on your own.

Post your past lives below! I am very interested in what others have to say!

PS. The picture is of the Yarrow flower, in honor of Yarrow who sent me this spell!

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 Cody Franson Jersey

Lost and Found Spell # 1

If you own you own home, or just live in one, you may find this spell very useful. This is a really great and totally useful lost and found spell. I am constantly loosing my keys, cell phone, wallet, important documents and more.This is a great lost and found spell. This post actually contains to lost and found spells. One lost and found spell is from Charmed, a TV show.

So a friend of mine named Korsha Moon Mountain, forwarded me this very useful and easy to remember finding chant. Since using this well known lost and found spell, I literally don’t like have to worry about losing something important to me. It works well in a bind, and if you are like me and loose something you just put down then add this spell to your book of shadows!

Lost and Found Spell

When you find you self in a bind and looking to find something that was lost to you, relax and repeat this simple (but effective) chant!Lost and Found Spell

“Mother Goddess, I am too weak,

To remember the lost things I seek,

Help me locate what I have lost

I have looked and pondered and thought,

Bring me my item I so desperately need,

as I will it so mote it be.”

Simple little chant for finding things both BIG and small. So go out there and find something now! This lost and found spell is different than the one that appears on the television show Charmed. That chant is different. It goes like this:

charmed lost and found spell

Charmed lost and found spell

“Guiding Angels,
I ask your charity,
lend me your focus and your clarity,
Bring me to the (name of what is lost) at this time,
Restoring me that and my peace of mind.
With harm to none,
This spell be done.
Let it be not reversed,
Or placed unto me as any curse.
May all astrological correspondences
Be correct for this working.
As I will it,
so mote it be.”

I actually tried this spell when Korsha first forwarded it to me, and found $5 dollars in a old coat jacket! Not much… but enough to buy me some coffee.

It also makes a great addition to your online or offline book of shadows.

Another variation of this spell includes making a cinnamon broom and saying the chant while making a sweeping motion with a white candle lit. That version of this simple spell works really well, and if I am looking for a really important item, I often take the time to work the lengthier version of the finding spell.

 Leonard Fournette Jersey

Salt and Pepper Love Spell

With the use of a salt and pepper shaker this spell works to bring new love into your life. With Valentines day approaching I know some of you are wanting to attract a new boyfriend or girlfriend in your life. I hope this spell helps! This spell should be done on the night of the new moon. This spell is used to attract love into your life. This spell can be changed in anyway to suit your needs. If you don’t have attraction oil then use love oil or blessing oil instead.

What You’ll Need:New Moon Love Spell

  • Salt shaker
  • Pepper shaker
  • pink ribbon
  • pink candle
  • attraction oil

On the night of the new moon Anoint your candle with attraction oil and place the lit candle on your altar.

Goddess be with me

Take the salt shaker that represents you and tie the pink ribbion around it.

This represents me

Take the other end of the ribbon and tie it to the other shaker. This represents your new lover.

This represents the lover I seek

There should be some distance between the shakers. Meditate on the flame. Don’t think about how you lover may look, but instead visualize yourself being happy and talking to friends and family about how happy you are that your relationship is going great, that you met this great new person, etc.

After mediating blow your candle out while visualizing the smoke going into the Universe to enact your will.

Every morning untie the ribbons and move the shakers a little closer together and then retie the ribbon. Give thanks that your lover is on their way 🙂

Thank you

Do this until the shakers touch. Once the shakers touch, leave them bound for seven days and then untie.

Your new lover should have enter your life by now.

If you don’t have salt and pepper shakers then use something else that obviously makes a pair this could be socks or anything else!

There are many ways to change up this spell to try and draw a specific person to you, or something else, like a job or money. If you do change the spell remember to change the ribbon to something that corresponds with your intention.

Read: White Magic to return your lost love

I have a ton of love spells on the website now so in the future I am going to focus on adding more health spells next.

Please join the Witchcraft Message Board!

You can leave all comments/questions/thoughts in the section below. Thank you for visiting the website. I am so happy you dropped by!

 T.J. Tynan Womens Jersey

Spell to Change the Way Others See You

This is a spell to change your appearance. This spell won’t you.. physical, but it will change the way others perceive you. This spell is to be done on the night of the full moon. This spell is for an overall change of how people see you. You can add different candles if you want a more specific change.

What You’ll Need:Spell to Change the Way Others See You

  • Moon Oil
  • 2 pink candles
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 orange candle
  • a mirror
  • Full Moon

How to Make Moon Oil:

  • 3 oz of jasmine oil
  • 3 oz of rose oil
  • 2 oz of base oil

You should do a ritual bath before doing this spell. During your bath you should focus on cleaning your auras, ego and letting go of the negativity. Forgive and decide to focus on you. If you are having trouble with entering your circle with a clear mind you may want to do a guided meditation. This spell should be done on the night of the full moon. You may want to add incense. If you don’t have incense then a sweet smelling scented candle will work. If you use a scented candle make sure the smell isn’t so loud that it is distracting to you. If you don’t have either than don’t worry about it!

Anoint the candles with moon oil, bless and consecrate them and give them time to dry. If you are preparing for this ritual ahead of time after you anoint and charge your candle and lay rose petals over them. Sprinkle a pinch of sugar onto the candles and let them rest for three full nights before the ritual.

After your ritual bath line the candles up in front of your mirror. Make sure the line is as straight as possible. Disrobe and light the candles.

See yourself the way you want others to see you. If you have issues with self love this spell will be difficult for you as self love is needed before hand. If you are not happy with the person you see in the mirror then you should try your best to work on that first. Visulize yourself the way you want to be seen. When the thoughts are full and complete say the following:

“Diana it is you that I call

In this night of the full moon

I ask that joy come to me soon

Misconceptions are no more

Unhappiness shall leave my door

Please let others see the real me

As I will it so mote it be”

BLOW the candles out and let the smoke rise and fog the mirror, while this is happening imagine the mirror fogging with the old you. Let it clear on its on. Overnight you should see the change in how others treat you.

 Austin Czarnik Jersey

Spell for Business Success

Perform this spell during a waxing Moon, preferably over Beltane.

Light a green candle on your altar. Place a bill of any denomination on the altar. Tip the candle so that a drop of the wax falls onto the bill.

Write on a piece of green paper the name of your business (or your own name), the present year and the amount of income you wish to gain from this venture in the next twelve months. Place the piece of paper under the bill, and place both under the candle.

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Now cast your circle: light a white candle and walk slowly round the circle to cleanse its energy.

Spell to Bring Success to a New Business VentureWalk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with your besom or a branch (one that has fallen naturally and still has live shoots on it). Walk deosil (clockwise), waving burning sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water on it to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say: I welcome thee, Wind – your breezes renew my venture.

Walk to the North of the circle and say: I welcome thee, Earth – your depth sustains my efforts.

Walk to the South of the circle and say: I welcome thee, Fire – you inflame my passions for my work.

Walk to the West of the circle and say: I welcome thee, Water – you flow to me my wealth.

Stand in the middle of your circle. When you are ready recite the following;

Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light!

Call upon Rosmurta, Celtic Goddess of business success.

Come, Rosmurta, and ensure my success

Light the highest way for this new business

Grant me the wisdom, the plans and the Knowing

To birth in this enterprise a wealth steady growing.

So Mote it Be.

Retrieve the piece of paper from under the candle and burn it in the candle flame, saying:

Into the ethers I release thee

Into the air you’re now set free

Return to me in solid matter

Return to me my business prosperity!

So Mote it Be.

Close the circle. Keep a running log of all the good that comes to your business each day – each new client or customer, every bit of income, every lesson learned.

Read:Wicka- About Wicka and Witchcraft

 Trevor Rosenthal Womens Jersey

New Moon Spell for Friendship

This spell for friendship is to encourage new friendships into your life. We all want friends and someone to relate to. I am working on building not only my book of shadows (this website~!) but also my friendship spells section. This spell is best done on the night of the new moon. Why do this spell on the night of the new moon? The answer is because the new moon signifies new beginnings and starting over. Because the spell is to bring into your life new friendships and positive experiences, the new moon is the best moon correspondence for this spells. Try to be more outgoing and confident, friendly and social for best results.

Spell for Friendship

Spell for Friendship

What You’ll Need:

  • • A white candle
  • • 3 or more of the following herbs; jasmine, rose, sugar, sandalwood, or lavender.
  • • A charmed pen
  • • A few sheets of paper or fine parchment
  • • Almond oil

Place the herbs into the almond and let it sit in dark place for three days and three nights. Anoint the candle with the oil and charge it with your intention. Take a ritual cleaning bath with the candle lit. Sly clad cast your circle and while standing in the center of your circle anoint yourself with the oil.

Take the paper and draw a figure that represents you. Make sure to make the picture clear, if you are a girl make the figure look clearly like a girl. Don’t worry if the hart isn’t that good. Under your picture write the qualities that make you a good friend.

Take the other pieces of paper and draw figures that represent all your new friends and the qualities they possess that make the awesome friends to you. Stay away from shallow qualities like good looks, money or popularity. Write the things they have in common with you; write your similar interests and goals.

When you are done take the drawing representation of you into your power hand, and with each of drawings of your new friends hold it up to the drawing of you making the drawing representations face each other. While holding each of the pairs focus on becoming friends with someone like this and say the following:

‘Soon we shall come to meet, in friendship and happiness we will greet, bold friendships so don’t be meek, you seek me and it is you I seek, you are now a friend to me, as I will it so mote it be.’

Place a drop of oil in the upper right corner of each of the papers and then lay the papers down in front of you.

Meditate on meeting and being great friends with people that possess the qualities you seek. Let the candles burn down or extinguish on its own. You should find yourself attracting new friends before the next new moon. Please tell us about your success with this spell for friendship!

 Juston Burris Jersey