Nine Wood Incense Home Blessing Spell

This is a spell is a home blessing. This spell is to be given to a friend on the day of their move. This spell is not actually a spell per say but more of a working. It is said that the best type of gift for this type of working would be something from nature. A lot of people give wooden items, herbs, plants etc. Another home blessing for your to check out: Windchime Home Blessing.

What You’ll Need:Nine Wood Incense Home Blessing Spell

  • paper
  • charmed pen
  • blessing oil
  • brown candle
  • Nine Woods Incense

Do your usual cleansing and meditation and cast your circle. Anoint your candle with the blessing oil. Charge the candle with your intention. Place the candle on the altar. Spend sometime meditating on the flame.

Take the blessing oil and place 2 drops on each hand starting with your power hand. Rub your hands together to create energy. Feel the protective energy building in your hands. When you feel ready take the incense in your power hand and visualize the energy leaving you hand and infusing with the incense.

Light your incense and take the charmed pen and on the fine parchment paper write something similar to the following (using your own words is best):

I hope you find happiness and joy in your new home; bringing you endless smiles, memories, and protection.

Once the ink on the paper has dried pass the paper through the smoke of the incense three times.

Place the note on your gift and place your gift onto you altar. Spend sometime meditating quietly. Thank the Goddess and close your circle. So mote it be.

Spells like this are wonderful because in the act of selfless giving the three fold law is working its best. Coming from a place of pure love is the best way to do magick and one of the easiest ways to make fast Karma or to change the luck in your life is to give selflessly to others.

This spell is unique and requires simple, easy to get supplies. You can substitute the Nine Woods incense with something like sage, or sandalwood.

If at all possible do this spell on the night of the new moon to signify new beginnings. You can also do this home blessing spell for your own home with chanting instead of writing the note. You can write a chant/blessing and say it aloud while burning the Nine Woods or Sage incense.

I hope you all find some use for this spell. It was written to provide you real and free information. Please leave me a comment below. 🙂

Merry Meet. Merry Part. Merry Meet Again. 🙂

 Jarius Wright Womens Jersey

Spell to Bring Back a Lover

Ah! Back to the love spells. By far I get the most emails and questions on love spells and on how to bring back a lover. I have posted a ton of free and very effective love spell on the love spells page. This spell was sent to me by someone on twitter. They aren’t too keen on sharing there personal information so any questions I will have to do my best to answer for you.

What You’ll Need:

  • a white candle
  • a red candle
  • a new candle holder with a new wick

On Friday night during the time the moon is in its waxing phase, do an aura cleansing and then cast your circle as you normally would. Taking your burin inscribe your name onto the white and your lovers name onto the red candle. Everyday until your lover returns light the white candle and say “truth in all things, love me _____” Place three drops of the white candle wax into your candle hold with the new wick. Then light the red candle with the fire from the white candle and say “You love me you can’t deny return to me ______” place 3 drops of red wax into your new candle.While you are doing this visualize the person with great detail.

Spell to Bring Back a Lover Eventually you will have made a new candle. If your lover hasn’t returned to you by the the time the new candle is made then you are probably not meant to be. If this is the case and you are ready to move on, light the newly form candle and say; “I release you from this spell, in releasing you I release myself, I am open to new love.” Let the candle burn down and burn out.

If you lover returns keep making your candle but change the chants to bind them to you and make your love grow.

 Kyle Lauletta Womens Jersey

Simple Wiccan Spells For Money

wiccan spells for money

wiccan spells for money

This is a one of many wiccan spells for money, found on the web. I found the chant and spell, but I don’t remember where, so if you know where this spell was found, please leave me a comment so I can give appropriate credit.

I also would encourage you guys to visit wiccan spells for money on Everything Under the Moon to find out some great information about being a witch and everything  else. She has a great online book of shadows so if you haven’t been there yet, make sure you check it out! (She is also a kind, but scary person and a great friend! Send plenty of positive energies her way!)

Okay this is another simple money spell. I would suggest you do it on a Thursday, the night of the full moon if at all possible. The full moon is when our magickal energies are at some of there highest and it is always predictive of good results when doing magick based on the lunar cycles. I have not personally done this spell, but please try it and leave a comment below telling me how it worked for you. Magick is a wonder and powerful thing, you might want to read up on Magick Runes and include a Runescript into your magickal working.

wiccan spells for money

This is the spell for money. Do this spell for help in times of financial difficulties. You will need: Cinnamon Oil, and a money note. (It is suggested that you get the largest denomination bill that you have. So $10, $20 and up if you have it, if not the a $1 dollar bill will be find as well.)

Concentrate on your abundance. Search deep within yourself and visualize what you want. Feel as if you have it all right now, as you do this draw or trace the money symbol or rune on the largest money note/bill you have.  Say thank you to the God/dess and know that it is already yours. Put the dollar bill in your wallet and resist spending the money as long as you can. Every time you see the bill visualize the rune and its meaning to enforce its power.

This money spell uses visualization, and rune magick. You can find out more about the magick runes and about runescripts. This is a spell that is easily customizable. You can write the number 8 on a slip of paper and also insert it into your wallet. You can light a green candle when doing the magickal working as an additional correspondence. It is a simple spell, but really effective!

 Trevor Bauer Authentic Jersey

Spell Pouch to Increase Your Psychic Abilities

This is a herbal spell pouch recipe is designed to increase your psychic ability. I believe we all have inherent psychic abilities, it may be more apparent in others, but I believe that we all have that gift. When trying to achieve goals like telekinesis, hydrokinesis, energy manipulation, lucid dreaming, remote viewing or any of goals with the mind it takes dedication to learn all you can and willingness to practice and try. There are plenty of steps you can take on your own to enhance your psychic abilities. Meditation is one that you can do freely. It is my personal belief that mediation enhances our magickal abilities through learning to calm and focus the mind. This herbal pouch will help you to gain psychic sight.

What You’ll Need:Psychic and Divination Spells

  • A velvet or satin bag in purple, silver, or light blue
  • Psychic Air Oil
  • a silver candle
  • 5 or more of the following herbs; mugwort, passion flower, yarrow, lavender, honeysuckle, cinnamon, lemongrass, peppermint, celery (dried).

How to Make Air Oil:

  • 3 drops sandalwood oil
  • 1 drop peppermint
  • 6 drops lavender
  • 1 drop yarrow

Anoint your candle with oil and light the candle. Lay the herbs on your altar and while waving your power hand over the herbs repeat the following:

Brigid the exalted one

Seer of all things

I seek the light of the sun

Give me sight of things unseen

While repeating the chant visualize a light brighter than the sun, a completely white light, surrounding you and building in your hand. When the light becomes bigger than you had can contain, imagine the light shooting into the herbs infusing them with light. Imagine the light surround you and the herbs.

Gather the herbs and place them into your velvet pouch. If you can tie the pouch to a white ribbon do so and make a necklace of the pouch. Sleep with the pouch every night and wear the pouch doing divination spells or rituals.

 Kendrys Morales Authentic Jersey

Spell to Control Water

Hydrokinesis is the right word to describe the ability to control water. You should spend sometime everyday learning to control water through energy manipulation. You may also want to meditate daily. When you learn how to control your mind first you  will then be able to move on to bigger and better things. This is a spell to enhance your magickal abilities.

Spell to Control WaterWhat You’ll Need:

  • Spring Water
  • light blue candle
  • a mirror
  • a glass bowl
  • the moonlight

On the night of the full moon go outside. Find an area where you can capture the moonlight in the water and mirror. When you find your spot place the glass bowl filled with spring water with the mirror in the center. Light the blue candle and meditate on the water.

“Water and I are one indeed; the power increases as I need

Water Ran I ask of thee; lend your miraculous power to me”

In Norse mythology, Ran is the water goddess of the sea. You can used another Deity if you please. After you have said the above take the candle and let 7 drops of the blue candle wax fall into the water. As each drop falls and ripples with intense concentration repeat “Water and I are now one”.

Take the water and the bowl and practice daily to manipulation your energies to control the water. You shouldn’t change the water as it is now enchanted. When practicing you should use your concentration and silently chant “Water and I are now one”.

Thank you to Moonlady for sending me this spell. Have you tried this spell to control water? You can leave questions, comments, suggestions and all else in the comment section below.

Thank you for checking out this site. I post new spells daily so come and check it out!

 Fletcher Cox Authentic Jersey

Gypsy Psychic Ritual for Psychic Sight and Spirit Communications

During a waxing moon in the New Year, or any time you wish to release the past and begin anew, take a purifying bath with sea salt and a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil.

Darken the room except for white candles burning. Burn lavender incense and chant:

Away are distractions; away is the past!
I am floating in water, in air, and am free.
I am pure and released from all that might harm.
I begin again, and perfectly.

So Mote it Be.

Rinse off in clean water. Dress in flowing white clothing or a white robe.

Go to your altar and light a blue, purple or white candle. This candle must be the only light in the room. Ask for the assistance and protection of your Benevolent Spirit Guardians and Guides during this and every divination.Gypsy Psychic

Place a crystal before the light of the candle so that the light shines through it, preferably a crystal that has been exposed to moonlight for the last few nights. A large crystal stone or crystal ball will be your best tool for this, rather than a glass ball.

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Concentrate on the center of the crystal and mentally ask, What do I need to know?

Clear your mind and expect to receive clear images that will offer you insight and inner knowledge: the crystal is your mirror of what may be.

Ask your highest spiritual Mother speak to you from these images – whether a divinity, your own soul or an elemental such as a faery, mermaid or dryad:

Great Spirit of Wisdom with Love for me
It is knowledge I seek, for I wish to see

Speak to me here or in a dream quite soon
Make plain to me my Truth in the light of this moon.

So Mote it Be.

Be open to seeing or any feeling colors or hearing sounds you may not be expecting. Ask for understanding of any scenes, impressions or images that come to mind. Remember that if you see or sense something you do not like, that you have the power to change it.

Look into your crystal – your mirror and your tunnel of insight. Though images may be indistinct, trust your impressions. Often a new insight will feel like something you have inwardly known all along.

The benevolent visiting spirits and your spirit guardians will help you to understand the impressions you have received. Understanding may also come in the form of a dream in which a departed loved one tells you something you need to hear.

Read:Simple Spells for Beginner Wiccans

7-day-psychic-course *7 Day Psychic Development Course

Whether you are just beginning to explore your psychic abilities or have studied the subject for years, this book is for you! These exercise are certain to increase your psychic abilities. A safe, simple and fun program designed to dramatically increase your intuitive abilities in just a few short days.

Check out the; 7 Day Psychic Development Course

 Martavis Bryant Womens Jersey

Spell to Dream of the Future

There are plenty of people who are interested in seeing their future. This is a spell to do that. This Spell to Dream of the Future is design to help you dream of your future but you may dream of a future other than yours. If you are dreaming someone elses future and not your own and this isn’t what you desire spend some time meditating daily to learn to focus your mind. This Spell to Dream of the Future was sent to me by Ashland, who sent me quite a few spells I will be posting either today or tomorrow. Thanks so much Ashland for sending in your awesome spells and helping the website grow.

Spell to Dream of the Future

Thank you for posting my spells! I have a few more I would like to share….

Spell to Dream of the Future

Spell to Dream of the Future

What You’ll Need:

  • light blue paper and a pen (blue ink is best)
  • psychic oil
  • the appropriate candle for your goal
  • purple candle
  • purple cloth
  • herbs: mugwort, ash leaves, bay leaves, passion fruit, and jasmine
  • a silver candle
  • yellow ribbon

How to Make psychic oil:

  • 5 drops of lemon grass
  • 2 drops yarrow
  • 1 drop sandalwood

Do this Spell to Dream of the Future right before bed. First decided your goal. Do you want to see your financial future? Do you wish to see your love future? Do you want to see an important event in your life, like marriage, childbirth, or career? Decide exactly what you want to see. When you decide this charge each candle with your intention. You might want to repeat “This I now see” as you charge each candle. After you charge each candle anoint the candle with the psychic oil.

Light your candles. Spend some time meditating on what you want to accomplish with this dream. Don’t put thoughts about HOW you want your future to look. Just concentrate on knowing the future. When you are ready write your goal onto the paper. Take the cloth and place the herbs in the center. Place 9 drops of the wax from each of you candle onto the paper and place the paper onto the center of you herbs. pull the cloth together to form a herbal pouch and secure it with a yellow ribbon. If the candles can burn safely left them burn as you go to sleep. If the cannot burn safely snuff out each candle in the same order you lit them.

Place the herbal pouch under your pillow. You should receive the answer that night. If you don’t then you probably forgot your dream. You can reuse the pouch again. I wouldn’t use the pouch more than 3 nights in a row. You should sleep with your dream journal near you so you can write down the details of your dream. If you wake up during the night -DONT go back to sleep, write your dream down first.

 Mats Zuccarello Authentic Jersey

Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

This is a spell for weight loss. You can’t lose weight simple by using this spell. You have to change your eating habits and include exercise if you really are aiming to succeed in your weight loss goals. This spell is perfect if you are just beginning your weight loss journey and for those of you who need a boost in motivation. This spell should be done during the waning moon.

Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

What You’ll Need:Pink Candle Weight Loss Spell

  • A pink candle
  • A orange candle
  • Blessing oil
  • A picture of you (as recent as possible – this is optional)
  • Sage incense

Anoint the candles with the blessing oil and spend some time charging them with your intention. Using something to carve with, engrave your current weight onto the pink candle. On the orange candle engrave the candle with your weight goal (I would suggest starting small – less 10 pounds or so). Engrave the rune for beauty on both candles and find a place to engrave your name on both candles.

Cast your circle as you would normally and light your incense first. Then light the pink and orange candles. If you have a picture of yourself, place it in the center of the candles. This should be a picture of you are your current weight. For those of you with digital cameras I would suggest you take a picture and print it out.

Spend some time and meditate on your weight loss goals. Why do you want to lose weight? How will your life, health, and self-esteem be like after you achieved this weight loss goal? When you are ready you can say the following chant or change it to suit you:

With Self-love I come to thee
This isn’t the weight I want to be
This size doesn’t suit me
As I will it so mote it be!

I would suggest you do spend some time every morning saying this chant to yourself for at least 5 minutes. Go from that and immediately do your morning workout. Even if it’s walking in place for 5 minutes!

I lost 50 pounds. I began with walking in place for 15 minute a day (because I couldn’t really do anything else!) and slowly because increasing my walking time. Then I moved into cardio and now I work out every day doing intense cardio for an hour. You can do this and I believe in you!

 Elandon Roberts Womens Jersey

Spell for Increased Abundance

This is a spell for increased abundance. This spell can be done during the phase of the moon you deem best. 🙂

What You’ll Need:Spell for Increased Abundance

  • green or gold candle
  • paper
  • clear crystal
  • myrrh oil
  • visualization skills

Take a green or gold taper candle and scratch onto it the words ‘I AM ABUNDANCE’ with a pin.

Anoint the candle with myrrh or a fine perfume.

Light the candle on your altar or in a quiet place and sit before it.

Write on a piece of paper the amount of money you would like to make, on a monthly or yearly basis. If it is one specific sum that you are asking for, write beside the sum what it is you will use the money for.

Hold a clear crystal before the flame of the candle, so that the light of the candle shines through the crystal. Concentrate on the crystal and the amount you are asking for, feeling that the money is already present with you, as the crystal is. Place the crystal beside the candle.

Close your eyes. Holding the paper with the amount written on it, keep the image of the lit-up crystal in your mind.

Chant fifteen times:

Great Mother, I see that from your Hand now flows,
All the abundance I ask to know.

I open wide to accept this amount and more –
All the wealth that is mine, ‘til now held in store.

I now perfectly give so as to perfectly hold,
The flow of abundance – let my riches unfold!

Blessed Be, and Thanks to our Great Mother for all her gifts.

Now burn the paper with the amount you have asked for in the light of the candle. Scatter the ashes of the paper outdoors in the wind.

Allow the candle to burn all the way down. Carry the crystal on you for at least three days afterward, longer if you wish.

Your abundance is on its way. Actively expect it to come, in ways small and large.

Read: Spell to Dissolve Your Debts

How do you manifest money into your life? Leave all questions/thoughts/quips in the comment section below.

 Mark Clayton Authentic Jersey

Spell to Commune with the Dead

This is a spell to ask the spirits to answer a question, solve a problem etc. While this is a divination spell this can also become a protection spell. I have not personally tried this spell so I can’t personally comment on whether this spell will work for you. Thank Seline for sending this spell!

What You’ll Need:

  • One light blue candle
  • Blessing Oil
  • A picture of the deceased
  • Shilajit and Lavender in a Muslin bag

Anoint the candle with the blessing oil. You can substitute the oil with another oil if you would prefer. Meditate on the flame. See yourself open up as if the veil between the worlds are being lifted. See yourself surrounded by light energy enabling you to commune with anyone you desire.Divination Spells to talk to the dead

Hold the picture right in front of you. Say the following;

No longer with us but wisdom is forever

I ask for your guidance in this matter

Answer me, As I sleep

As I will it so mote it be

Meditate and focus on the questions, situation or problem for which you are seeking guidance. Let the candle burn out and place it in the muslin bag with the lavender, shilajit and three drops of the blessing oil. Place the photo and bad under your pillow and sleep with it for three nights. You should receive the information your requested via your dreams.

This spell was sent to me via email and included no correspondence information, etc. So I don’t exactly know when the owner of this spell would suggest doing it, what day, time, etc. You really don’t need all the information to make a spell work, just tweak and redesign as you see fit. I have a few more interesting articles I’ll post soon, so make sure to come back and see whats new!

Thank you so much for visiting the website. I hope this information helps you. Please leave any questions, comments, suggestions, rants, raves and tips below!

 Ryan Miller Jersey