Spell to Keep Your Job

Are you worried about keeping your job? We all at some point can be worried about being laid off or fired from our place of employment. This could be from something you have done wrong or no fault of yours at all either way this spell will help you keep your job and succeed at it. This spell will take 21 days to secure your job with daily work done by you. This is your chance to prove that this job means a lot to you and that you want to excel. Try this awesome spell to keep your job and keep it for as long as YOU want it.

Spell to Keep Your Job

spell to keep your job

spell to keep your job

What You Need:

  • a purple inked pen
  • a white piece of paper
  • a real commitment for excellence
  1. Write down everything you need to learn to become the best employe in your company.
  2. Exercise every day and meditate 2 a day.
  3. Go to bed early and rise early.
  4. Master everything on your list one by one.
  5. Drink 50 ounces of water per day.
  6. Visualize your success at the company and end it by saying ‘this or something better’.
  7. Light a green candle every Thursday and meditate on what you are doing right.
  8. Give yourself 10 weeks for peak performance to secure your job or get a raise. If after 12 weeks you still are in limbo then you should try to look for another job.

This spell to keep your job has worked for hundreds of people and if it has worked for you then please leave your experience below. This spell is a great tool but you have to do your job and work with the Goddess to prove yourself and you value. Rarely does this spell fail and end with you losing your job. I personally only know of 4 cases where the spell didn’t work to keep them at their current job – they were laid off or had another better opportunity waiting for them.

There are times in our life where a job or position has to come to an end for out personal growth and movement to the next level. If you are unsure of where you are in life  then give this spell three weeks. During these next three weeks I want you to do the following: always show up to work early, journal daily, workout everyday, drink a gallon of water, try your best at work, write your new resume and look for a better opportunity. At the end of the three weeks you will either have a better job or you will be better at your current one.

Thank you for being the best part of Just Wicca. I love you and I support your dreams.

 Mike McGlinchey Jersey

How to Win the Lottery

This spell is to win the lotto. This spell for how to win the lottery should be done on a Thursday and if you are buying a ticket then go purchase during the 7pm hour. You can do this spell to win the lotto by creating a money charm box with the addition of a green pillar candle. If this spell is done during the Full Moon then your chances of winning are extremely potent. If this full moon happens during Leo in Jupiter then watch out! You could be a millionaire in the next 24 hours.

UPDATE: I personally tried this spell for how to win the lottery again with a local chain. I always carry cash with me and smell it often. While smelling the money I say an affirmation. I tried it this week. 8/22 – and won $20.00.

So first you must psychically pick your winning numbers. You must do this by connecting to your inner self and write down the numbers that come to you. They must GENUINELY come to you for them to be the winning numbers. Read more about how to do automatic writing.

How to Win the Lottery

how to win the lottery

How to Win the Lottery

Once you have your numbers you should cleanse yourself and light your candle on the altar.  Chant the numbers and add ‘I am wealthy’ after the set. Do this for 7 minutes and then snuff out the candle. Place the numbers in your pocket and if you life place a drop of attraction oil on the paper and carry the crystal with you.

Buy the ticket and wait for your wealth to come in.

So I did this spell and because I have been practicing witchcraft for a while I knew I wouldn’t win the lotto but I also knew it was more of a symbol to bring wealth and abundance into my life.

Very quickly the money started rolling in… even more so than my everything under the moon money spell (which is still my favorite). I bought a scratch off in Atlanta (because its illegal to gamble in my state) and won $210 dollars. I don’t really do it much, but basically you use a penny and rub off this flaky paint to see if you win. After that we get home and there is a check for $20 from when we got ripped off by papa johns, lol.

My best friend Leai and I decided to test my luck by going to a nearby casino (a 3 hour drive)… and I won 2000.00. I won’t say that gambling isn’t fun – it really is.. I see why people can’t control themselves! I do have to say that this isn’t a guarantee that you will make money from doing this but I did experience magic.

So I tried the spell as soon as I could again and won $5!

Then I did it again and won nothing… but I did get a free fry from McDonald’s…. lol.

I guess the Universe was over me just being greedy and only entertained me once.

 Tress Way Authentic Jersey

Spells for Wealth

Wealth and Prosperity

Wealth and Prosperity

Have any questions about this post? Read the forum discussion here. (After five posts you’ll receive an awesome gift!)

I have many spells for wealth and this is one of my favorites.

It lasts for one year and was found online. (I don’t have the exact credits, so please leave a comment if you know who wrote this spell. Although this spell is included onto this site, it may be considered old magick to some. It does seem a bit more traditional and it my be hard to locate Coltsfoot leaves. You can find some online :Medicinal And Botanical Herbs – Coltsfoot Leaves Cut & Sift. Although you may be unfamiliar with working with herbs, herbs are an effective method of magick and seem to make almost every spell more effective. It is also known as; Tussilago farfara, Horsehoof, Coughwort, Fieldhove, Bullsfoot, Cleats, Clayweed, Tusilago, and Ass’s Foot can be included in your spells for wealth.

Here is some interesting information about Coltsfoot from Mountain Rose Herbs:

Coltsfoot grows wild over much of Europe, and has been used traditionally to treat chest ailments for hundreds of years. The name is derived from the horseshoe shaped leaves. It was so popular in Europe at one time that French pharmacists painted its flowers on their doorposts. It was brought to the American colonies from Europe. American colonists were known to wrap persons afflicted with whooping cough in blankets that had been soaked with a coltsfoot infusion. The fleshy leaves, stems and buds are also used in traditional Asian folk medicine to treat asthma, dry cough and bronchitis. Before the plant flowers, it resembles butterbur enough that old herbals caution against confusing the two. At one time, smoking dried coltsfoot leaves was a recommended treatment for coughs, bronchitis and emphysema symptoms. Nowadays, the recommended preparation is a tea. In fact, many herbal practitioners recommend preparing a thermos of coltsfoot tea before bed so that it is ready to be taken first thing in the morning when the coughs due to chronic lung problems are at their worst.

So this spell is fairly simple, all you need is the coltsfoot, an ear of corn and a dollar bill. It is traditionally done during the time of the harvest, but I can’t find anything about the lunar phases, or dates recommended to do this magickal working, it may be best to use your own judgement.

Spells for Wealth

Here is one of the simple spells for wealth. For wealth for a year, take the husk from an ear of corn and put a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment,

“Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at————–(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen.”

Sign your name. Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with Coltsfoot leaves. Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon. Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord. That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel. This is one of my more simple spells for wealth.

*NOTE Some herbs are toxic to ingest, make sure you are being smart when working with them.

Have you tried any spells for wealth? Michael Johnson Jersey

Simple Money Charm Spell

Simple Money Charm

This spell is best worked on the day of Jupiter, and money corresponding day; Thursday, and under the waxing moon.

You would need for this simple money charm spell:

1)    Item to charm with whether it could be a necklace/earring/ring/or

something you would keep with you at all times.

1)    Green or Gold Candles.

1)    White Candle

1)    Bowl

And herbs that draws money such as:  Allspice, Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon,

Ginger, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Patchouli, Pine, or sage.

Anointing Money Oil: Basil, Cinnamon, Patchouli, or Pine.

 Money Charm

How to create a simple money charm:

1)    Cast your circle

2)    Cleanse, and consecrate your items that you will use, also you can dash your candles as well with money attracting herbs.

3)    Light all candles, place the item in the bowl, and dash the herb or herbs of your choice on the selected item.

4)    Now meditate on white light protecting your charm/talisman, and then circle the white candle around the 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell “Object of mine, may the Universe bring protection divine. Banish negativity, and bring positivity. Bring harm to none, and myself.  I ask of thee perfect love, and trust. So it shall be. So mote it be!”

5)    Next meditate on a green light, and on how money is attracting to your money charm/talisman. Then Circle the green/gold candle around the bowl 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell:”Object of mine, may the Universe bring me prosperity, and wealth divine. May the come in the most correct way, harming none, and myself. I ask of thee. So mote it be!”

6)    Now place your hand on top of the bowl envision a mixture of green, and white light coming from your own energy releasing onto the charm, circle your hands around the bowl 3 times clockwise.  Say this small spell:”Great Universe divine, in perfect love, and trust I thank thee, bring me positivity, and happiness harming none, and myself. So mote it be!”

7)    Meditate for about 5 minutes or as long as you feel the need.  Then snuff the candles out, place the charm around your neck, finger, or wrist.

8)    Close your circle, and immediately dispose of the candles by burial or moving waters.

9)    Be patient and positive bringing good onto others, as good will be done onto you.  Blessed be!

 Alex Wood Authentic Jersey