Weight Loss Magic Spell

This wiccan spell to lose weight is my second most popular wiccan weight loss spell on Just Wicca. I have this spell to lose weight and this pink candle weight loss spell.  Try this spell during the Waning Moon for best results. The Waning Moon is the perfect time to do any wiccan spell to lose weight because it represents breaking curses, stopping bad habits and removing negativity in your life. If you can do this spell on a Saturday then try to do so.

Why try a wiccan spell to lose weight?

Wiccan Spell to Lose Weight

A lot of people find it hard to lose weight. Some of this may be from bad habits but sometimes its for other serious reasons. This spell won’t help you lose weight on your own. You will have to do a cardio workout everyday until at least one year after you reach your goal weight. If you can’t commit to this then you don’t really want to lose weight and if you are really serious then you must drink water and eat right as well..

What You Need:

Light the black candle and place 1 drop of oil into the candle. Affirm while looking into the flame that you no longer have an addiction to food. You no longer have unhealthy habits. Do this over and over until you feel the energy from the flame eating the fat and making you thin. Go and workout for an hour after doing this spell.

Do  this wiccan spell to lose weight every week until you reach your goal weight. After you reach your goal weight do a purification spell and continue to work out every day.  Your light will be magical for every day you work out without making an excuse. Good luck!

If you tried this weight loss spell then leave a comment below!

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Wiccan Spell for Happiness (For Others or Self!)

Are feeling down? Looking for a wiccan spell for happiness? Then try this spell for happiness and be amazed at how soon you start to feel better! This spell takes a lot of dedication so I don’t recommend this spell for people who are depressed. I know you are curious as to why — this spell seems perfect for someone who is sad.. right? Not at all. Depression is real and can affect someone in really life impacting ways. It can be hard for someone suffering from depression to feel motivated to do even simple things that you and I may take for granted every day (drinking water, daily exercise and meditation, being with friends etc).

Wiccan Spell for Happiness
wiccan spell for happiness

What You Need:

  • 5 Vanilla Candles and Incense
  • Star Oil
  • White Flowers (whatever that is in season is fine!)
  • A Wiccan Altar
  • Animal Familiar or Magical Name

Go out and look at the moon before beginning the spell. Look at the moon and meditate on its beauty. Do this until you are ready to do the spell. Place the candles and incense onto the altar.  Light the candles and place the flowers around the candles. Place 2 drops of star oil into each of the candles and dab some on both of wrists on the bottom side of your hand.  Dedicate each candle to which ever Deities you would like (Goddess Library). Repeat the following chant:

“White is the light and white is the joy,

white represents love and laughter,

Goddess bright in beauty hear my call

Bless me with your love and luck

So mote it be.”

Do this for the next 5 days allowing your candles to burn down for a little each day. On the fifth day allow the candles to burn down. Once the spell is complete, gather the ashes from the incense, drippings from the candles and the flowers in a brown bag. Dump the items into a stream or moving body of water. Don’t look back! Just walk away.

Your life should change with in the next 28 days!

NOTES : You must do this wiccan spell for happiness during the waxing moon on a Sunday. Michael Cooper Jersey

Wiccan Spell to Quit Smoking

Is there a spell to quit smoking? Well the obvious answer is yes! This is a modified version of a spell that was written over 28 years ago. This spell is useful to stop drug use of any kind but can also be used as a spell to quit smoking cannabis. Having a habit control your life isn’t health. If you still have trouble with the urge to smoke and can’t get over smoking something like tobacco which is so harmful to your health – then please seek professional guidance. Check out this link for how to quit smoking if you are a teen for more helpful information.

Wiccan Spell to Quit Smoking

What You Need:

  • white wearable charm
  • white running clothes
  • nicotine patch

You must do this spell on the morning of the new moon at 7 am. Take a white charm of some sort and dressed in all white set flame to all your cigarettes. Put on a nicotine patch and your white charm and go for a run. While running (or walking if you are really out of shape) chant mentally or aloud: ‘Goddess grant me health, steadfast this morn, ye path I accept, I smoke nor longer, I deal with things in a healthy way, I no longer wish to smoke’. Run or walk your mile and then go back to start your day.

spell to quit smoking

You should try to run to this chant for 40 days. Start an online journal and let people know you are quitting, start a YouTube channel to document your experience and to watch your own progress. Speak to a therapist or find an online support group to encourage you to not give up. 40 days after doing this spell to quit smoking you should be thinner, happier, healthier and NOT SMOKING!

If you decide to do this wiccan spell to quit smoking – please leave your comments below! Thank you for coming by!

Helpful Notes:

There are many different methods that have successfully helped people to quit smoking, including:
  • Quitting smoking cold turkey.
  • Systematically decreasing the number of cigarettes you smoke.
  • Reducing your intake of nicotine gradually over time.

 How to Quit Smoking

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