Simple Money Charm Spell

Simple Money Charm

This spell is best worked on the day of Jupiter, and money corresponding day; Thursday, and under the waxing moon.

You would need for this simple money charm spell:

1)    Item to charm with whether it could be a necklace/earring/ring/or

something you would keep with you at all times.

1)    Green or Gold Candles.

1)    White Candle

1)    Bowl

And herbs that draws money such as:  Allspice, Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon,

Ginger, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Patchouli, Pine, or sage.

Anointing Money Oil: Basil, Cinnamon, Patchouli, or Pine.

 Money Charm

How to create a simple money charm:

1)    Cast your circle

2)    Cleanse, and consecrate your items that you will use, also you can dash your candles as well with money attracting herbs.

3)    Light all candles, place the item in the bowl, and dash the herb or herbs of your choice on the selected item.

4)    Now meditate on white light protecting your charm/talisman, and then circle the white candle around the 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell “Object of mine, may the Universe bring protection divine. Banish negativity, and bring positivity. Bring harm to none, and myself.  I ask of thee perfect love, and trust. So it shall be. So mote it be!”

5)    Next meditate on a green light, and on how money is attracting to your money charm/talisman. Then Circle the green/gold candle around the bowl 3 times clockwise. Chant this following spell:”Object of mine, may the Universe bring me prosperity, and wealth divine. May the come in the most correct way, harming none, and myself. I ask of thee. So mote it be!”

6)    Now place your hand on top of the bowl envision a mixture of green, and white light coming from your own energy releasing onto the charm, circle your hands around the bowl 3 times clockwise.  Say this small spell:”Great Universe divine, in perfect love, and trust I thank thee, bring me positivity, and happiness harming none, and myself. So mote it be!”

7)    Meditate for about 5 minutes or as long as you feel the need.  Then snuff the candles out, place the charm around your neck, finger, or wrist.

8)    Close your circle, and immediately dispose of the candles by burial or moving waters.

9)    Be patient and positive bringing good onto others, as good will be done onto you.  Blessed be!

 Alex Wood Authentic Jersey