Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

If you are curious to know if someone you like, likes you, or is interested in you, do this spell. This Spell to See if He Likes You usually will do the trick so you can be certain about the others persons feelings for you. This love spell won’t make someone fall in love with you but it will make sure their are no obstacles blocking your path. I would suggest your do this spell on a Friday. Waxing or Waning moons are fine it would depend on your particular intentions to dictate the phase.

Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

Spell to See if He Likes You

What You’ll Need:

  • a wine glass
  • silk red ribbon
  • gold ring
  • a gold candle
  • a red candle
  • a picture of the person you want to attract

If you have an altar place the wine glass in the center. Take the red ribbon and pull it through the ring. You will need enough red ribbon to make a necklace. You can also modify this spell by braiding your red ribbon. What you have done basically was make a pendulum. Light the red and gold candles side by side with the picture of the person in the middle of the altar and candles. Hold your pendulum in the air and begin the spell.

Say you name and the persons name three times. Pause for three seconds in between repeating the names. Do this while meditating intensely on the picture of the person. If you don’t have a picture you should close your eyes and visualize the person with great detail. Spell his or her name aloud and as you say each letter of their name out loud ping the ring against the glass. For example if the person I was attracted to name was Adam I would say ‘A’ the tap the glass with the ring, ‘D’ and do the same, etc. etc. Just do the first name and really focus on the person.

Wear the ring as a necklace with the red silk ribbon threaded through for three (3) weeks. You should only take off your charmed necklace when you are repeating the spell. You should repeat the spell for the next three Fridays at the same time. I would suggest dong this spell at 11 pm on those Friday nights.

After you complete the Spell to See if He Likes You if there is no response by the end of the third week you should now really consider if this person is really for you. Some things never go as planned, some feelings are never returned. It may be hard to realize but maybe its time to move on. At least now you can move and start working towards happiness… whatever that may mean for you. 🙂

 Will Fuller V Womens Jersey