Weight Loss Magic Spell

This wiccan spell to lose weight is my second most popular wiccan weight loss spell on Just Wicca. I have this spell to lose weight and this pink candle weight loss spell.  Try this spell during the Waning Moon for best results. The Waning Moon is the perfect time to do any wiccan spell to lose weight because it represents breaking curses, stopping bad habits and removing negativity in your life. If you can do this spell on a Saturday then try to do so.

Why try a wiccan spell to lose weight?

Wiccan Spell to Lose Weight

A lot of people find it hard to lose weight. Some of this may be from bad habits but sometimes its for other serious reasons. This spell won’t help you lose weight on your own. You will have to do a cardio workout everyday until at least one year after you reach your goal weight. If you can’t commit to this then you don’t really want to lose weight and if you are really serious then you must drink water and eat right as well..

What You Need:

Light the black candle and place 1 drop of oil into the candle. Affirm while looking into the flame that you no longer have an addiction to food. You no longer have unhealthy habits. Do this over and over until you feel the energy from the flame eating the fat and making you thin. Go and workout for an hour after doing this spell.

Do  this wiccan spell to lose weight every week until you reach your goal weight. After you reach your goal weight do a purification spell and continue to work out every day.  Your light will be magical for every day you work out without making an excuse. Good luck!

If you tried this weight loss spell then leave a comment below!

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