Spell to Open Someone’s Heart

There are many times in our life where we close our hearts or others close their hearts to us. This could be due to childhood abuse, a bad break-up, stressful day to day interactions and more. This spell to open someone heart is intended to help the person see that they should not close their heart to you because you or worthy of their love and will never harm them. This is a very important spell and it is important that you take full responsibility for what you have done or this spell will not work. If you have wronged this person in any way – it is vital that you apologize and own up to your actions. Do not preference this ownership by also mentioning what they have done to you. This is a spell for them to open their hearts – not the other way around.

Spell to Open Someone’s Heart

spell to oepn someone's heart

spell to open someone’s heart

What You’ll Need:

  • a pink candle
  • 3 small tea-light candles
  • rose oil
  • white paper
  • red ink or marker
  • red string
  1. (1)Place drops of the rose oil on all of your candles and let it dry. You are using the rose oil to charge the candles.
  2. (2)Place the candles on you altar and light them. If you don’t have an altar you can use another space.
  3. (3)Take the white paper and with your red inked pen draw a heart in the center.
  4. (4)Write the name of the person in the center of the heart.
  5. (5)Fold the four corners towards the middle of the paper.
  6. (6)Roll the paper and tie it with the string.
  7. (7)Place the paper on your altar and say the following chant three times: (after you say the chant snuff out one of the tea light candles) “Open the heart of the person I love, as I will it the answer appears from above (tap your third eye), so mote this wish be, by the power of the goddess, three x three.”
  8. (8)Let the main candle burn out (only if it’s safe!).

This spell to open someone’s heart is really powerful and can work in many unexpected ways. After doing this spell you might receive a call/letter/text/message unexpectedly or bump into the person on the street. You may feel a urge to text unexpectedly and it could be at the exact moment they had you on their minds. I will say to wait up to one week before contacting the person because you do want to give the spell some time to work but many people will reach out when they feel compelled to and still have great openness and conversation with the person they love.

Have you tried this spell to open someone’s heart? Leave you experience in the comments below along with any changes you made or tips you may have. Thank you for being the best part of Just Wicca, all the spells I write or find and I post them just for you and your journey on your personal spiritual path.

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Wiccan Candle Magic Forgiveness Spell

As I work on myself and work on changing my life for the better, I realize how hurt I am and how fragile I am as a person and human being. I have a lot of emotion pent up inside of me. A lot of issues, a lot of darkness, a lot of anger. I wanted to write a forgiveness spell to help aid in the release of those emotions from your life.

Wiccan Forgiveness Spell

forgiveness spell

  1. Cast your circle
  2. Light a candle (this should be decided by you. Have a look at spell candles: colors and meanings for more information)
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Chant the following : I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank You.
  5. Chant the sentences, in that order – for 9 minutes.
  6. Do this often.

This chant is a very ancient tradition and it helps tremendously to clear negative energies and karma. You can enhance this forgiveness spell by writing a letter of self-forgiveness and piercing a needle through the lemon with the letter attached.

A lot of of my spells lately have included lemon. Check out my new lemon love spell. I see that lemon represents; love, success and healing – all of which apply here.

Take the lemon and bury it in a place that you do have to see often. This symbolizes the release of this energy away from you – the distance and also renewal. The earth will change the lemon and the negative energies attached to them. It will wither and fade -just like your pain – and transform into something more.

This was my forgiveness spell MAINLY for self-forgiveness. This spell should be used as you see fit. You are co-creating your universe and you do have a say in how you want your life to turn out. I am working on being patient, kind and generous because those things weren’t shown to me as a child and I would like to be healthy of mind and spirit before utilizing my full mother Goddess energy.

I am working on creating a YouTube to upload pagan meditations. I have one spell enhancement video up – but cannot wait to create more for you guys!

Thank you for joining the forum! Thank you for liking and sharing this post. Hey – a powerful woman told me you were awesome! –  Thanks for being awesome!


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