Real Prosperity :)

Real Prosperity

Real prosperity really comes from within. Freeing your body and mind is essential in meditation. Being able to leave the past in the past, and being present not looking forward or back is the key to unlocking your minds full potential.

In this craft as we all know it we feel as though we are on a road, or path. Regardless of tradition, we think we are on this earth to follow a path to enlightenment, and perfection. We are always trying to perfect ourselves. We usually feel that this is the will Real Prosperityof the God. Keeping in mind some people may call God, the Goddess, the Great Spirit, the Universal Creator, etc. But what it boils down to is the fact that there is a seed of consciousness within us all that truly is perfect. And this universal seeds mission is to remind us, to help come back to who we truly are. It is the universe asking us to come back to our perfection. The universe wants us to have real prosperity.

This seems simple enough, but the problem we have on our road to ‘perfection’ is the world around us. The world as we know it trains us to come from a view point of scarcity, and poverty at all times. It’s the mindset that is embedded in us. If you think to yourself on this path to perfection “I must go perfect myself, and because I am on the road to perfection I, myself, am imperfect”, or if you are thinking to yourself “I need to go get money, because I am broke”, or “I need a relationship because I am lonely” we seem to always becoming from a sense of lack or a point of view that the world is lack, but in reality we can have all that we want and there will still always be more for the taking. The world is full of abundance.

We go out looking for these things that we ‘need’ to fill this void within ourselves and we do this all from a viewpoint of scarcity. But in reality the craft and most other religions teaches us that this is completely wrong. It teaches us that we are already perfect. That we already have it all and we have an abundance of everything we could possibly need at all times. What you don’t need is to get more things, what you need is to let go. Let go of the emotions surrounding money, love, lack, need, and watch the universe give you abundance. The universal consciousness as it stands today thinks lack, but if you think of abundance then abundance will come to you. Like attracts like, like thoughts, like actions, all attract the same, master this concept and get real prosperity.

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