How to Make Your Own Magick Runes

Wondering how to make your own Magick Runes? Then you are in the right place. In this article I will go over how to make magick runes out of wooden tiles, stones, and rune cards. The runes that you yourself make will always be better connected to you, than ones that you would buy. They carry your personal essence, and your personal energies. This is not to say that it is impossible to be in tune with some runes or rune stones that you purchase, but know that it is likely to take some time to connect with the runes and use them effectively.Make Your Own Magick Runes

How to Make Your Own Magick Runes with Wooden tiles. You can buy blank wooden tiles online, or you can make them by cutting up some then pieces of wood. If you cut your own wooden tiles then make sure that you sand the pieces of wood to a smooth surface. This is simply to make sure you don’t hurt yourself when working with the tiles. Afterwards you freely decorate your runes tiles. I would recommend not to draw additional symbols onto one tile as it can distort the meanings, also make sure to not draw things that are representative of the runic symbol onto the tiles. On my most recent set of rune tiles I painted the whole tile white, and then painted the rune symbol with extreme care in either purple, green, or black.

How to Make Your Own Magick Runes with Blank Note Cards. You can buy blank note cards from any dollar store. I prefer to buy the kind with a blank front and back, but some people buy the kinds with one blank sign and write the meanings of the symbols onto the lined side. I make mine with the blank note cards and a black permanent marker. I think take a finer lined marker and write out the meanings of the runic symbols on the bottom on the card. Because I buy the blank cards on both sides I draw the rune on both side. You can even go as far as to draw a reversal, but I rarely do.

How to Make Your Own Magick Runes with blank stones. You can find the stones outside, by the river or even through a forest. People tend to like to find the stones that they will use themselves because the stones that they pick hold a special significance to them and nature. Once you find the 24 stone that you will use (25 if you want a blank card, or blank rune) wash, concentrate and blessed the runes. Then take the time to write the rune symbols with care. If you use paint or a market then make sure you use a type that is water proof.

Now that you know how to make your own magick runes go make some and put the to use. Of course it is wise to note that you should ask the God/dess for guidance and safety before during any rune workings, also bless and consecrate the runes, and make sure you are in a clear mind before you use your runes.

Here is some good information about runes from BewitchingWays:

Once the runes are dry, you are ready to cleanse and consecrate them. My ritual for this follows. It’s a great ritual, if I do say so myself-very powerful. Saying each rune’s name aloud during the ritual gives each rune its identity. Placing the runes in the cauldron is transforming them from mere stones/wooden disks to divinatory tools. Blowing on them further attunes them to your energies and use.

Once you’ve completed the ritual, the runes are ready for you to use. Keep your runes with you; carry them in a pouch in your purse or briefcase, sleep with them at night, give them a designated spot on your altar during rituals. Meditate with them-hold Fehu and meditate on its meanings, and work through the set. You may discover different interpretations as you work with the runes. Practice working with them, and they will become a part of you. And they will never let you down.

Read: Divination Runes

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