Spell to Bring Someone To You
This is a spell to bring someone to you. This spell is pretty simple and should make the person come, call, email, message, text or send a letter to you. Basically they should reach out and communicate with you in some way. I have tried this spell and variations of it many times with varying success.
Once, when I was at 18ish the time, I was dating this older guy who actually slept with my best friend (long story, knew this girl since 5th grade!). This really wasn’t a guy I should have had anything to do with, but I missed him (very stupid of me), I thought I loved him (in reality I didn’t want to be alone) so I did this spell.
Unfortunately it worked and I had the person in my life for another 3 years. Doing those 3 years more of the same occurred, with me allowing this person to hurt me and treat me poorly. None of that really matters but suffice it to say the spell worked. The spell worked so well that when I wanted him gone he stayed in my life anyway!
And even crazier – I haven’t talked to this person in years, but he often mentions me to a mutual friend and is constantly trying to get in touch with me! EEEKKK! It seems as though if I even send a thought that persons way, he will pick up on the energies and want to communicate with me!
UPDATE!: I still had a lot of resentment towards the guy but he got my email from the mutual friend and emailed me. This was fine and so he called… He STILL — after 3 AND A HALF YEARS (almost exactly because I’ve been with my current beau for 3) wants to be with me. He was on the phone saying how I would always be his baby, etc. He even claimed that he was going to drive to my house (and I live with my awesome BF) and steal me away! WEIRD, right? But back to the story…
I forgave the person a long time ago for everything he did and I forgave myself for being weak and letting it happen. BUT I still don’t won’t this person in my life because they are trouble! Anyhoo.. Here is the spell!
Spell to Bring Someone to You
This spell should be done during the waxing moon on a Wednesday night
What You’ll Need:
- 3 brown candles
- A dish
- 1 white altar candle
- a picture of the person
Place your white candle in the center of your altar on the dish and light it. Place the 3 brown candles in front of the white ones. The center brown candle and the white candle should be aligned.
Place the picture of the person on or near the center brown candle. Light the candles and chant “Come to me” while meditating on the flames. Do this for 3 minutes.
Snuff the candles and repeat the ritual everyday at the same time for three days. You should try to do this ritual on the hours of 3, 7 or 9 (meaning am or pm) and On the third night let all the candles burn down on there own.
Within a week you should run into the person, hear from the person, or someone will mention the person to you.
This can be a fun spell, maybe I would have enjoyed my results if I were trying to bring a childhood friend back into my life. Don’t do this spell on an ex… its not worth it… IMHO!