Difference between Harry Potter and Wicca

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If you’re like me, you grew up with the Harry Potter books and loved exploring that fantasy world in the pages and also in the movies. You are part of the Harry Potter generation and that’s just fine. You can enjoy Harry Potter separately from Wicca. You don’t have to be offended by the books’ representation of magic. Why? Because Harry Potter has NOTHING to do with Wicca. Harry Potter is purely fictional. However, there are some naysayers that insist that the Harry Potter series has to do with the Wicca religion and witchcraft. Those naysayers claim that the books promote witchcraft and encourage kids to become Wiccans, which is just preposterous.

To begin with, Wiccans believe that magic is using the natural energy of the earth to make things happen in a particular way.  Harry Potter doesn’t say anything about this. Indeed, magic in the Harry Potter universe seems to come from the individual. It’s a genetic trait more than anything else.

For Wiccans, everyone has the potential to be a witch as long as they study and train. In Harry Potter, you either have the magical ability to cast spells or you don’t. If you don’t, you’re known as a Muggle or a Squib. A Muggle is a person who has no magical traits whatsoever. A Squib does have magical traits but is generally so poor at performing magic that they can barely cast a spell. Either way, performing magic is light and day when it comes to Wicca and Harry Potter.

Wicca itself is a religion and it’s not based on magic at all. Indeed, some Wiccans don’t even practice magic at all. It’s a matter of personal choice. As for Harry Potter, magic is certainly not a religion. In that world, magic is considered a talent or skill.

Last but not least, Wiccans don’t really conform to any typical stereotypes of magic, at least not when it comes to dress and magic spells. Conversely, Harry Potter features magical creatures and spells of any kind. You practically run the whole gamut of the whole supernatural genre when reading the books and encountering the characters.

Suffice it to say, Harry Potter and the Wicca religion are worlds apart. To compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges. And to those critics that would denounce the Harry Potter series…honestly, it’s just a book. A fascinating, amazing, epic and FICTIONAL book. Lighten up and have a little fun. Brandon Parker Womens Jersey