Hello! December – Winter Wish Spell
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This love spell was sent to me via mail. This spell is to be done during the first week of December but it is preferable to do it the first day. This spell will help you find a new love interest or crush and give you great luck throughout the month of December. December is a great month for white witches. So many of our pagan roots can be seen throughout the festivities of the month. I personally have a blue and silver solstice tree up and it always makes me feel like I’m living in a winter wonderland! Have you decorated for winter? Thanks for being here you guys are the best holiday gifts I could ask for. Also I have a ton of stuff planned so… just you wait!
Hello! December – A Winter Wish Spell
This is a simple love spell requiring a very small amount of supplies. Try this spell any day during the first week of December but try to find a good corresponding moon phase.
Items needed:
- 2 white candles
- a pinch of sugar
- parchment paper
- writing utensil
- Take the time to meditate and cleanse yourself with a shower or bath. Spend sometime visualizing you wishes for this month. Use happy, gleeful thoughts and create vivid memories for whats ‘already happened’ in the month ahead.
- Light the candles and give thanks to the Universe or your Goddess/Gods in whichever manner you deem appropriate.
- Spend some time to bask in the glow of the candle light and raise your energies.
- Write down some of the things you wish for the upcoming month. Write down your wishes exactly as you see them happening. With each wish you write, see it coming true and feel the feelings you will feel as it comes true. For more advanced witches you can also include the sounds and smells you will encounter as your wish comes true.
- Fold the paper and write on the top ‘so mote it be’. Place the folded piece of paper between the candles.
- Place the pinch of sugar over the paper in a small dish, as you do say aloud ‘So mote it be’.
- Light the candles every day and visualize your wishes coming true.
I love this spell and I myself am so excited to try it tonight! Spells like these are my favorite because they use the power of manifestation. I know you can manifest basically anything you want into this reality. You just need the tools to know how. I am reading a book and soon I will have a review of it so you guys can read it for free and learn from it. Look for it! I love you all!