The Wiccan Athame
An wiccan athame is a ceremonial double-edged knife, used in Wiccan rituals, also used by the Druids. Staff is the tool par excellence witch, a witch can do without any tools but always have at his side anĀ Wiccan athame with which to make their magic work. The knife as a magic tool goes back to the dawn of humanity, was the first object conceived as a tool in an environment where survival depended on being able to cut and scrape away the surrounding materials. No wonder they came to represent a magic weapon for energy management, therefore became an important symbol in rituals.
More about The Wiccan Athame
It is a phallic symbol, attributed to God and belonging to the fire element *. It is a tool of control and manipulation, we use energy management, tracing the circle, to consecrate, to develop energy lines, whether in air or on some material, for example on salt or on the ground. Traditionally long leaf (slightly more than the palm of the practitioner) double-edged and black handle not only to differentiate it from Bollin, if that is a tool that it can store energy for later use black is an energy absorber. It is not necessary thatsharp and we will not cut anything with it (to cut use the Bollin, I’ll explain later).
It is almost impossible to produce it yourself, so I recommend to look at gun shops or specialty shops. Yet we can customize it by putting our name on the sheet, registering a rune, the name of one male and one female deity, or even the most common and record the pentacle. A few years ago that has become fashionable among some Wiccans use a wooden wiccan athame, so they can produce it themselves, no one would ever use wooden wiccan athame and it would change completely its symbolism, in some way would be a sort of wand becoming a tool of the air element.
* Some Wiccans consider the athame a tool for the element Air, and Fire wand, the reason is because they follow the teachings of the Golden Dawn, but most Wiccans, continue the tradition that followed, we believe that both the athame the sword is attributed to the fire element, and the staff at Air, as is the tradition and so is documented historically.