Spell for Lost Pet

Animal Spells

wiccan animal spells

Wiccan Animal Spells are an nice addition to any book of shadows. You can find spells to find a lost animal, spells to speak to animals and more.

Animal Spells: Find Your Lost Pet

You must be in a meditative state with one green candle for luck, one white candle for wishing, one blue candle for health, and one red candle for strength. Get a scared bowl filled with pure water, and light the candles around the bowl.

Look at the water and visualize your pet.

Chant “Lost love return to me, lost love its you I seek, mother goddess I ask of you, let this wish of mine come true”.

Chant the spell over and over while visualizing your pet, remember him or her perfectly, and imagine them coming home. You can also hold something that they like, a toy, or a jar of treats to help you settle in the right mindset for this magickal working. Be in the moment as you find them, feel the feelings you feel, all the while chanting and meditating deeply.

Do this Wiccan animal spell everyday for one week, if the pet hasn’t return within one week, wait one week and try again.

This is one of hundreds of free wiccan animal spells on this site and I hope that if you have a lost pet then you will some success with this spell. Wiccan animal spells are interesting in general but this one is very useful and practical on a much broader level.

You can leave a comment or ask a question about this wiccan animal spell or use the search bar to find a spell that will work for you. I would try to modify or write a few of my own wiccan animals spells to have in your book of shadows. Good Luck! I am interested to see if this spell works for you guys 🙂

Magick is a wonderful gift given to us by mother earth to manifest anything that we want in life. I believe in the power of manifestation, witchcraft and magick, and I know that is real because I used magick every day. For those of you who don’t use magick often, or not at all it is my recommendation after you read a bit more on the subject that you consider getting witchcraft exposed.

 Ryan Groy Jersey