spell to have prophetic dreams

Most of us are curious about the dream state and this spell to have prophetic dreams helps to abate that curiosity. The dream plane is a wonderful place that’s different and the same for everyone. The dream space is an enigma, it is deep and expansive but allusive but near. There are no words that come with the power of knowing the astral plane and not limits to what you can create there. So! If you ever wanted a spell to dream what you want, use this one! I am so excited for your results.


spell to have prophetic dreams

spell to have prophetic dreams

spell to have prophetic dreams

What You Will Need:

  • a purple cloth
  • dream herbs (yarrow, mugwort etc.)
  • a yellow string (yarn, cord, rope etc.)
  • 1 large all night candle (make sure the candle is safe!)
  • white paper
  • a purple inked pen

What do you want to dream? Do you want to see the future? Do you wish to dream of you and your current spouse? Do you have a question you need answered or a problem solved? How would you like the question to be answered? Remember this spell to have prophetic dreams is just for you and what you want to dream about so be as clear as possible.

Light the candles and place the cloth in the center. Write down what you wish to dream about onto the paper in great detail and fold the paper into a triangle. Place the paper in the center of the cloth and place the herbs on the top of the paper. Bind the cloth with the yellow cord and place it under your pillow. The answer will come to you in your sleep within 9 days.

NOTE: Keep a dream journal to make sure you don’t forget the dream and your answer!

Dream divination is a common practice in Wicca and witchcraft. You really don’t know the power of the mind if you haven’t explored it. You can do so much with your mind and really cultivate its power and growth. I do have to warn you to be careful what you wish for when using this spell to have prophetic dreams. Nazem Kadri Jersey